Several of our members who participated in the 2006/2007 Lt’s Promotional Examination have inquired into the current status of the ongoing challenge in addressing the issues surrounding this unfair and bias testing process.
The C.P.S.A., through our attorneys continues to challenge this examination and have recently (Jan 08) forwarded additional information to Ms Noelle Brennan, the Federal Court Appointed Monitor. As of this date we are still awaiting a response from Ms Brennan. In addition, our attorneys are reviewing if there are sufficient grounds to address our case in Federal Court.
Some of the concerns and allegations that have been brought to the attention of the C.P.S.A. include the following;
At least 51 participants still have not been notified or identified that they either did not have or only had a partial score prior to administering the “re-do” test.
How much of the final test score and placement was based on the “re-do” portion of the examination.
“Subject Matter Experts” held small private study groups prior to the administration of the “re-do” portion of the oral examination.
Several test participants that participated in the “re-do” are assigned to positions that gave them an unfair advantage to exempt command staff and subject matter experts.
During various stages of the testing process some participants were allowed to take the examination off-site and unauthorized ranking members of the C.P.D. were present during this process.
Merit promotion process is by “invitation only” and not all participants have the opportunity to be considered.
At least one participant was on the recent promotion list that had an incomplete test score.
Participants with “connections” had inside information and/or were promoted.
Technical and administrative problems that were experienced during the “re-do” test still have not been addressed.
These are only some of the issues surrounding this blatantly unfair testing and promotional process that our continuing challenge is based on.
John Pallohusky
Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Fight the good fight.
there seems to be no question that...the Lt's exam was devoid of any legitimacy, because the City, through its agents, and by its promotional processes, have no honesty, or integrity; a disgrace and an insult to the working Sgt's who had aspired to the next rank...poltics as usual in Chicago; perhaps the challenges made will have some positive results...
The Sup has inquired about taking down this list immediately.....stand by
A northside day captain ran a study group for three sgts, one of them her desk sgt. Said captain has a personal relationship with all three outside of work, bike riding, going on trips, etc. Test results come and what do you know?! All three score in the top 40, two in the top 10! Oh, I forgot to mention, the"mentor" for this group was also a subject matter expert who helped write the test and had the answers! Coincidence? I call bullshit! This nonsense has to stop. Jody, if you're reading, it is this type of nonsense that is rotting this Department from within. Anyone know whose study group miss #1 was in?
I studied for a year leading up to this exam. I,like most of you,could not beleive that they were conducting a re-test of part two. I was not happy and refused to give The City another moment of my time. I figured the fix was in. Now here is the irony. I get my score back and I'm in the top 100. Now what? Do I root for them to tear it down. I was on the 1993 Sgts. list when they took it down right before I was to be made. I'm not studying for another year. I guess the point I'm making is that there are some deserving people caught in the middle of this.
The Sup has inquired about taking down this list immediately.....stand by
It would cost a lot of money to readminister a test, personally I don't understand why they were allowed to even promote off of this bs test.
The Sup has inquired about taking down this list immediately.....stand by
This just in....City Hall controls the testing and promotional process NOT the Department..
Too late, promotions made off list. Tear it down and you will have more lawsuits.
So- if they throw out the list- what do they do with the 20 lts they just made?
"It would cost a lot of money to readminister a test, personally I don't understand why they were allowed to even promote off of this bs test."
Imagine what it could eventually cost the city if an entire generation of clout-qualified lts ran the department... lawsuits left and right....
Oops! That's what we have!
If the federal investigation reveals fraud will those who were promoted be demoted back to sergeant?
I'll believe it when I see it....
In the future Lieutenamts will be promoted the same as Captains.
No test will be given , the city will save millions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Good luck to Sgt's not in the top 100 of the last Lieutenant's test
Miss #1 was the former super's administrative sergeant. She threw the infamous xmas parties at her house for. So you tell me.
If the federal investigation reveals fraud will those who were promoted be demoted back to sergeant?
What Federal investigation??????
Why not hire a testing service like the people who run the LSAT, GRE, SAT, or ACT tests? Or the folks who run licensing exams for doctors, psychologists, social workers or other people?
You sign up for an exam, you take it when you're ready, you take the test over the computer, you have cameras all around you to record your every movement to prevent cheating.
Most of these professionals pay for their own exams- which would be cheaper for the could continually test...and either you know your stuff or you flunk-if you flunk, you can come back after a time period and retest.
The only people who would lose would be those connected.
Hopefully Jody reads this blog too!
#1 is my new Lt. Please tell me more.
what does Jody say?
"#1 is my new Lt. Please tell me more."
Don't worry, #1 will not be there long before finding an inside spot again. Did #1 go right to days? I would expect nothing less. They tried to make #1 on the last class from the old test meritorious, but because of the Federal monitor, to be made meritorious you actually would of had to do something, not just throw Xmas parties and be a secretary to a gold star for your entire career. I heard they got #1 in this time by the "secret study" group route run by subject matter experts, the new "meritorious". They could have made it less obvious though, at least the northside "meritorious" group had one that at least went into the 30's.
maybe we should just call them xmas party lts instead of merit?
party lts?
if harley schenker and that piece of shit wop frigo from hegwisch can become lts there is hope for the dead
harley schenker...that's a name I though was long gone!
was shenkar the market sgt in 12
her xmas parties were simple...white shirts shirts and det's joke!
that's crazy-why would you want to be at such a party? What a goof!
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