By now you have all checked the mail and received your results.
When will the first lawsuit be filed?
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Please keep in mind that this is an open blog
that can and is read by people other than Chicago Police Officers.
Sue for what? Everyone got to take the damn thing again. Sue away crybabies, I am a no clout guy who has work his entire carreer in the ghetto (did not retake part two) and I did O.K...... It can be done.
Already called a lawyer......He said I have no case and that the city is allowed mistakes unless you can PROVE they were intentional. He said he would file the case but with a retainer costly rtetainer and long odds
I'm number 8, and I work in 008 too! Can't wait to get my bars, and get out of this hellhole.
See ya later, RICK FLAIR!!!!
And I didn't have to suck dick to get it either LEO!!
140 out of 195 points got ranked in the nineties...
Come on with the lawsuit, lets hold up everything!!!
Any bets on who will be on this first list???
More important, does anyone actually care enough to even file one? The testing process sucks, the court system tends to side with the city on everything and don't even get me started on arbitrators. I got my results, good thing I didn't run out and sell my Sergeant shirts.
This process was never many lt's can they make from such A TAINTED TEST?? How about a test in which no one knows the questions before hand??
Congratulations to Sgt. Brent Fidler from 007 and Sgt. Jim Lavoy from 022, both in the 1st Class. Nice Job!
7:25 ur our future lt.--God help us!
You are a no class!
Based on the amount of time and personal sacrifice I put into studying for all portions of the exam, I am extremely disappointed with my score....I would like to believe that the testing and scoring process was legit and fair, but how can I when we are not allowed to see how the grading is done(13 months from start to end), and we are forced to take the city at it's word...
does anyone know how many were promated off of the last lt's list (not counting merit)? How large have the class sizes been and how often were classes made? In case anyone is wondering, I'm not going to be in the first class!!! (or second ....or third....)
Does anyone know what the LOWEST score was?
I was placed at 581 !
(Raw score of 111 out of a possible 195)
I wasn't even drunk when I showed up to Lane Tech.
This will be my last test ever!
congrats to all the future lt's
it's a tuff job and remember the crybaby sgt's that don't do their job . the sgt's that want to tie the new list in ct.
SGTS, you are all a bunch of morons. and then to put the icing on the cake, moron sgts becoming even bigger moron LTS.
as shown by the posting of 7:25
This dept is down the tubes. I retired as a sgt and god help you goofs now.
between the idiots who let ride alongs get into their cars and goofs like you , this dept is in the shitter.
have a nice day
retired in az said...
SGTS, you are all a bunch of morons. and then to put the icing on the cake, moron sgts becoming even bigger moron LTS.
as shown by the posting of 7:25
This dept is down the tubes. I retired as a sgt and god help you goofs now.
between the idiots who let ride alongs get into their cars and goofs like you , this dept is in the shitter.
have a nice day
If you are smarter than us why do WE have a stronger union than ever and make MORE money than YOU ever did?
retired in az said...
SGTS, you are all a bunch of morons. and then to put the icing on the cake, moron sgts becoming even bigger moron LTS.
as shown by the posting of 7:25
This dept is down the tubes. I retired as a sgt and god help you goofs now.
between the idiots who let ride alongs get into their cars and goofs like you , this dept is in the shitter.
have a nice day
Wed Oct 24, 09:47:00 PM
Ride alongs??? WTF are you talking about??? Do your wife a favor and drop dead, you bitter old bastard.
I don't think the department's promotional test process truly measures a member's ability in performing his/her duites in a competent manner. There are those that just simply are not good with exmas, but are great P.Os., Dets. SGTs, and Lts. There are others that do really well, but not the best at being P.Os., Dets., Sgts., and Lts...It's not to say that allthat are good in taking tests are incapable of performing the duites mentioned, but the same holds true the other way around.. There has to be a better way!!!!
The Sgts of today are the great test takers. No knowledge of what it takes to be a good police officer just book smart.
I bet half of the bosses would nt know how to inventory a pistol if they had to.
I retired young so I will be here a while so this old bastard aint gonna die.
There is only a hand full of bosses with balls these days. I understand its a different time than when I was a boss but still if you want to be the police then be THE POLICE.
You are lead by another misfit named Mr Starks. Now this is great comedy. Who needs the comedy channel when I can get it here or in the paper.
Keep up the good work
I must go now and take a walk around my lake.
12:35 Jump in it while your at it.
Anonymous said...
I don't think the department's promotional test process truly measures a member's ability in performing his/her duites in a competent manner. There are those that just simply are not good with exmas, but are great P.Os., Dets. SGTs, and Lts. There are others that do really well, but not the best at being P.Os., Dets., Sgts., and Lts...It's not to say that allthat are good in taking tests are incapable of performing the duites mentioned, but the same holds true the other way around.. There has to be a better way!!!!
Thu Oct 25, 11:58:00 AM
They gotta choose 'em somehow. I guess they should just ask you, now that would be fair!
nonymous said...
retired in az said...
SGTS, you are all a bunch of morons. and then to put the icing on the cake, moron sgts becoming even bigger moron LTS.
as shown by the posting of 7:25
This dept is down the tubes. I retired as a sgt and god help you goofs now.
between the idiots who let ride alongs get into their cars and goofs like you , this dept is in the shitter.
have a nice day
If you are smarter than us why do WE have a stronger union than ever and make MORE money than YOU ever did?
does anyone know how many were promated off of the last lt's list (not counting merit)? How large have the class sizes been and how often were classes made? In case anyone is wondering, I'm not going to be in the first class!!! (or second ....or third....)
The next person up on the last list was #136. You can find some of the answers to your other questions by doing a query in datawarehouse for seniority by title.
retired Sgt in AZ....
God bless you and keep pulling that pension, but...
Don't lump us all in together. Some of us are good police officers who are smart, take care of our people, and test good. I can't help it that I test good and I'm not going to apologize for it. Not quite sure how you got promoted, but if you didn't get promoted by a test, then it was by selection and your argument is for shit. I only have 13 years on but I have been told the only legit test was the old detectives list in the late 70s/early 80s when the score was given out at the door. Still required you to take the test and do well. I didn't think there was a section where you looked at the passing traffic and had to pick the one that would be the best stop and interrogate the passenger to get him to confess to a murder.
I'm giving you shit because you are insulting the people you used to be. Now granted, the meritorious selection process is a scam and I'm sure that a test created by Bosses will be leaked to the bosses friends and family and certain groups that will have an unfair advantage. But that is what makes getting promoted on your own so satisfying. There are those of us without the answers and without a phone call who can still get promoted by our smarts whether it's street or book, and help run the department and look out for the patrolman with the crappy idiots that get promoted through race and phone calls. I will never say the promotional testing process in Chicago is legit, but people like me can slip through. They need us here to prevent this entire department from crashing and burning.
Word is that a class of 15 will be made soon.
Anonymous said...
Word is that a class of 15 will be made soon.
Fri Oct 26, 09:08:00 AM
So thats 10 off the list, 4.5 merit and where do the get the other .5 person? 20 would make much more sense.
So thats 10 off the list, 4.5 merit and where do the get the other .5 person? 20 would make much more sense.
Fri Oct 26, 12:17:00 PM
Actually the department cannot have more than that case it would be 11 off the list and 4 from merit. When I made sergeant our class size had the same result and the percent went in favor of the list.
I'm not going to be in the first class!!! (or second ....or third....)
Dont worry neither am I, we can just file our 2 digit score, and hope that past practices prevail where they at least go to rank order 100 on the test.
To SCS: The only problem with that theory...We don't know who is on the list and who is not....The City doesn't play fair. WE can guess, but we will never really know. I know the Sgt's Assoc. is tryinjg to compile a list like they did last time, but it's not enough. They should personally ask all Sergeants to fax/mail/drop/e-mail/or call with theri test results so that we may fairly monitor the cities promotional practices. At least the top 100. Even the sergeants who can't will have told someone and we will have a logical guess. Any disputes/conflicting numbers will show proof.... What say you?
cpd will promote 25-30 lts in dec or jan. short about 25 now and will be short more after they promote some lt. to exempt rank
capt rank is full
The Department is currently down 25 lieutenants (275 is full staffing). The class will be between 20-25. It may even be more if there are any sudden retirements before the end of November.
Depending on when the Mayor announces his choice for Top Cop, I can see a number of high end exempts, maybe a few Capts., and more than a few Lts. retiring before spring. A lot of promotional oppportunity for Lts. off this list, I am predicting the City will go as high as 125 straight off the list, with the others being merit choices, with the list being up for at least 3 years.
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know what the LOWEST score was?
I was placed at 581 !
(Raw score of 111 out of a possible 195)
I wasn't even drunk when I showed up to Lane Tech.
This will be my last test ever!
Wed Oct 24, 11:25:00 AM
wowi wow wow I actually beat someone with a mid 500 score. Stand strong my brother...just remember,It's wonderful to work in the great state of Chicago.
The Department is currently down 25 lieutenants (275 is full staffing). The class will be between 20-25. It may even be more if there are any sudden retirements before the end of November.
Who did you get 20-25from?? How about the 15-20 that was already approved by the HALL! Although 25 moves them closer to my number....tee hee
Anonymous said...
The Department is currently down 25 lieutenants (275 is full staffing). The class will be between 20-25. It may even be more if there are any sudden retirements before the end of November.
Who did you get 20-25from?? How about the 15-20 that was already approved by the HALL! Although 25 moves them closer to my number....tee hee
Sun Oct 28, 06:23:00 PM
I know for a fact the first class will be somewhere between 1-275. Heard this from the mayor himself, whilst we were sipping mojitos last night.
My ranking is over 600 and I took the second part of this exam twice. There is no way I could have done this bad.
None of us did "bad"- we all just pancaked...due to the retest-we all did well and all have the same/similar scores but due to age/time in grade, have a huge difference in our rankings-even with the same score.
However, if someone was allowed to take the exam at home-I'd say that would be a good reason to sue over the exam results.
Here it goes for u ignorant bastards! More irish whites both (female and male) , have been promoted meritoriously than ANY other racial group. However it is interesting how on this blog, that a person who purports to have no clout can continue to espouse ideas that are fanatical at best, continue to think their ideas are any where close to right. How about rickey maher, the chief of detective’s husband being #32 on the next promotional list.
Fuck the merit; why not find out who was/is privy to the test?
if you add people who have clout/connection and had 'clues' about the test to the 30% "merit"....what do you get ?
Just guessing but if 50% of the top scorers had clues- and then add the 30%= we now have a 80% merit management group-nice job!
"Fuck the merit; why not find out who was/is privy to the test?"
Look no further than the "study groups". The career secretary who scored the highest on the test - study group run by an exempt who was also a subject matter expert. Home test taker who placed in the top 5 - study group run by captain who was also a subject matter expert(who is also the subject of a controversey in 017 where a sgt. got stripped while defending his home). Study groups run by "subject matter experts" are the new merit. All merit picks have to go through the fed monitor so they have to be somewhat legit. The easier way is just to give the chosen ones the answers. God forbid any one of these "supervisors" has to come out on a shooting. The downward spiral continues. 20 and out cannot come soon enough.
what about the report on scc of a "ghost sgt" in 013 getting on-duty time to study for the exam and landing in the top 30? anyone know about that?
Anyone hear any more about Williams demanding the A and A's for the last year in 013 to find a ghost sgt who studied on department time? Apparently that's how you get a great score!
I think special treeatment for individuals who take the exam at home and miraculously land in the top five, might be something a lawyer could look at- especially since there were sgts that weren't able to even take the test because they missed the deadline by a day.
It just stinks.
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