Today was the first time I logged on in 2 weeks and was on the verge of just ending the site. It has been well over three years that I have been doing this and I have been aimless in the direction that I wanted to go. I really wanted to be a place to provide basic info and somewhere for sergeants to express opinions. I think the person/people at Second City Cop run a great blog and I can't compete with that.
I like to peruse different sites, be it news or LE, and then post articles I think may be of interest to others who may not have seen it. I may bring up topics that are of concern to the men and women of the Chicago Police Department and in particular the roughly 1200 of us that are sergeants. There is no way for me to run a post every single day but I will try to keep it fresh.
So I have decided to give this thing another shot.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Hey, No mention of Shaved? What's up with that?
Sorry Detective.
Word around the broken water fountain says that all the board members had their own little scams and perks. We shall see, but we shall see!
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That’s right!
Here’s EXACTLY what the scam was:
You see, in addition to going to the general meetings and the board meetings which are held every month on the SHITHOLE rat infested Southside of Chicago, the board members also get to work in districts.
NOT ONLY THAT, some board members work several part time jobs to help support their families. Can you image the scam these assholes have?
These fucking bastards.
So when their cell phones aren’t CONSTANLY going off when they are sleeping as they answer STUPID FUCKING QUESTIONS from sergeants who act like they have 6 months on the job . . they get to work an additional 60 hours a week so they can support their kids and grandchildren.
Ohhhh, and here is the biggest fucking scam of all!
Each board member gets to sell $2000 worth of raffle tickets each summer which is the only financial support that benefits the active duty DEATH BENEFIT FUND for sergeants. These fucking board members have soooooo much fun trying to sell those damn tickets. They ask a sergeant who makes over $100,000 a year if they will spend $10 for a book of tickets, and 9 out of 10 times the sergeant says “I has to pay my baby’s mama this check, catch me next payday” or “I had too many bills, gots ta pay mys credit card bill ya know?”.
Also, I have it on good information that after general meetings they get to eat the left over cold fuckin’ pizza that the whining bitches didn’t eat.
Hey!!! I have an idea!!
Why don’t you come to some meetings and shove some of that pizza in your face? You can wash it down with about 12 beers that are also on hand? Then, you can bitch and moan to the board members about all kinds of dumb things like, “When the fuck is the lieutenant’s lawsuit going to be finalized? I need MORE money so I can pay for my $700 a month car note”
THEN, YOU CAN RUN for a BOARD POSITION. What a great idea right?
Say . . when you’re a board member make sure you try to catch me by that “broken water cooler” so you can try to peddle some of those $2000 in raffle tickets that you have to sell.
Apparently you did not attend the membership meeting or you would know we have 1281 sergeants according to the PBPA board with a probable 1310 getting D3 pay.
Shaved sold out for the money. He has too many non-police crap and revenue generating adds and links.
Lemon Ade only answers his cell phone for select people.
Keep it up brother you have done a fine job indeed. Don't feel too obligated either, do it for yourself, and if somone has the nerve to complain about the content of YOUR blog, then they should find a hobby as you have with this blog. F$#% em
Lets get something straight, I did attend the emergency meeting. Would it have made you happier if I had said 1200 plus sergeants? Probably not.
By the way, those persons who are of pay grade D3 but were not promoted to sergeant have nothing to do with the membership count of PB&PA.
stay the course, I am amazed that your blog continues as it is the only one that passes for clean & thoughtful content. If one gets tired of foul language and whiney bickering on otherwise interesting blogsites, its always refreshing to come over here for a bit of calm, humor, and even a little thoughtful regard for sworn and their families. Thanks really.
Don't let any derisive comments keep you from your blog. Good work sarge.
Stay the course. What we need is a clean positve site, not one with every post stating dont work because..... I appreciate the posts, the flag, and the reminder of the line of duty deaths.
OT: Can anyone clarify if a power test will be required for promotion to Lt?
it's in the new lt contract
power test will be required for all future lt's
1 more class from old lt list
no more test for promotion to lt
Sarge, your site is informative and timely when the situation warrants. Keep up the good work and thanks for hanging in there.
I thought the Lt contract states that those required to take power test as a Sgt. would be required to take the test for promotion to Lt, meaning future Sgts. Anyone know for sure?
blame the morbidly obese (can't feed their fat face often enough) for the power test requiement. That is exactly why this reqirement is here to stay! My only concern as a sgt (too old to care about lt promo now) is that those fine sgts injured in the line of duty be made the exception to this new rule as in not forced to run as long as they can walk and weight is appropriate to height. Good luck to all from almost retired reasonable thinker!
Hey, stick around.
hang in there , alot of officers enjoy your blog
post when you have time
I like your new plan. Taser and use of force postings have been benificial.
We know this is a hobby and career and family come first. Keep up the good work. Reading your blog is still better than roll call training films.
Great news. Happy to see you're gonna stick with it, Pal. Keep up the good work!
Hey Shaved- SCS is obviously a gentleman. I am not- You are a juvenile, insecure phoney. Are you really trolling for compliments? Get over yourself. There are enough frat boys that frequent your site. Don't look for fans here on the reasonable, thinking man's site.
DO NOT view your blog as "competing" with SCC. You are a completely different kind of animal. I may not agree with some of the posts here, but it is maintained on a high level of civility. SCC posts comments that frequently make us appear to be no better than the racist, ghetto trash (and I'm not speaking about color here, ghetto runs the entire spectrum of the rainbow people!!) we have to deal with on a regular basis. If you want to get more selective about the topics you choose to post about, I think that's just fine. I only hope that should you wish to continue with your blog, that you continue to take the (usual) moral high ground on the heater issues.
As much good as SCC and even Shaved have done to bust out the politicians and some of our most notable political hack bosses on this job, they have often done as much harm as they have good in what they've allowed to show up in their respective blogs in print.
I like your "level" of posts. Please stay. I would love to give you a hand. I use the computer at my part time, but I will send you my personal email if you like.
Do you know what is up with our contract and our union? I am supporting our union, so I am not looking to bash, I would just like real time information that has not been filtered.
Also, SCC has more than one partner. Get a partner or 2. This has got to be a lot to manage!!!
Don't quit. We need you. More than just sgts. read you.
Just say your gonna end it but dont.Kinda like most sgts and honorables.They say theyll do them and dont.Why does morale suck
Don't end it! - 9161
blame the morbidly obese (can't feed their fat face often enough) for the power test requiement. That is exactly why this reqirement is here to stay! My only concern as a sgt (too old to care about lt promo now) is that those fine sgts injured in the line of duty be made the exception to this new rule as in not forced to run as long as they can walk and weight is appropriate to height. Good luck to all from almost retired reasonable thinker!
Tue Jan 26, 05:53:00 PM
Reasonable Thinker? How about bitter old codger? How do you blame the obese for anything weiss has done? I may not look as good in my uniform as you obviously do, but I can guarantee I will put my considerable girth behind those that work for me and around me. Can that be said of all the skinny bosses? There have been bad officers of all ranks, both fat and thin, but it is the negative attitude of some, such as yourself, that truly hurts this department.
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