You (CPD Sergeants) all should have received the contract proposal via your department email or the CPSA website. Please use this post for discussion.
To the person or persons who insisted that I create a post for this, I hope this is what you are looking for.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
vote yes on contract
everyone wanted the 55 paid health insurance for years
the city finally agrees and everyone is complaining that it's good for the city
it's good for us and the city
vote yes
If possible, for us newly retired (old farts) can the proposals be published, or is it a secret squirrel issue for now. Just asking.
Am I paranoid, sarge, or is it not a good idea to use dept webmail to debate this? Guys, I think you'd be better off forwarding to your personal account and going from there. Just sayin
My only comment is this: whether or not you like the proposal, the CPD e-mail, or blogs are not the place to discuss it. Let's go to the info sessions, and hash it out there without the eyes of the city and press on us. I know the press isn't supposed to have access to CPD e-mail, but they get it, and the blogs are open to everyone's eyes. Let's keep our business to ourselves.
"To the person or persons who insisted that I create a post for this, I hope this is what you are looking for."
Of course, this is REALLY what it's all about.
The 1st and the 16th right?
Not Tasers or eating the best Chicago hot dogs.
1st and the 16th? Go fuck yourself jagoff! My point was that we received info from other sources i.e. department email, CPSA website and a letter from the lodge today. To hash this out in a public forum, where people who may not be sergeants of the Chicago Police Department and can interject their opinions, is not the wisest move.
If you don't like how I handle this blog, too fucking bad, start your own.
1st and the 16th?
Go fuck yourself jagoff!
Anyone who has WORKED in the ghetto for over 20 years is SICK of police shit as well as anything "Chicago related".
All we want is a paycheck and to drive as far away from "The Savage" when we retire at 29 years and a day.
Most of us have been FUCKED over by the city/department/INCOMPETENT Bosses and would as soon as drive off at the sight of an on-view drive-by shooting of a savage gang member.
There are plenty of MORON sergeants who have already said on THIS blog that they think we should vote 'YES'.
Every "YES" vote will be a message to the arbitrator that there are a percentage of pussy-ass sergeants that want the cities proposal.
Because of these IDIOTS, the arbitrator will dump each of the cities SHIT proposals on us.
This is the ONLY venue for the jackass STUPID sergeants to get the message that is contract is a VERY, VERY BAD deal and will devastate the future of bargaining down the line.
After all, these goofs will not be going to the informational meetings that the PBPA has planned.
There is no secret message that the public or the media will find out on this blog. - - - If people have half a fucking brain they already know that Daley and his machine is corrupt as hell and he and his cronies has stolen BILLIONS over the past 20 years.
Wake the fuck up!!!!
This proposal sucks!!!
Only a handful of people will take advantage of the age 55 deal over the next few years and then it's GONE, GONE, GONE ! ! ! !
Can't you dip-shits get this through your thick heads?
Go to the informational meetings and see why this is the WORST proposal by the city since 1981!!!!!
Unfortunately, this is the best that its going get as far as a proposal.
The "me too" is in itself a winner if arbiter has mercy on fop. I do believe the word is in with him from daley to obama. Minimal raise if any. We on the other hand stand no chance whatsoever, we were targeted in the 55&out and demanded or "negotiated" our way into a locked proposal.
A yes vote would at least a couple of hundred people an early out and possibly a token raise. Those not yet eligible (at least 10 yrs to go)would gain leverage in the ultimate goal in a pension is two fold. Money & benefits. Lock in the benefit now (55&out) or at least set precedent for future contract. The other goal, 55 yrs @ 75%.
That is not as far fetched in future contracts nearing 2016 as opposed to now with the economy being the opponents hammer.
The city wanting alcohol and future sgt's power test most is a non-issue. If the times are such and the powers to be that are in....we will not prevail but if the small chance exist that the fop gets the token raise..we got it too.
Never ever open the door to anything. Look what happen when FOP agreed to paying for insurance, we are paying five times as more now. We have 1300 Sergeants and only 230 can take the 55. Vote No! Vote No!
Hey genius...How many contracts have you seen? You're the one who dosen't get it...Do you think "our" arbitrator will do any better than fop's arbitrator? The serious negotiations are with fop,, ya think the city gives a rats ass about our 1100 member "union"? We get what they get moneywise,,NOTHING MORE - NOTHING LESS. Sure you can drag this out - but the end result will not on it.
" . . . we were targeted in the 55 & out and demanded or "negotiated" our way into a locked proposal."
The "age 55 deal" will not be "locked in".
The city WILL take it off the table after 2012 and an arbitrator would side with them if insurance is no longer handled by the city.
Take a good look at the number of sergeants there are with over 30 years on and who are over 60 now. MANY of these guys do not and will not leave.
Do you know how many sergeants went to the info meeting on VEBA? A handful. There were more union officers than members. I wonder how many will attend the info meetings on the contract?
This contract is no secret. Get the word out anyway possible and let everyone make the decision to vote yes or no. Better to be informed and vote than to be misinformed and make the wrong decision.
The city is demanding a lot in the contract and in return is only offering 55 and out, which will only benefit a small group of sergeants. Then the plan in 2012 comes up for renegotiation. If the City refuses to continue it the next contract will be even worse based on what was taken away this contract.
People need to wake up and look at the larger picture and what is good for the majority of the people for the future; not just now.
The City is not just looking for "give backs", but to shove down our throats every proposal it can that benefits them. We may be forced by the arbitrator to accept this contract, but we don't have to dance on the way to the gallows.
How we vote on this contract will affect the next contract.
What difference does it make? The City has always fucked us and will continue to do so and the PBPA nor the FOP will do anything about it. Of course the City's offer sucks what did you expect? I spent my career like most P.O.'s and Sgt's in patrol being fucked over by the Department and the City. I'm now on Occupational Disability and we go 10 years with no raises and if you live long enough to get the raise it is only 50% of your current salary not 65% or 75% which would be fair. We pay for our prescriptions, even though the FOP and PBPA contracts state the City should, that means the City openly violates the contract and breaks the law but gets away with it. Now if you truly believe the FOP or PBPA gives a shit about you then you best wake up. This is the City's final proposal so vote NO and at least let the City owned Arbitrator fuck us, at least we won't fuck ourselves. As Police officers we are on our own forget the PBPA or the FOP ever bargaining for and getting anything good for us. Just take care of yourselves stay healthy and safe do your time and get that pension. Take my word for it nobody else cares about you so answer the radio calls back each other up nothing more nothing less and live to enjoy your retirement. Good luck and God Bless.
Vote No.
The city's goal is to break all police unions, period. It's a cynical attempt to divide ranks and age groups when it comes to benefits. Some form of Obamacare(whether you like it, or not)is coming and the city will be off the hook for retirees anyway.
If there was ever a time to roll the dice with an arbitrator, its now.
The 55 thing is only for a few years and we needs to be renegotiated thats BS. If it were permenant thats different.
Besides it should be inlcuded in the Me to clause. If the POs got it we should get it automatically.
Yea Power test and Drinking test might seem like nothing...but those are BARGAINING CHIPS that we are giving up and getting NOTHING in return except vouchers for uniforms and NO raise.
Its not like the City is saying "hey it makes sense if we give you some extra bid spots so well give it for free and ask nothing in return". HEck they are asking for more and STILL not offering that.
If Fop gets nothing (great possibilit)y we get nothing.
Dont be a schmuck VOTE NO
Dont be a selfish 55 yr old or NO.
We will probably win the grievance on that anyway
Vote NO! This is definitely not in the best interests of us.
Arbitration is not perfect but things can only get better. Daley needs to satiate US before 2016 and he needs BILLIONS of dollars to immediately appear. Money is not an issue in Chicago. If they can afford the 2016 Olympics they can afford to pay the hardest working rank of management.
Since when are we the guinea pigs?
Some things of interest on the web.
FOP arbitrator Edwin Benn's resume is posted and states that he demands $1,300.00 salary per day.
Chicago Police Lieutenant Association comments from their president and vice president. I had to read them two times and it seems to me that they are in favor of the Lieutenant contract which is pretty close to the Sergeant's proposal. Check out their September newsletter. It is on their site. There is also an additional comment that has recentley been added by a Lieutenant on the medical and it sure seems that he is in favor too.
We are close to 100k salary as sergeants. If you were eligible to retire the city no longer pays a penny of your salary. Sure seems to me that they would want us to go and have to only pay 8k for our medical. With that said I wouldn't think that come 2012 they will be quick to rid themselves of that type of deal and our union would have to get an awful lot in return if they were to give it up. Look to the medical benefit at 60 years of age. The city hasn't attempted to take that away. They realize that it is a good deal for the city to lower the benefit to 55 years of age. If it wasn't they would not have gone along. The FOP president claims that he pushed for it last contract and now the city has been convinced about the dollar savings to them.
The FOP swings the hammer in this town as far as pay raises. Don't any one kid yourselves. What ever raise they receive will be the raise we receive. The economy is a wreck and the arbitrator will hang his hat on that. The Lieutenant Association agrees. The money will come when the economy improves. Hopefully next time around and this aint New York City so you can forget the type of dollars they receive. Not gonna happen.
I read the propasl, the booze in your system check, the discipline standards, the physical standards, the time due money spread over years......not the best but not the worst. In the end I don't think we gave up shit. The Lieutenants say they didn't either. Our board feels they were slapped in the face with no money offered. Common. The city knows how to negotiate. Its about the FOP. That's where the negotiating for dollars was at and it broke down because the city is better at it. Why do you think the police are the last on the city's agenda ? They know how to negotiate.
The insurance benefit at 55 is a great deal for anyone ready and great for anyone below because they move up in senority. Again the Lieutenants Association spells it out. Promotions, furlos, special employment etc.
I'm voting yes. The money will come next contract. We should be fighting for more bid spots and fighting to stop merit promotions for the conected and specialized sergent positions for the connected. There are a whole lot of sergeant "spots" in the department for the connected only. Let's be concerned about that as a membership. That is where the city/department is really sticking it to us and where the union really drops the ball. Stay safe.
FOP arbitrator Edwin Benn's resume is posted and states that he demands $1,300.00 salary per day.
EDWIN BENN had come out and said about 9 months ago...
"Any union looking for more money in this economy is going to LOSE in arbitration."
SO, why did the FOP pick THIS slug?????????
I am eligible to retire in this 55 and out deal. No, I am not a selfish person--here is my philosophy: This lowers the median age in the dept= a younger work force=more sergeant promotions to people waiting on the lists for YEARS like I did and you did. The city saves money and some of us older crowd can go on with our lives as the younger ones get promoted. Is that so bad?? I think not. 55 and out is a smart idea isn't it?? For all of you waiting to make DET, SGT and LT, etc???????/ Vote yes. We are lucky to have a job if you look around. AMEN
"future sgt's power test most is a non-issue-"
Really? Been in any car accidents? Torn rotator cuff? chased some asshole and blew out your knee but too young to get a replacement?
There are people who are great police officers who would make great sergants and would hold up the legacy from the sergants that came before us...because they had a bit of bad luck and may not be up to snuff on one (think sit and reach test...) part of the test and you think that excludes them from being a good sergeants?
You know how we talk about the 17 Captains that sold out that rank as a testable rank for $17,000 peices of silver? That how we'll be looked at if we vote this contract in.
Stop being a fatalist and get a back bone. If only so you can pass the sit and reach test for leiutenant.
we 'gave back' vision care in this contract
How we vote on this contract will affect the next contract.
Sat Sep 05, 12:32:00 PM
VOTE NO!!!!!
I'm a Lt. and I'm voting 'NO.'
And regarding your reponse last Friday at 6:45pm, "SARGE," take a chill pill, Dennis! If we can't disagree here in a civilized manner, than who are the "real" animals or savages?
We've all sat back and watched this Dept. implode over the past year and half or so. During that time, we've seen example after example of high ranking officers stabbing their own in the back, and often feeding it to the press
as a 'Q.T. "exclusive".' I can't recall a time when we've done a worse job of respecting and looking out for one another for the past +25 years. Is this the best we can do to each other after all the crap City Hall has dropped in to run our Dept?
I have tried to run a civilized blog and personally I think I do a damn good job at weeding out the BS comments.
I apologize to you and to others who were offended by my response directed at someone who accused me of caring only about the 1st and the 16th.
I want out yesterday but it dosen't look good for this contract. What this "union" needs to do right now is file the grievance..the way I read our current contract is that the 55 deal is a "benefit enhancement" AND any enhancement offerred FOP is considered a ME TOO. Hell, I'm going to the fed and file an unfair labor practice complaint
Fri Sep 04, 07:51:00 PM
Please, READ the proposal... I don't think you have your facts straight.
And, SCS, I think you are right, this is NOT the forum to discuss this, regardless of what has been posted in the past. Sergeants should go to the informational meetings and vent,discuss or whatever on all the issues there. At least you are among your peers, and you can say what you want, and the board members can say what they think, and all can get an honest assessment of the issues, without airing confidential information in public, and without giving ammo to the other side regarding any possible dissent among the rank.
Those of you on here wanting to vote yes must have a great spot or be meritorious. How any working Sgt could see anything good or beneficial in this contract is beyond me. Yeah vote yes the guys in the blue shirts can't stand most Sgt's as it is so let's send them a real good message. Vote NO make the asshole mayor and the politicians give us what we deserve.
Nice site Sgt.
how bout an unofficial poll on the contract on this site. Besides the one on this blog's dashboard there are other free poll sites. I vote NO
RE: 55
Also, I would argue that this benefit already exists in both current contracts.. The city now pays the health insurance for all who retire at age 60..Lowering the age to 55 is an enhancement of this existing benefit and is most certainly covered by the ME TOO clause. ANy lawyers out there care to comment???
merit promotions
sgt 30 % lt 30 %
captain 100 %
that is the reason cpd is short
po's detectives sergeants lieutenants but not captains
"Also, I would argue that this benefit already exists in both current contracts."
Dear Clueless Wonder-
Health insurance per se exists in the currents contract but the two differences are simple:
Between 50 and 60 , you'll get BCBS-lite - which means higher co-pays and paying for some procedures out of pocket, period. If you are post-60 you get the same insurance we have while working. Retire before 60 and your insurance is a lesser product.
The cost is not the same! Currently-under this contract-fora couple-you'll be paying $666 per month (2009 rates-and health care historically increases 5-12 % each year) Under the current plan, the retire who is 55 and retires will spend over $100,000 out of pocket for JUST premiums. Under the new proposal-it's free.
Despite the free insurance-the contract isn't worth what we will be doing to future negotiations and to those who are coming up behind us.
VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!
Listen up all of you nitwits that say "Vote YES"....This is the worst offer ever in my history on this job.....!st of all...The CITY MUST offer us the 55 year insurance for THEIR benifit...THEY need to save money....They figure is you jump on it then we all will feel like the city is doing us a favor...NOT TRUE.....They will offer it again and again and again....THEY NEED TO SVAE THE $$$$$ Trust me...It is for their benefit more so than ours....As for the alcohol testing...that is administrative and they will do that regardless of what you vote yes or no on....who cares about that...just like cameras and gps...whatever....moral of the story with alcohol testing is....DON'T COME TO WORK DRUNK...real simple!!....also don't get into shit off duty while drinking...real simple...VOTE NO!!! This is a horseshit contract proposal and they also want to take away our uniform allowance....That's great right!!?? That's another reason to vote yes?? If all you are looking at are the magic numbers "55" then you truely are "Lost" and all for yourself ....This is no gift....they are fucking us all the way....The 55 will be there it will not leave...since they already offered it and we go to arbitration...believe will be there....give me what I deserve....MY retro pay....MY fair raise of no less than 3%......MY uniform allowance.....and YES they will also give us the 55 insurance because it saves them do not jump on this feeble offer will only get better!! VOTE NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO....
From the FOP Website / Update page 08 SEPTEMBER 2009:
Total 55-59 Retiree Applications Completed = 60
Number NEEDED by OCT 1st: 160
For whatever its worth, I'm voting no. Never agree to the city's offer. You will ruin it for future contracts. We are owed a cost of living increase in salary at the very least. Let the arbitrator decide. Vote no.
To the "nitwit" name caller. Your post to vote no is as ignorant as the replies to the union president,s message on department webmail. First of all we as a union received a "memorandum of understanding" as to 55 medical insurance. That memorandum most certainly is not a "me-to" issue. The FOP received a letter of agreement". Big difference. FOP negotiated that benefit. We did not. Unionform allowance has not been taken away read the entire proposal. Finally, where do you think that your demand of at least 3 percent and retro will come from? We will get what FOP gets after their arbitration ends and no more. The economy is trashed and like it or not the city is broke. The olympics have nothing to do with it and either will the NYPD pay raise. I envite you to go to an info meeting and get an answer from our union on how they intend to convince an arbitrator to award us the 55 medical benefit on this contract. They don't have any ground to stand on. Then go Ask any prudent financial proffessional about union contracts and arbitration in this economy and you will hear from those people that now is not the time for arbitration. Don't live tottaly inside the CPD bubble or our unions opinion. The city does it's dealing with FOP. Strength in numbers. I'm voting yes. We didn't loose anything and the 55 medical is a great gain for all of us.
Hey Sarge!
Check out this post getting down on the cops a bit.
BTW: Love the site!
Thanks Jeff for the compliment.
I did see the Chicago Now bit and keep in mind that the writer is an intern and she is already well schooled on taking a shot at the police when you wouldn't think there was one to take.
To Wed 09 Sept @ 12:50PM....YOU are lost in the clouds somewhere my dear brother Sgt...."The city is broke"??? Please explain how you have determined this fact that you state......They have millions of our dollars already spent on the olympic dream....they have recently given millions to United airlines to move to a corporate HQ downtown Chicago....They are finding millions to "Give" to the Chicago Public School system to "Prevent" kids from being shot??? HOW?? If they can do this then they need to bottle the formula! As for your un intelligent statment regarding uniform allowance....YOU need to re read the proposal from your beloved city brother Sgt.....I believe it goes something like this...."Uniform allowance will be paid after 2009 IF FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE"....Let me repeat the important part...IF FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE......did you get that?? Translation = NO UNIFORM ALLOWANCE. This is NOT a secret...this was talked about in the news and debated on weather or not we should have a uniform allowance...remember? Again..I understand that the me too clause is in effect and yes we will get what the FOP is getting...but by your selfish vote of YES to this absolutely insulting offer...that sends a message to the arbitrator that "Hey...this proposal is not so bad...people are voting yes"...The proposal IS bad....all the way around...Once we give things up...they are GONE...Mabye YOU need to talk to an educated labor lawyer and find this out...Financial professionals have NOTHING to do with this contract or the city's failure to bargain in good faith with the unions...You must be a very young or very uneducated Sgt if in fact one at all....because you speak as though you are convinced that the city is giving us some sort of GREAT offer by giving us this 55 medical....What you do not understand is that it is in THEIR best interest to make this offer to the tune of saving something like $23 Million dollars while still NOT giving the working police officers what they deserve in a fair contract....raises and retro and uniform allowance...You keep on believing what the city is feeding you and vote your YES...they are in business to SAVE money so they can spend it in other areas....How can you possibly believe this shit? You are lost in space man....VOTE NO BROTHERS....
A Real Working Sgt with a Brain
the value of 55 and out insurance coverage for anyone who is at least reached 70% rate of pension money ie 27 plus 1day for you uneducated beefers/crybabies is worth more over several years than the paltry raises remotely possible in this economy you morons! so this fiscally sound of mind 58 year with way too many years on will take it and you all can vie for my spot...yes you youthful nimrods, who have been asking me when I will leave, so you can move up in senority, please let me have this little benefit to make the great escape possible. By the way, every raise anyone gets is strictly what the city will give fop because hell will freeze over before the city would give any different raise to sgt/lt/capts as it would cause way too many lawsuits. in a word KISS!
Not really lost in space. I can see his points and I attended union info meeting today. Not impressed. The 55 medical benefit is good. A Sgt. finally left an intelligent email out there today for all of us and there are a lot of us eligable to go. The savings would be a whole lot more then uniform allowance which by the way isnt gone. Tens of thousands of dollars. Im voting yes also.
If this contract is approved, the city will use the approval as an argument to the FOP arbitrator that the Sergeants and Lts accepted no raises, the POs shouldn't get a raise. This would in effect make our me-too clause worthless. This is why the city offer for the 55 free med is tied to our contract and not a separate offer as was given to the FOP.
The 55 paid health insurance is great. Voting yes will guarantee it for the sgts. If FOP doesn't get the required # of participants they lose it. I know there is no money on the table but keep in mind the "Me Too" clause. We will get what FOP can get for their membership regardless. Do you think the PO's will get nothing and by us going to arbritration will get us all a hefty raise? Don't be silly. Take the sure thing and hopefully FOP will do good in arbritration and we'll benefit. Take that hard ass approach and we'll lose the 55 and out option. Look at the big picture. A couple of thousand dollars in retro now vs. 50K health care savings benefit in future health care>>>I'm voting YES
"Im voting yes also."
Maybe they'll name a new breakfast item after you at the local diner... Eggs Benedict Arnold!
"If this contract is approved, the city will use the approval as an argument to the FOP arbitrator that the Sergeants and Lts accepted no raises, the POs shouldn't get a raise. "
I thought the same thing-VOTE NO!
"We should be fighting for more bid spots "
If you went to a union meeting or one of the informational meetings or just called the office- you'd know they did fight for more bid spots, especially watch bids-and the city told them no on the watch bids being increased.
Approval of the contract says that you will receive the FOP raise by way of Me-To. That is all you would have gotten through any negotiating any way. Why did you include the lieutenants in your opinion and leave out captains? By the way the captains supposedly approved the offer. Don't forget that dollars wasn't the only benefit offered.
If the retirement package is so great for everyone why isn't it a part of the contract and not a letter of agreement/understanding? So the city can take it away and it's not part of any arbitration. The city needs this more than you. Why give a benefit to a few older sgt's to screw over a larger group of younger sgt's only to receive nothing in return? The city thinks long term as in three of four future contracts.
The union asks for more bid spots and the city says no. The union says ok. Who is on the city's side saying the union will never agree to their offers? No one!
It took over two years to get this far? Why isn't the union asking for one paid day off for members for every 6 months the contract is expired to motivate the city to expedite it? The union will say the city won't agree to that and it's not in the contract. So put it in!
The capt, lt, sgt and fop unions should have a united front not every man for himself and put it on the fop to negotiate the pay increase. If the fop were smart they should ask for no raise. Instead ask for some other perk that would benefit only the fop members. The city would agree to it as it would save them money since the other unions left it to the me-too clause.
Anyone who votes no just doesn't get it. WE WILL NEVER GET ANY MORE MONEY THEN THE AMOUNT THAT IS GOING TO BE AWARDED TO FOP THROUGH THEIR ARBITRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The union is taking the hard line because they want to save face. A lousy couple of dollars more on your check now versus 50k, 60k, 70k in free medical for you and your family? What part of that don't you understand? WE WILL NEVER GET THIS BENEFIT THROUGH ARBITRATION. IT IS NOT A "ME-TO" ISSUE AND IS NOT GOING TO BE ONE!!!!!! VOTE YES.
It is so like the supervisors to to expect the p.o.'s to carry them. Why don't the supervisors negotiate their own money proposals. The p.o.'s don't get the 45 minute a day overtime that the bosses do. So why should the bosses get the raise that the working police get.
VOTE YES....the cost savings in insurance is substantial. The ME TOO clause guarantees us something. Look around at all the foreclosed properties (lost jobs) do you think that these people had a union contract??? I think not...I am voting YES.. and the younger people will get promoted faster and 55 and older crowd can may an exit like they rightfully deserve. YES
The city is trying to split up each police union with this. The guys in their 50's will sell out the younger guys for the health care. The younger guys want the retro.
The city wants every new sgt to take a yearly power test for free! What if you don't pass? Add that to the extra drug testing, no additional bid spots, uniform vouchers with no money increase, etc. This is a garbage contract and everyone knows it. The older sgts don't care because they won't have to be video taped by IAD or IPRA.
The city cries poor. But what about the things that won't cost any money like bid spots and the precent promoted meritoriously?
United We Stand. This contract isn't good for anybody but the city.
VOTE YES....the health care savings is worth mega bucks....and we will get what FOP gets. The younger sgts who want out of 007 and 015 should stop and think that at least 150 sgts are eligble to leave immediately....won't that help there cause?? Oh yes it will. Just like there will be detective, ET, and other promotions.. VOTE YES
Vote Yes = Help out old retiring sgts now. Then in a few years the city refuses to continue the program the younger sgts are stuck with yearly power test without being paid for them, video taped in front of IAD and IPRA, extra drug and alcohol testing, etc.
Thanks Judas, enjoy your silver at my expense. You are a one way street. I notice you never mention any of the negatives of the city proposal.
I agree with the "yes" voters comments. We know we will get what FOP gets so you can go to the bank on that part. Now look at the 55 health care....not a bad thing for a sgt or a lt or a captain. This department would get a few years younger and the P.Os waiting to be promoted to sgt and sgts to lts..will get a bonus here. I am not being selfish when I say vote yes... just being fiscally realistic. Think about this if you are about 300 out on the current sgt's list or 150 out on the lts list. That's all there is to talk about VOTE YES
burton said...
It is so like the supervisors to to expect the p.o.'s to carry them. Why don't the supervisors negotiate their own money proposals. The p.o.'s don't get the 45 minute a day overtime that the bosses do. So why should the bosses get the raise that the working police get.
Sat Sep 12, 04:27:00 PM
The city is the one who won't talk money, dumbass.
For you BASTARDS that are going to vote yes:
You are SELLING OUT all the future sergeants who will have to take a mandatory power test in the future.
Do you thing these exempt bitches will have to take a power test???
All you think about is yourselves!
Wait 9 months and you will get your age 55 and out .. scumbags!
Get in shape and take care of yourself, if not for your family then do it for yourself. Forget the BS about injuries or age or whatever. You should have to pass a yearly. We all should. This is a young mans, womens job. These morons out here would love to get the drop on you. Get strong enough not to get over powered. Drug and booze screening is good. Who wants them on this job anyway and the video just might protect you as well. 55 medical is a great benefit, do the math. IT HAS A GREAT CHANCE OF BEING HERE FOR A VERY, VERY LONG TIME. THE 60 MEDICAL STAYED, DIDN'T IT ? NO ONE HAS AND SUPPORT TO SHOW THAT IT WILL BE TAKEN AWAY. Twenty five percent of the sergeants will be eligable to go in the next couple of years. Think of what that is going to do for seniority and promotions. No brainer-gotta vote YES. I,m 49 years old and don't wan,t a couple hundred bucks a month when there is a good likely hood that I can save my family *)).00 a month on medical in 5/6 years. Common, get with it. FOP decides the raise any way.
Please listen to the comments on here about voting no. Many valid points. What makes everyone so sure that they'll take the 55 and out off the table if we vote no? We all know its a great deal for the city. If the city is giving it to FOP and Lt and Capt association, do you really think the city will only take it away from sgt's as a punishment because we voted no?
What's wrong with voting no, and letting the arbitrator perhaps knock the mandatory physical fitness out and make our uniform allowance mandatory? Who cares if the arbitrator doesn't give us a monetary raise? We'll ensure that at least we get the monetary raise that FOP gets thanks to the me too clause. And what if FOP gets no money? than neither do we. But at least we can say that we saved face and voted no to the city's insult, and by voting no we may be able to keep the basics that we had via arbitrator.
Please, please realize what the nays are saying. Read that contract again. There is trickery in there. Vote no. Don't sell us out.
Don't believe that the city is broke. They convieniently jumped on a nationwide bandwagon and people are buying into the fear. Didn't the city counsel just approve almost unlimited funds (of our money) to the Mayor for the Olympics, the money is there but the Mayor and the Media have everyone scared. Did anyone stop paying property taxes? Water? Sales tax? City Stickers? Red Light Cameras? NO. The money continues to come in on a constant basis. the only thing that has dried up is the Mayors willingness to pay the workers. The Mayor has never had to show that we were broke in order to cut jobs and benefits.
Go to the informational meeting today, one of three offered, and get the real facts. You will see that the PB&PA never asked for a "me too" they were spacific about the money. the city keeps throwing the "Me too" at us.
The offer by the city is only good for about 20% of the Sergeants currently working and only a small part of the offer is a benefit, ie; 55 and medical. The rest of the offer isn't good for anyone, including the Sergeants close to 55
The offer is a slap in the face of everyone who is working. The city keeps raising every tax and fee to live here then tells us how broke they are.
"Clueless wonder?". Arrogance and ignorance don't work well together...It's jagoff spoiled punks like you that make me want to leave this fucked up job yesterday..Apparently our uniion president, an attorney, thinks this is a "me too" issue and will file a grievance..another reason I don't associate with cops off duty
Letters of agreement aren't subject to the arbitrator. The city can and will take that away when they will no longer benefit. The union should demand that it is a part of the actual contract.
If the city says it can't be added to the contract, how is it they added the mandatory power test without pay, etc?
Part of the problem is the union doesn't fight for our rights. Why isn't the union asking for more bid spots, lower meritorious percentage, adding something to the contract to settle it sooner, etc? Why? Because the city won't go for it? There is no one on the city's side saying the union won't go for their b.s. They give the union shit and the union takes it.
This contract only benefits the city. If you can't see that you need to pull you head out of the sand. The retirement package will not be there when I get to be 55. But I will still have to do a free power test every year. I hope I don't have some knee problems that will keep me from passing. Then what? Be forced off at 45? Hey everybody, there's more room under the bus on this one way street. Who wants in?
“Get in shape and take care of yourself . . . Forget the BS about injuries or age or whatever. You should have to pass a yearly. We all should. This is a young mans, womens job.”
MANY of us worked in shit for decades!!! (NOT Area 3 BITCH!!!)
I have been shot along with having pins in my legs and had an artificial hip replacement 3 times!
I am lucky to be alive.. you must be some cunt from Area 3 or 35th Street; NEVER had a bad day in your career???
Starbucks drinking slit???
Go fuckith yourself bitch!
Many of us who have received such injuries are lucky to get out of bed in the morning . .
RUN A FUCKING MILE??? Not since the patch on my uniform shirt had the district sewn on it .. WHEN YOU WERE A BITCH IN DIAPERS!!!
The department is going to FUCK US ???????
I hope bastards like you burn in hell!!
All you suckholes saying you're going to suck at the FOP tit! Why didn't you just for the FOP assholes who ran for office then?! Go PBPA!!
mandatory power test is good for the pension fund because 30 % of officers will be forced off job before they hit 20years
take it to arbitration
command staff & captains aren't required to take a power test for promotion
oh i forgot those are merit picks
"The p.o.'s don't get the 45 minute a day overtime that the bosses do."
Because you don't have to stay and clean up P.O.s messes when you don't know what you're doing and have to be babysat, Mr. IDon'tknowhatI'mtalkingaboutburton. Where I work- we rarely get OT but it's rare we get out on time.
Believe it or not- we are police officers too and we should all stick together-Mr.Two-year wonder.
OK tough guys, you're going to blow it all. here it is..Years ago REAL people realized that employment requiring the wearing of BODY ARMOR was not a "real job" and would thus cut us some slack about issues like this..There are very few REAL people left..Across the country unions are making concessions just to KEEP their jobs. You all want to take a tough stance, make a statement, send a message..Do you think any of the pod people out there give a flying rat's ass about your message? Vote no and you'll get nothing anyway and i'll sit on my $105K yr, 31 yrs on, unit spot 4 more years until i'm 60
Ok vote no and watch the city get all it wanted and us zero. Just like the last one. 55 and out benefits us. It does not save the city that much money.
Hmmm...received the ballot today,real tough decision,lol,Not..
The CAPTAINS Union voted "YES" on the contract . . .
What a bunch of one-way bitches...
If they waited the 6 months or so in arbitration they would have fared much better.
Vote no and you'll get nothing anyway and i'll sit on my $105K yr, 31 yrs on, unit spot 4 more years until i'm 60
Excellent! We need people with experience on this job.
how many captains will retire by march 31,2010
cpd goes to a 10 hour day will require only 50 captains
that is how the city will save some big money
VOTE YES... Every sgt is getting closer to a retirement age. Many of us are not going to stay 42 years like the previous generation of police. There IS life beyond the CPD So vote yes and your son, daughter and nephew will get promoted sooner. Sounds good. VOTE YES
If your son, daughter or nephew thinks like you, I don't want them promoted because they'll be the kind of dumbass supervisor you are-only thinking about your thirty pieces of silver and not the big picture. Vote NO just to keep his rotten hearted, chip off the old block offspring and kin from becoming supervisors.
To the last poster, you seem to have a hair poking you in the ass with your philosophies on life. You are wet behind the ears and you will change your tune down the road. That's all.
Been there
I am no where near 55, so that does not appease me. Who put that shit in about the Power Test. I would like to see all of those dumb fucks take it first!
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