39 years of service to the day.
A boss who truly did have your back.
You will be missed.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Please keep in mind that this is an open blog
that can and is read by people other than Chicago Police Officers.
One of the very BEST and almost LAST of the no-nonsense bosses... We're losing 'em at an alarming rate, and we're already paying the price. God Bless him - he made it out alive
He was one of the main reasons the Taste of Chicago was never out of control. Good boss. Good intentions.
Have a good life and use some of that pension, Sir.
Obviously, Mc Nulty cannot be persuade to stay on. And there are two very respectful comments here.
Dep. Chief McNulty: If you read this, please get in touch with me. It takes a couple of clicks. I would appreiate very much, as a copper's daughter, speaking with you.
SCS: Can you plead my case with him?
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From: McMahon351@aol.com
To: geoff.dankert@foxtv.com
Sent: 6/16/2009 4:24:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Chicago Cops on Patrol?
From: McMahon351@aol.com
To: news@foxchicago.com
Sent: 6/16/2009 4:17:50 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Chicago Cops on Patrol?
From: McMahon351@aol.com
To: ward32@cityofchicago.org
Sent: 6/16/2009 3:58:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Chicago Cops on Patrol?
To: Scott Waguespack
32nd Ward Alderman
2657 N. Clybourn
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 248-1330
(773) 248-1360 Fax
I just finished watching the video of “Chicago Cops on Patrol?”
http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/money/local_money/Police_Officers_Taking_Pictures_With_Women which was aired by FOX News Chicago showing women posing for pictures with some Chicago Policemen. In this report, you stated that you “would think that the Police Department would be all over it, and looking at it as a management issue and something that they have to take seriously.” You can’t be serious, can you?
Then this reporter goes on to say how they “were surprised when they received a series of photo’s, showing on duty Officers flirting with women,” and got “the photo’s from a frustrated club worker.” My favorite one is the picture of a blonde girl sitting on the Policeman’s lap with a big smile on her face, as the reporter interjects some sensationalism into this by saying; “her hands within easy reach of the Officers gun,” as if this woman posed a threat to anybody. I don’t know about anyone else, but she sure doesn’t look too dangerous to me, and the Cop certainly looks like he’s capable of taking care of himself, or anyone else that tried something stupid with him for that matter.
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All I can say is, it must be a very “slow news week” for any network to air something devoid of any substance at all, and as trivial and innocent as people getting their pictures taken with some Cops. These are harmless pictures, what’s the big deal? In my opinion it’s good public relations, and from people that by rights, shouldn’t even give anyone the time of day until they get a current contract. I’m fairly certain that all of these pictures were not taken in the past few days, so at least FOX News had the common decency not to stab the Cops in the back until after they buried one of their own a little more than a week ago after being murdered while protecting the citizens of Chicago. That must be their interpretation of “Fair and Balanced” reporting.
Please look up from this letter for a moment, look up at the walls of your office or home. Chances are pretty good that they have pictures of you posing with some kind of public official that for some reason or another you view as special. It might be another Alderman, the Mayor, a Superintendent, a Commissioner or some other “big shot.” Am I right? If you’re anything at all like other politicians I’ve seen, you bask in the attention of the powerful people that are falsely convinced that they are more important, or somehow better than the rest of the citizens of Chicago,….well…….they’re not!
Although many of our politicians consistently demonstrate how low of an opinion they have for the rank and file of the Police and Fire Departments in Chicago, and rarely miss an opportunity to make them look bad to the public, their attempts are futile. I don’t suppose it has ever occurred to those important politicians that perhaps some people want to get their pictures taken with our public servants because in the real world where the rest of us live, people that are capable of thinking for themselves look up to them with admiration. It seems to be a common misconception amongst the politicians in this city that the people of Chicago work for the politicians, when in fact the politicians work for the people! They put you in office to represent them, and they can remove you just as easily during the next election. The voters know who they can depend on and who’s in their corner, and it’s NOT the politicians.
I’m aware of the fact that you did not launch this campaign against these Policemen, which serves no practical purpose other than to portray them in a negative fashion and possibly cost them some money from disciplinary actions and cause unnecessary embarrassment to their families. And at the conclusion of this segment you did mention that every time you have looked, the Police were doing their job, and that’s good, just not good enough. I know you have only been the 32nd Ward Alderman for a little over 2 years, but you have enough experience with politics and should have enough common sense to know when you’re being played for a fool.
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You should’ve done more, you should’ve ran this reporter out of your office the moment you looked at those pictures and realized where he was heading with this. You should have directed him to stop wasting your time and to leave the working stiffs alone and go after a real story. If he wants to play “Investigative Reporter” he should be going after the crooked politicians and their cronies that are responsible for fleecing the city pension funds out of millions of dollars. If he wanted to report something newsworthy, Chicago has a lot more than its fair share of crooks and he wouldn’t have to dig too deep to find dirt on these conniving thieves. And he might even earn some credibility by exposing these crooks to the public for what they are.
Besides all of this, no reporter worth his salt should ever conduct any investigation, about anything, from a “frustrated” anybody that doesn’t have the courage or moral fabric to go on the record to back up his allegations. Because he’s probably “frustrated” due to his lack of intelligence, talent or guts that it takes to do these jobs that he’ll never have.
Jim McMahon
Retired Lieutenant
Chicago Fire Department
Patrick McNulty has endured physical back/neck problems for the past few years.Too bad not enuf bosses did not learn anything with dealing with officers in the manner that Pat did. He had a general concern for all of us that is truly lacking today. Patrick set the standard for the 1st District for all future bosses.The key to Pat was that he was honest and genuine in dealing with all issues. Good Luck you are missed already.
Farewell to the Best of the Best, Deputy Chief Pat McNulty. I'm sorry I didn't stop by for your retirement cake. I felt that it was for people you worked with at 35th St. and all the bosses. However, Tom Nilson works with my brother John and he told him that you said, "there was one person you wanted to single out and thank individually and that was John Cadogan." Tears welled up in my eyes. D/C McNulty my dad felt the same way about you as you did about him. You were truly his friend to the end. Thank you for that. I wish you good health on your retirement and best wishes in whatever you decide to try. My brother Tom and I will be at your retirement party (providing you are having one). Deputy your ARE and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN....A CLASS ACT !!!! YOU ARE SORELY MISSED!!!
so at least FOX News had the common decency not to stab the Cops in the back until after they buried one of their own a little more than a week ago after being murdered while protecting the citizens of Chicago. That must be their interpretation of “Fair and Balanced” reporting.
The local fox news channel here in Chicago is far from fair and balanced, nothing like the national channel..
don't drink the kool aid
drink the good stuff from the green bottle
good luck in retirement
you will be missed
'He was one of the main reasons the Taste of Chicago was never out of control.'
It's quite OBVIOUS you weren't assigned to the Waste of Chicago last year on the night of the 3rd of July! While I wouldn't blame last year's 3rd of July fiasco on McNulty, It was a poorly planned blunder of epic proportions...but don't worry, THIS YEAR WEISel and his PET UNIT will have it all under control.
'He was one of the main reasons the Taste of Chicago was never out of control.'
It's quite OBVIOUS you weren't assigned to the Waste of Chicago last year on the night of the 3rd of July! While I wouldn't blame last year's 3rd of July fiasco on McNulty, It was a poorly planned blunder of epic proportions...but don't worry, THIS YEAR WEISel and his PET UNIT will have it all under control.
Sat Jun 20, 10:28:00 AM
I think they were talking about when he was the commander of 001. Of course that was years before the 5 minutes you have on the job.
Hey, boss, I never look at a green bottle the same way, having known you.
And, yes; when the man was in 001, the Taste went well and the troops (as well as the attendees) were happy.
A class act. Rest up and come back as superintendent, please.
Best of Luck, Pat.
Aside from covering our backs on a daily basis as the "Blue-Goose," THANKS for your work with St. Jude and its related events.
Sgt. Al ret.
Sgt. James L Severin
PO Anthony N. Rizzato
On 17 July 1970, Sgt. James Severin and Officer Anthony Rizzato were cut down by sniper fire while assigned to a "Walk and Talk" program in the Cabrini Green housing development.
On Saturday 18 July 2009 at 10:am the 018 District will be hosting a memorial tribute
commemorating the anniversary of the line of duty deaths of Sgt. Severin and Officer Rizzato.
Included in the remembrance to these slain officers will be an unveiling in front of
the 018 District, of a permanent honorary street sign in their names by the surviving Severin
and Rizzato family members.
Help is needed to inform any involved present or former members, along with any
interested individuals of this memorial salute.
Please have interested individuals contact the
018 District community Policing Office (312 742-5778)
if they are attending to assist 018 in planning appropriate arrangements.
Attendees are invited to a light luncheon that will follow in the 018 District,
James L. Severin and Anthony N. Rizzato Community Room.
"All Gave Some because Some Gave All"
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