Contract 2007 Update: 25 Sept 07
When we first met with the City on 16 Aug 2007 we presented them with a “Letter of Retroactivity” and requested that they formally agree to it by signing the document. The City refused, citing the PB & PA’s (Unit 156a – Sergeants) 2005 interest arbitration which the City believed created a position which was inconsistent with previously established past practices of both parties.
Our position was simple, we informed the City we would not proceed with these negotiations without securing these important safeguards for our members. On 10 Sept 07, the City agreed to sign a “Letter of Retroactivity.” This agreement was presented at the last contract negotiation meeting on 18 Sept 07.
The “Agreement” covers the following two important areas.
In the event negotiations do not conclude by June 30, 2007, the City agrees that economic increases, including but not limited to, wage, allowance, salary and pay increases agreed to by the parties shall be retroactive to July,1, 2007, unless the parties mutually agree to another date.
Any bargaining unit member who retires, dies, or voluntarily leaves the bargaining unit between the current contract expiration date and approval by the City Council of Chicago of any successor collective bargaining agreement between Unit 156 PB & PA and the City of Chicago, shall receive all increases in economic benefits including, but not limited to, wage, allowance, salary, pay and/or bonus to which he/she would have been entitled during the period the member was employed between date of contract expiration and leaving of the bargaining unit as described.
The next formal meeting for negotiations with the City of Chicago is tentatively scheduled for 28 Sept 07.
John Pallohusky
President – C.P.S.A
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
I heard a rumor that the commander of T.R.U. was told to start thinking about merit selections for Lt. Does this mean that the test results are coming soon!... or that they are going to make another class off the old list?????????????
I heard a rumor that the commander of T.R.U. was told to start thinking about merit selections for Lt. Does this mean that the test results are coming soon!... or that they are going to make another class off the old list?????????????
Thu Sep 27, 11:51:00 PM
The old list
(sorry a little off topic)
Did anyone even know the PBPA had a magazine?
This PBPA outfit is completely FRATERNAL.. it's time to go with OUR OWE F.O.P. Lodge as long as we don't blow our contract that's still in effect.
Take a look at the PBPA State President.. he's a police chief from some place called "Parkland College". Give me a break!
Where do we stand with contract negotiations?? Has the city even made an offer yet? what are we asking for in terms of $$ and what lenght of time are we asking for in a contract...4 years or 5 etc..? I sure DO NOT want my insurance to go up one cent...why cant we get several estimates from insurance carriers and say we have 10,000 members..example...this is what we want...what can you give us? There has to be better plans out there for less money...You figure if ALL of the city agencies get together....we would have at least 20,000 members and we can't get a better rate???
You know it means another class from the old list about 20 lts.
sgt az is in
is the sgt's union requesting that the age for paid health insurance is lowered to age 55 for retirees
are we demanding the quarterly checks are made pensionable
if anyone has answers please post I missed the last meeting at home run inn
Anonymous said...
(sorry a little off topic)
Did anyone even know the PBPA had a magazine?
What kind of IDIOT are you? Or maybe you're not a Sergeant as we all get this magazine every month in the mail as part of our dues......
The city is its own insurance carrier, I believe. The city pays Unicare and Blue cross to administer the plan, that is it. Blue cross/Unicare don't pay anything, the city does. That is why when you sue for a medical grievance, you sue the city, not the insurance company. The insurance agancy denies the claim and then you sue the city to pay it...Fucked up that we have to pay someone to do that when we are paying the bills, but OK!!!
Did anyone even know the PBPA had a magazine?
What kind of IDIOT are you? Or maybe you're not a Sergeant as we all get this magazine every month in the mail as part of our dues......
NO .. We do NOT get this magazine. We ONLY get a newsletter from the Sgts Association 4 times a year .. ASSHAT.
so if the commander of TRU was advised to start thinking of merit selection for LT and there is a post on SSC that there's a big announcement coming next week out of HQ- are we getting the new superintendent (PERF must work 24/7..) and promotions are back on track? or is the interim superintendent going to make a class of the old list with his buddies on it before the new superintendent is appointed?
off topic.... has anyone heard anything about when the next class of detectives might be??... thanks
When is the next Sgt.'s class? Somebody has got the goods. We need more out there!!
Yeah FOP now there's a joke for you. State lodge president is a washed up labor rep who hasn't seen the inside of a squad car in decades.
If we need anything it is NOT the Lodge 7 controlled FOP.
How about we back our ELECTED PBPA leaders and fight the City instead of each other?
I think you are right about the city running its own insurance. But if you are hiring someone to sue the city over a medical grievance that your fault. I had a duty related injury they wouldn't pay - I called the union and they got the PBA lawyer to represent me. Cost me nothing and the guy got my bills paid and my injury coded IOD.
The head of the world olympic committee will be here in Oct to visit chicago on a world wind tour with the Mayor. Why don't we do some informational picketting to show him that we are under staffed and under payed. With security a major issue this might sway his decision on Chicago. If King Richie know that we might pickett it might give us some leverage in contract talks. What a thought embarrass him and make him lose the olympics at the same time. What do we have to lose. We are going to go to arbitration again and get what the city offers anyway. I think a real collective barganing unit would be organizing something like this but alas we don't have on of those.
...NO .. We do NOT get this magazine...
YES .. We DO get this magazine. Contact them and make sure they have your correct mailing address.
"I called the union and they got the PBA lawyer to represent . . ."
PBA?? Huh? Geeeez, another guy smoking crack.
so if the commander of TRU was advised to start thinking of merit selection for LT and there is a post on SSC that there's a big announcement coming next week out of HQ- are we getting the new superintendent (PERF must work 24/7..) and promotions are back on track? or is the interim superintendent going to make a class of the old list with his buddies on it before the new superintendent is appointed?
Take it easy A.Z.
To Oct 1 10:47 :
I never said anything about HIRING a lawyer and not using our...That being said, I do have a Sgt friend who was direly ill and in the hospital for quite a while who got screwed and even with the "Our Represntstion" had to over $10K. Not because of doctor choice, but because the City/Blue cross decided the treatment wasn't necessary. Yes, even after the long hospitalization (over a month), even after the numerous tests and second opinions, and even after their own registered doctors and specialists said this was necessary...THEY REFUSED TO FUCKING PAY!!!! The point was...The City will do anything for a buck---unless it means not giving handouts and romotions to your friends or pissing off the minorities...
off topic.... has anyone heard anything about when the next class of detectives might be??... thanks
Mon Oct 01, 01:35:00 PM
Damn....they started the class Monday, you weren't called?
Anonymous said...
Sat Sep 29, 09:06:00 PM
God help US.... A legend in his own humble opinion....Back to 018 for your connections.....MUSH
Sorry Off Topic (Perhaps you can make this a NEW topic SCS.)
- - A veteran comes along and cuts down the flag and now he’s called a racist.
Take a look at the video on YouTube. Copy and paste the following link:
When you are done watching it go to other YouTube links on this topic and read the articles that scumbags say about this veteran.
BASTARDS ! ! ! !
I hope its a class of Lts off the old list so I can get my bars!!!
Yippee heard the fax for merit lieutenant nominations came out today. So glad to say I will be in the next class based on my test score, the same way I made Sgt!
Adam...will unfortunately be a LT...God help us all...If he can make it then I can be the Superintendent
To Tue, Oct 2, 03:06:
RE: "Take it easy A.Z."
I'm not AZ, I'm just asking a question to see if anyone has the info. Many of us who took the 2001/2002 test are pretty close to being made and for some of us, it's been so long, we're at the point that it could effect our retirement plans. Why slam someone asking a genuine question?
RE: "Take it easy A.Z."
I'm not AZ, I'm just asking a question to see if anyone has the info. Many of us who took the 2001/2002 test are pretty close to being made and for some of us, it's been so long, we're at the point that it could effect our retirement plans.
You can have the Watch Commander's job.. No Thanks!
Adam...will unfortunately be a LT...God help us all...If he can make it then I can be the Superintendent
Sat Oct 06, 12:51:00 PM
What's up with guy?
Is he a softball? Got stories?
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