Mr. Michael A. Mette, #6520284
Iowa Medical & Classification Center
Box A - Highway 965
Oakdale, IA 52319
Letters only Please!
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Please keep in mind that this is an open blog
that can and is read by people other than Chicago Police Officers.
On your web page "Send a Christmas Card To" is wrong and can't be done according to "Snoops"
Check it out.
Association with a CONVICTED felon is against Department general orders.....beware, those prison logs can be reviewed!! Don't say I didn't tell you.
Anonymous said...
Association with a CONVICTED felon is against Department general orders.....beware, those prison logs can be reviewed!! Don't say I didn't tell you.
Fri Nov 09, 04:29:00 PM
Feel the brotherhood at work.
I don't know Mike, nor am I a P/O (my bf is), but I wanted to show my support and I hope others do too.
I've read his story here and at SCC and the man got a bum deal, and it's just not fair. I put my boyfriend in his shoes, because it could happen to anyone, and I know I would want people to be there to support him.
It's an absolute must that he knows people care, even if they're complete strangers, for the sake of their sanity. At least that's how I see it.
Anyway, I hand wrote a letter last night and for someone who types just about everything, I hope he can decipher my chicken scratch. I just wanted it to seem more personal...
Anonymous said...
Association with a CONVICTED felon is against Department general orders.....beware, those prison logs can be reviewed!! Don't say I didn't tell you.
Fri Nov 09, 04:29:00 PM
CORRECT and watch how they whine when this f*cked up department sticks it in their moon.....coppers are stupid and like all people nowadays "it wasn't my fault, it was HIS fault"............
To: 4:29PM
Get a life. If you can't converse with a fellow brother, get the fuck out. A Retiree
Mike has been moved to a minimum security facility:
Michael Mette #6520284
North Central Correctional
313 Lanedale
Rockwell, Iowa 50579
While Governor Culver was too busy to talk to John Kass about Mike's case, he was able to find the time to pardon turkeys!
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