For the New Boss
As a police department we do a great job of supervising and managing but
I think that we forgot what leadership is all about. Think about it. The past
administration's goal was to reduce murders through the strategy of addressing gangs,
guns and drugs. In the meantime many Districts saw increases in the crimes of robbery,
burglary and theft. But many of these trends were pushed aside for missions in the DOC.
Missions – now there's a concept that's overdone. Everything we do is a mission of some
type. And make sure an event number is assigned. Does anyone really believe that these
missions are accomplishing anything? Really?
Many districts had their manpower depleted to increase the size of various
citywide units like TRU. Many officers were worn thin by having to be detailed
throughout the city on weekends and to suffer numerous cancellations to their days off
whether they wanted to work or not. Is this leadership? I think not. Sure there was a
reduction to murders, but at what cost?
In my quarter of a century on the job I can't remember morale being lower.
No one wants to police anymore. Everyone wants to just get through their day as easily
as they can. Ask any cop why and he will tell you without hesitation that he fears the
department will sell him out. And the public despises us. Everything we do, right or
wrong, is questioned by the community groups and the media. Who's standing up for us?
Where are our leaders? I would be thrilled to have just one top boss stand up in the
limelight and make the following statement: "Folks, here's how we can prevent all these
people from being shot: obey the law! Let's also remember, please, that a police officer
has the right to defend himself, his partners and anyone whose life may be in jeopardy. If
people would obey the law; not carry guns and sell drugs; not run or fight the police, then
these shootings would not be happening. Period. End of story." That's a leader.
We also need to reinstall discipline. We have gone from a paramilitary
organization to a fraternity. Just attend a roll call and look at all the uniforms present.
Ties, no ties, dickies; baseball hats, police hats, knit skullcaps; dress pants, field pants,
cargo pants and shorts; 3 or 4 different types of jackets; sweaters; various colors of
outside vest covers…my God we look just like a roll call out of Hill Street Blues! How
can you be the police when you don't look like the police? Sometimes it seems that no
one cares what they look like anymore. Nail polish, earrings, long hair, goatees and
unshaven faces are all covered in an order. But is it ever enforced anymore? Now IAD
tells you that a male can have hair of any length as long as he can pin it up above his
collar like the females? What? If you don't care about yourself, how can you care for
others? Also, I'm sure that every white shirt out there has the horror story about telling
someone to perform a task and getting back the infamous retort: Why? Why? Because
it's your job, that's why. This department is not, nor should ever be like a college
I also hope that whoever takes over the reins of CPD reads the article
about San Diego Police Chief Williams Lansdowne in the Police Executive Research
Forum where he says:
"The most difficult, dangerous, complex job in the police department is
the patrol officer that answers calls every day. Everybody else is support to that patrol
person. What we have traditionally done in law enforcement is we've overspecialized.
We have SWAT teams, negotiator teams, robbery teams, homicide teams, sexual assault
teams, and there's a belief that we need more investigative teams, we need more task
forces, fugitive task forces – and we've always drained patrol….
I've reversed that. I've taken people out of specialized units and put them
in patrol, so we have enough people to be over the minimum staffing levels…" *
Wow! What a concept!
Whoever takes over, I hope that he or she takes the time to sit down and
look back to where we have been, where we are now, and where we can go in the future.
I hope he or she brings us true leadership, builds morale and discipline, and supports the
cop on the street who needs it most. After all, that person will become the
Superintendent of the finest police department in the United States.
Robert H. Stasch
Area 3 Representative
* PERF Newsletter, Vol.21, No.8 August 2007
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
you just nailed it Lt.
nice to hear somebody still has a set
I’ve wanted to be a CPD copper all my life , but its been hard lately when CPD officers I know tell me its not worth it. You just reassured me that there are coppers out there who still care to put on the shield… don’t worry and remember…the Youngblood’s; who care are out there , we just need to get hired
you just nailed it Lt.
Mon Sep 10, 10:18:00 PM
Anonymous said...
nice to hear somebody still has a set
Tue Sep 11, 12:56:00 AM
I agree, what a great post, Thank you Lt.
Just telling it like it is!!
Right on the money Lt. where I work alot of officers come late everyday, look like crap and nothin happens the captain takes no action what a slap to us officers that are on time everyday
Yea right, now its nail polish, long hair and goe tees fucking up the department. Its people like this supervisor who wants to worry about silly shit instead of the important things like good working radios and computers. How does long hair, painted finger nails or facial hair stop a policeman from doing his or her job. These things have changed Lt. because they are meaning less and bosses like you would only fuck with the male police officers about hair length while the females all come to roll call with their hair down and nobody says shit! How does having facial hair stop a policeman from doing his job? As long as he dosent have a zz top beard I dont see where a victim cares as long as the police respond and help them with their situation. I think things have got better over the years with the uniform code as far as comfort goes for the police officer, but I will agree there are too many combinations. Get rid of the tie altogether, the blue vest cover was stupid from day one, and everybody should get rid of that bozo circus hat and wear a ball cap. What I think bosses should be looking for is the dopes that never wash their vest cover, or their hats are destroyed by years of sweat, or shoes that look like they got them out of the good will box. As far as the low morale , take a look at the papers and the 5 oclock news. Its easy to be a supervisor and say coppers dont do anything anymore. We all know when you were on the street you were the example of excellece Lt. You were the most aggressive patrolman on the street and now we are all just kids with no loyalty to the department. We are trying to preserve our jobs because we have families. Do you think we care how many thugs kill one another in the shit neighborhoods? Everyday you read about a cop who cared and lost his job or is about to for being the police. Its not worth it for a young police officer to go above and beyond anymore. They have to come out and answer the jobs , write a ticket here and there and go home to their families. Any boss who disagrees with this theory is not any friend of the patrolman at this day and age.
Great guy this Lt is. Why is he writting this blog? Why dont the bosses stand up when a copper gets strung up unjustly or write their bosses and the mayor about this shit? Because its easy to write a non sense blog and say Im standing up for truth justice and the chicago way. Go away boss. Retire to florida or something Lt.
I love all these so called honorable bosses step up to the plate and take wacks on the blog sites. If you have any balls step up to the plate at your roll calls and on camera when shit goes down.
Lt Stasch....I agree with many of your comments...but I see one major piece of the puzzle left out...the discipline starts where??? The academy...The Chicago Police Academy MUST get back to being hard line...that's where these new officers develop their attitudes...and they need to be taught from day one how it's going to be. The officers going through the academy Must be taught respect....respect first for be proud of who they are and what they have accomplished...they must be focused and taught to do their jobs without question...They must be taught that their supervisors are not their "equal" but their supervisor and they should not question "why" when they are given a task or assignment...Not to say that the supervisors are "better" than the officers but to say that there must be a level of respect for the supervisor from the officer and vice versa. I as a young patrolman whould NEVER question my sergeant or lt etc...when I was told to do something...that just wouldn't happen...these kids today question you when you tell them what to do as if they are your playmates...this is a job and it needs to be done right..plain and simple there is no option. I remember being taught in the academy by great instructors...and I mean officers who had time on the job...not 5 years or 8 years..these guys had 10+ years and many had 20 years on the job...the academy (15) years ago was tough...not like today, the instructors demamded that you know your law, physical skills etc..I think the academy needs to get back to the old days where these kids are taught respect and to listen and perform without question. I also agree with you regarding the uniform policy...the officers need to look professional...they need to take pride in their appearance and that comes with self respect...if they have no respect for themselves...they will have no pride. I am also right with you with these nonsense,,,event numbers..they are uncalled for and useless, let's let our officers police and do their jobs..forget all of these silly details and security checks and event numbers really think the officers are there?? Let me be the first to tell you that they are not...Another thing that MUST go are these daily "humpers" these are senseless...there is a checkoff sheet and there are supervisors management logs, one commander once told me that the "humpers" are meant for accountability....I looked at him and asked ..then why do I do a management log?? If you "Need" to know every job your officers went to...print out a pcad of their activity and that will tell you where they have been, the other part is left to their sergeants as far as accountability and logging them. The humpers are childish at best and make officers feel inferior. As far as leadership at the upper ranks of this will never be like it used to be...there used to be supervisors with balls and they did the right job the didn't act or react out of fear. Today everyone is afraid of "upsetting" cretain community leaders or activists and they react to please them...that's nonsense...This is a fucking police department..not a senate debate...we have rules and laws to follow and weather the reverends or the activists like it we need to stand up for our officers and say "the officers acted in accordance with the rules of the CPD and the law of Illinois" don't like it?? Go live in another city. Your little Johnny was caught with a gun and got shot by the police...well you as a parent should have put your foot up little Johnny's ass a lot more as a kid then so he wouldn't have done what he did..and furthermore...if you spent more time with little Johnny mabye he wouldn't be society's problem. Bottom line I am sick and tired of having to qualify an officers lawful and proper action to any reverend or community activist based on race or skin color...and the brass of this department needs to realize that as are either a reverend or a police officer...make a choice. If you want to be a reverend...resign and open a church if you want to be a police officer and a department leader...then stand up for what is right and do so. God Bless all of our hard working officers are the best and keep the faith!!
Anonymous said...
Great guy this Lt is. Why is he writting this blog? Why dont the bosses stand up when a copper gets strung up unjustly or write their bosses and the mayor about this shit? Because its easy to write a non sense blog and say Im standing up for truth justice and the chicago way. Go away boss. Retire to florida or something Lt.
Tue Sep 11, 09:20:00 AM
Anonymous said...
I love all these so called honorable bosses step up to the plate and take wacks on the blog sites. If you have any balls step up to the plate at your roll calls and on camera when shit goes down.
Tue Sep 11, 09:34:00 AM
Get your facts straight! The lieutenant who wrote that letter isn't an anonymous blogger. He wrote an open letter that was posted on the lieutenants site and we copied and pasted it because we agree with him. The lieutenant was addressing his fellow union members as he is area 3 rep. I have been at plenty of roll calls where a lieutenant has spoken his mind, don't assume he hasn't.
To 11 Sept 9:06 are obviously part of the problem...your attitude says it all. If you are so disgruntled...go and find another job so some young officer can have one. You talk about how the Lt was the "example of excellence when he was on the street"..mabye he had pride in himself enough to care about what he looked like or how he ought to try it sometime officer.I too have a family and I go out every day that I work and do my job...because that's what I do...that's what I signed up for...I also look out for my family and still do my job...whats your excuse?? too lazy?? I've been on this job for 14 years now and am a sergeant...I still go out and make arrests and I also write tickets if the need arises...I don't call a patrolman to do my job...I am a police officer and do my job well. I am proud of who I am and what I have achieved...try furthering yourself officer and going to school or taking a promotional exam...Oh....but you'll say that I made it on merit right??!! Not the case..I took a test and studied for it too and made it on MY OWN...I have nobody to thank for my success except MYSELF. You are the problem this department is the way it is...your attitude and demeanor is why officers who encounter you get bad attitudes and equally bad work habits and become like you. If you don't like what you do , you need to quit and find another profession...but you will not because that would mean that you would have to W O R K...and God knows you do not want to do that. This job is an effortless job...think of get an drive to the asdsignment...15% of the time you may have to get physical (fight) with an offender otherwise you either write a case report or make an arrest...either way it's driving and that's so damn hard!! Oh and I almost forgot you might even actually have to get out of the car once in a while to accomplish the that's a real challenge! Shit...shure beats working for the water department in February when a water main breaks!! It's amazing how officers whine and complain about nothing...and then they want everything but they will not do anything ...they want to work early....they want to work this car...they want to work with this partner...but when asked to do some activity...they will not and they complain about how the jagoff sgt or w/c told them they need to come in with some activity...Let me tell you another thing officer...if you were working for any company in the private sector...any pick would be fired if you did nothing...plain and simple. You have no idea how good we have it...and all we have to do is justify our existance and get along...but you don't even want to do that. Mabye you are the one who is not a friend of the patrolman in this day and age because you would have no problem letting others do your job or picking up the slack right?? You would welecome another officer to take your jobs while you sit on a disturbance for 40 mins too right?? Your fellow officers should be the ones on your ass because you are screwing them...But you will tell them all how the jagoff sgt. was "On your case" about sitting on jobs or not comming in with any activity...and the best will not change! "want" your car and you "want" your partner and you "want" your early start....all the while screwing your fellow officers...hopefully you're close to retirement. God bless
To Sep 11th 8:31
Im sorry you took from my writting that Im a dog sergeant. Now that I have read you wonderful resume I will give you mine. I have 15 years on the job and of those 15 I have been assigned to tactical teams in 002,006,and 007. The funny thing is I still am assigned to a tac team. 12 of the 15 years. I never have and never will tell a young police officer not to work. I try to offer advise on the experience I have on the job.I tell young officers if you want to work tac, you will have to be much more aggressive than the average cop. But I also let them know its OK to just be a beat cop too. Tac is not for everyone. In my last paragraph I said its not worth going above and beyond anymore. Its not! I have seen 5 young kids lose their jobs over the last three years for trying to be policeman. Fired for BULLSHIT. I buy tickets and donate money to all these guys causes. How much do you give sergeant. Ill bet you are one of the coward bosses always way behind the troops screaming march forward boys, but the minute a cop gets hurt or jammed up, your screams become whispers and you tell everyone how bad the guy fucked up. So keep going home and telling you wife your war stories. Ill bet you work in 001, 16,18 or 22 with your "Im still the working police attitude". Funny but of all the places Ive worked I have NEVER seen a sergeant do shit. That was until today when you let me know how much you do. Its good to know there is one of you still working out there. Ive made more arrestes this year alone then you probably did in your career. I am very proud of what I do sir, but I dont see how you can judge a persons work ethic by a goe tee, long hair or nail polish. And by the way, what is wrong with answering your jobs and writting a few tickets? That is the direction this job has gone. This was not the police officer that did this, this is the command staff that wants this. All sergeants do is piss and moan when the CRs come in. Thats all the police in the burbs do is answer their jobs and write tickets. Ill bet if you ask the director of finance what he would rather see more arrests or tickets he would pick tickets. Dont be so quick to pick on the guy that responds to jobs and issues a few bannanas here and there. That is doing their job. They cant all be cut from the same superman mold you and I came from!
Right on, try working in a detective area were the women dress for church with high heels and skirts. WTF will they do in the field??? How would they run for cover.
Try managing people assigned to homicide who will not look at a body or handle a death investigation but our allowed to be assigned(political) to homicide. Try begging these women in sex crimes to help out on a violent crimes job. OMG
I can count on six to nine guys/gals on any given day.
We lost control and the department will not back us.
To: Tue Sep 11, 09:06:00 AM
I have a response, WHAT!
Gotta love these jaggoffs who preach about how no police officers would survive in the private sector. Do you think this was everybodys first job like you sergeant? Do you think you are a superior officer because you can fill out a log and sign a time due slip? You probably work in sos with the rest of the working police and sergeants. You supervisors have set some good examples over there, keep up the good work.
May be the officer is asking why because some merit hack sgt or Lt told him to do something totally illogical. Anyone who has worked in a district for an extended amount of time has seen many Sgt's and Lt's pass by on there way to bigger and better things. 90% of them haven't worked in patrol for a majority of there career. And we all no shit rolls down hill when some goof Sgt is barking orders for you to do something stupid or lets say illegal. A wise old time lock up keeper questioned me once about a charge on a arrest report. My answer was because the WC told me to put that on there. He then gave a good analogy about The nazi court tribunal and that did I think any of the generals were pardoned because Hitler told them to kill all those people. It was an extreme example and I brushed it off only to realize what he was talking about years later. The hole point to my rambling is we need to have confidence in our leaders because they have been there and done that, not because the have a strip or bar and the only reason is because there uncle or daddy is a deputy. So untill things change asking questions is a good thing. Remember its your paper and your arrest YOU are going to be the one who has to answer to it in court, grand jury, IAD, OPS, etc, etc, etc. and "because the boss told me to isn't going to cut it"
You can't even get the paper car to stay on scene of a major incident, Agg Bat, Robbery, commercial burglary, etc. and your worried about uniforms?
To street cop and the others who are complaining that the Lt's post was meaningless because you want your way and all bosses don't know what policing is about. Apparently you have no pride in this profession or yourself. You speak of comfort for yourself and your fellow hero's so the way you wear the uniform is OK I agree that morale is at an all time low because of many factors the main one being the politicians who have taken over this department and ran it into the ground officers need to wake up and understand that some bosses lack the leadership skills to run this department and the units within it welcome to reality they have thrown up their hands and let things get out of control with few inspectors and watch commanders not conducting proper roll calls with daily uniform and weekly weapons inspections officers are going on the street wearing whatever they want and carrying side arms that may malfunction causing accidental discharges or none at all and wondering why the public is hostile. We have gotten away from the semi military model that this department and others are based on. You raise valid points concerning working equipment low manpower poor bosses etc. But what you must realize is that it has always been that way so get over it bitching and blaming ain't gonna change it. I speak from experience having served 30 years plus all on the street in so called hot districts. As a young officer as well as now I am proud to wear the uniform of a Chicago Police Officer the old timers in my early career set the example I wanted emulate they were immaculate no matter what their assignment including wagon duty. We all adhered to uniform and haircut standards shoes shined uniform cleaned and pressed and still did our jobs bad guys were chased and arrested and the community even respected your professionalism and this was achieved without the so called comfort attire ( cargo pants Running shoes ball caps black vest covers) air conditioned cars and the assorted earrings, piercings, weird hairdos colorful nail polish and long fingernails you street coppers wear today. You have poor attitudes towards the public and your superiors when a boss gives you an assignment you think your to good to do then he or she becomes an asshole sure some bosses have that demeanor that makes you wonder does he or she have any friends that's life so take a look in a mirror to see who is the true asshole before passing that handle onto a superior remember you don't have to like the rank holder but you must respect the rank. The former regime created a circus making a laughing stock of this department with its cavalier attitude towards professionalism, discipline ,dress and grooming standards as well as poor leadership has allowed us to become a numbers driven mess staffed by an ill trained ill mannered poorly dressed whining mob who think without them the organization will collapse. I have heard some young officers refer to the uniform as a monkey suit this type of comment is a slap in the face to all the officers past and present who made the ultimate sacrifice wearing this uniform and following the rules protecting a sometime unappreciative public working long hours for little pay dealing with criminals disease politics struggling to support their families just like you. I hope you officers will take a long hard look at what it took to become a CHICAGO POLICE OFFICER take pride in that accomplishment and respect yourself ,others and the uniform you worked so hard to earn be safe backup and not back stab your fellow officers
Lt. Bob Stasch is the real Police!
Always has been, for 25 years now.
And yes, things have certainly changed. Back in our day, we would never question a supervisor's orders to complete an assignment, or handle one that he or she on viewed. Today's police officer for the most part has no personal pride. And I'm not talking about running on the el tracks after a low life for a one bagger arrest. But I also see that many officers have no shame at all about coming in for checkoff with ABOLUTELY NOTHING to write down on the checkoff sheet.
That's downright embarrassing.
Maybe the DCs should come to more roll calls and look over their troops, because I've seen some sloppy MFers there also who have to be TOLD to wear a clean pair of pants to work, shine their shoes,
wash their vest cover, etc. Again, no personal pride at all.
But as supervisors, we have no one to blame for that except ourselves, because those conditions exist only when we allow it or refuse to address it.
Another thing: the long hair is a safety issue; the dreadlocks/braids are also. And no one wants to touch THAT ONE for fear of being labelled as a sexual haraser or racist. And the Dept needs to pull their head out of their ass on that issue as well, before somebody gets hurt out here.
To Sept 12th 5:27
No I dont think the department will collapse if I dont show up but I think if enough police officers say enough is enough, you supervisors wont have anyone to supervise. I know the odds of that happening are slim and none, but what if it did? Yes there have always been uniform codes even for you dinosours and we know all you guys did the real police work and all us after you are thankful you old timers were smart enough to join a union, but there were NO rules back then either. IF you chased a guy, 60 cars could get involved and nobody cared how many inocent people got killed or hurt in the process! Change is not always bad boss. Simple things like cargo pants , caps and a comfortable pair of shoes, you would have killed for that back in the day so dont give us shit for wanting better working conditions.
Officers , save you fingers. You are waisting time arguing with any rank above you.
Tues Sept 11 10:25 pm...thanks for the response...I will also clear the air on myself...I have worked in 011,SOS,014,Narcotics, FBI Task Force,024.I have put in 8 years in 011 and 3 years in SOS...been detailed to narcotics and FBI task force...currently assigned to a wath. Have killed 2 offenders on this job and been involved in several additional shootings...been sued over 5 times in federal court...and I seriously doubt that you have made more arrests in the last year than I have made in my entire career...I will put my numbers up against anyone my friend. So.....I have bought many a ticket to fund raisers for our officers as well as suburban officers...and I have even let a couple of officers live at my house when they faced hard times...Yes that's at my house. I never worked in 001,016,008,022 etc...I have always worked though...and I have not always worked on a tact team either like you boast about...(12 of 15 years) I have never been that much of a suckass....I work for me...nobody else...That's fantastic that you have been chosen to work on a tact team for that duration of time...congratulations! I have been a supervisor for almost 4 years now and can count on one hand how many time due slips I have turned people respect me and know I will back them up as long as they haven't done anything criminal...if so...I will take box 1 on the arrest report. I don't really want to run a tact team...there is nothing glorious about being on a tact team anymore...I did that for 4 years and that was when it was good to be on one and there were perks...unlike today. I have been asked if I would want a tact team and I politely declined due to the simple fact that I don't want to work varying hours or be sent all over the city ..or work some of the finest details the city has to offer...I enjoy my watch and my officers. I don't have to impress anyone with working a tact team or bragging about being assigned to one...there in nothing glorious about that position anymore. I understand that you have seen 5 young officers fired for "bullshit" what did they do?? why didn't a veteran officer like yourself step up and help them out?? Or were you the one standing quietly in the back of the room wispering about what they did and how they are "fucked now"?? As a sergeant my #1 priority is to protect my people...period! I am to protect them from getting fired nd loosing a minuite of time from this job..that is my job. If I see another officer doing something that could potentially get him jammed up...I would certainly step in and suggest that he / she take another approach...I would not sit idlely by and watch their careers go down the drain,Never. It saddens me when another officer gets jammed up for something that may be an innocent mistake...and nobody will give that officer some advice or lend a hand...that is uncalled will they learn? How till they get better or improve?? It is up to officers like us to lead them and show them how to do the job...did you do any of those things sergeant? You attack me and level allegations at me but you did nothing to assist these 5 young officers who you have seen get you have stated...shame on are such a great copper as you state...and have made so many arrests...more than I have ..etc...and you couldn't take the time to help another officer??? WOW!!! amazing!! I can sit here on 12 September,2007 at 1316 hrs and proudly say that there has NEVER been an officer that has EVER gotten injured or fired working with me or for me...and I pride myself on that...that is what this job is all about my friend...remember that...good luck to you and your tact career...I sincerely hope you advance to Lt seem like a hard worker...just make sure you help those who need the help..that's priority #1.
Ill bet you work in 001, 16,18 or 22 with your "Im still the working police attitude".I dont see how you can judge a persons work ethic by a goe tee, long hair or nail polish".
Tue Sep 11, 10:25:00 PM
Ohhh, ok Rambo...but you can judge a person's work ethic by where he works eh?
Incredible,God help us
Just attend a roll call and look at all the uniforms present.
Ties, no ties, dickies; baseball hats, police hats, knit skullcaps; dress pants, field pants,
cargo pants and shorts; 3 or 4 different types of jackets; sweaters; various colors of
outside vest covers…my God we look just like a roll call out of Hill Street Blues!
We look like PIRATES!!! ARRRRRRRR!!!
When Leroy Martin was superintendent, he was fanatical about wearing your hat. If he caught you without it, you got a day, no ifs ands or buts about it. I always thought he was a big jagoff for it.
However, after he had retired, I had the chance to meet up with him and I asked him (politely) why he was so damn picky about the hat. Basically, he said we should have pride in our uniforms, the public expects to see us looking professional, and if we let things slide, eventually we'd all look like shit.
I hate to admit it, but he was right. This hodge podge that is being called a uniform is bullshit.
The baseball hat has to go. And the sloppiness I see needs to be cleaned up too. It's up to the supervisors to not only set the example, but demand it. But I don't see it coming any time soon.
Too many prima donnas with college, not enough high school. Like they're doing us a favor to be the police. I guess I just wish for the days gone by.
Thanks LT for your post. It's nice to someone wants to lead. The only discrepency I find wih your comment is that the younger troops should never ask "why". I never ask a supervisor who provides me direction why because I want to disregard his/her authority, but I want to understand why you gave the order. Getting information and learning is difficult on this job, and when I'm provided with an opportunity to gain some insight andwisdom from someone with more experience, I like to know "why".
I prefer not to repeat mistakes if I don't have to. If faced with a similar situation I would like to take the knowledge I learned from asking "why" and apply it. Maybe there is a generational gap, but asking "why: is an opportunity to gain new knowledge to increase my skills as a police officer, not to disregard the authority of those appointed to supervise me.
Patrolmen do not want a REAL supervisor and leader of men.
because as soon as a white shirt gives an order, asks the officer to perform a task, or attempts to dicipline an Officer, that Sgt is now a jagoff for life.
Patrolman want someone to tell them they dont have to arrest someone, or dont have to do paper. Patrolmen want a Sgt that will allow them there cuts and hold slips.
Patrolmen want Sgts to clean up the mess even when they step in it, and if fixable due to something other than an honest mistake by the officer that supervisor is an asshole for life.
not a supervisor.
To "Street Cop" and all others who criticize Lt. Stasch: You obviously don't know the man. I have the privilege of knowing him for many years and count him as one of the best cops I know, beside being a friend. He wrote what he truly feels and believes. He signed his name to it. More than I can say for cowards like you.
Too many prima donnas with college, not enough high school. Like they're doing us a favor to be the police. I guess I just wish for the days gone by.
Wed Sep 12, 10:18:00 PM
Oh sure Mr. Simpleton,blame it on people who dared to improve themselves by attending college.
He should keep his opinion to himself instead of posting it if he dosent want to be criticized!
Anonymous said...
When Leroy Martin was superintendent, he was fanatical about wearing your hat. If he caught you without it, you got a day, no ifs ands or buts about it. I always thought he was a big jagoff for it.
However, after he had retired, I had the chance to meet up with him and I asked him (politely) why he was so damn picky about the hat. Basically, he said we should have pride in our uniforms, the public expects to see us looking professional, and if we let things slide, eventually we'd all look like shit.
I hate to admit it, but he was right
......Yeah,that corrupt cocksucker worried about professionalism.....too funny.
Everybody needs to listen to this jagggggoffff above who claims to be a a supervisor watching out for the grunts. He states his loyalty to the department and how he never turns in time do because he wants to be here to do his best and watch out for the PO, but he wont take a tac team because all the perks are gone. Thats just great! So it sounds like unless there is an early cut, or easy 4 hour detail, or something else in it for YOU, your not interested in a little hands on police work. Thats a shame because if you are the great guy you claim to be, there is a team of hard working policemen that could use you out there. Thats what I thought all along about you. Im glad you cleared that up. As far as throwing out your resume again and all your confirmed kills sniper, congratulations! It also takes alot of balls to say you were in sons of supervisors. That in and of itself says a lot about your character. Dont worry, you can write whatever you want about me, I will not respond anymore to your BULLSHIT.
It is nice to know that there are Lt's like Stasch out there. Unlike a certain tact Lt in the 016th Dist who seems to have lost his mind in protecting two female police officers. Special privliges, not having to go on details, coming in at any time, pulling their own slips, not having to answer to a Sgt and taking ALL the credit for things that many other officers deserve credit for!! The hard working tact officers in 016 (and yes there are hard working tact officers in 016) are constantly berated by thier tact Lt. Where does it end? The leadership in this department is slowly disintergrating into mush.
The big 15 yr veteran Sgt who is the best ever...just ask him, sounds like a complete tool!! I agree with a proceeding comment. You're work ethic is relevant to the district you work in?? What kind of an asinie comment is that?? I came to 022 because I WANT TO PROTECT MY NEIGHBORHOOD! This is my way of thinking. Would I ever talk shit about those who work in 007, 006, 011?? ABSOLUTELY NOT! We are all the police; which particular district you work in means nothing! Good supervisors are needed in every district throughout the city. Take care of the police officers out there who are trying to do the right thing day in & day out regardless of the media & "reverend" nonsense. To argue about who is the greatest policeman that ever worked in this city makes you sound like a couple of hand-jobs!
With the new era of focussing on BIKES,SEGWAYS,PODS etc ,you drain manpower and REAL BAD GUYS JUST LAUGH AT US.
What would Larry Hoover do if some pussboy rode up to him with those ridulous bike helmets and said he's a giving him an A.N.O.V.
I see the Androgenous Army walk out of a 3rd watch roll call and I see no ability what so ever to intimidate,which is one of the most important tools in our arsenal
.This feminization invites people to react aggressively toward you.
WE ARE NOT CIRQUE DE SOLEIL,we have allowed this to happen and must reverse it.
The reason for this is very simple,PHONE CALLS,and FEAR OF THE ICKY STICKY NEGRO.
Heres an idea,put everyone in 2 man cars and when someone needs help the sound of squad cars can stop an escalation of a bad situation into an aggresive backlash against someone who looks like a DANISH WOMEN SPEEDSKATER.
I agree discipline needs improvement, but this "just do as you're told" idea that you are promoting LT. I have to say I don't totally agree with. I'm a team player, but at the same time I will not be somebody's fool. Many white shirts forget where they started. We don't need micromangers. We need intelligent, experienced, knowledgable, tactful leaders with the ability to make sound judgements and unfortunately this is not always the case when it comes to whiteshirts. In some units it's probably not even the norm. So how can you expect us to be completely subservient to a whiteshirt if officer's don't have complete confidence in that supervisor's ability to be a police officer let alone a supervisor? You show me a supervisor who possesses these qualities that i've listed and i'll show you a great boss who's officers will have confidence in him and will do anything for him..............or her.
To Sept13 need to re evaluate my post hero... I work a watch so the 4 hour days and the early cuts you describe mean??? You must have misread that one...I work 8 hours a day hero. The reason I do not want to work a tact team is because there is no difference to me in working tact or a watch...except the clothing...I never said anything about working 4 hour can often find me just about every day still in the dist long after the officers have left doing paperwork and clerical shit. and YES I was in SOS...and I'm damn proud of it...I worked my ass off while there and have been out of there over 10 years now my friend...why should I be embarassed to say I was there?? Is it that your narrow mind thinks everyone who works there is corrupt?? I also have the unfoprtunate experience of having to take 2 lives while on this job....and I am not bragging about it whatsoever...I am merely responding to a previouis attack from an alleged supervisor who posted above...If you have ever been faced with this kind of situation you would know there is nothing good about it except that I am alive...try letting this shit affect you and your family have no right to berate me officer... you couldn't shine my are another reason this department is the way it is...too much talk and no willingness to be what you signed up to be ..You are just a big mouth piss poor excuse for an officer..If you got something to say make is senseable or keep your big mouth shut..
Everybody needs to listen to this jagggggoffff above who claims to be a a supervisor watching out for the grunts. He states his loyalty to the department and how he never turns in time do because he wants to be here to do his best and watch out for the PO, but he wont take a tac team because all the perks are gone. Thats just great! So it sounds like unless there is an early cut, or easy 4 hour detail, or something else in it for YOU, your not interested in a little hands on police work. Thats a shame because if you are the great guy you claim to be, there is a team of hard working policemen that could use you out there. Thats what I thought all along about you. Im glad you cleared that up. As far as throwing out your resume again and all your confirmed kills sniper, congratulations! It also takes alot of balls to say you were in sons of supervisors. That in and of itself says a lot about your character. Dont worry, you can write whatever you want about me, I will not respond anymore to your BULLSHIT.
I think what he was geting at, and I agree, is that for what they ask of you on tac these days the perks should be there, and they are not; they want you to whore for the city and give you nothing in return. It is easy to see why most people are happy to be on a watch or try to get to a unit.
I've been on this job for 14 years now and am a sergeant...I still go out and make arrests and I also write tickets if the need arises...I don't call a patrolman to do my job.
You aren't suppose to arrest people anymore you are suppose to SUPERVISE, keep the people that work for you out of trouble as best you can, mentor and try to provide for their well being as needed, you don't see many other supervisors locking people up because they have figured this out already. If you want to run around locking people up don't be a supervisor.
worked in some rough places and the best coppers and most productive were a lil late to roll call once in awhile and didn't really match when it came to cleanliness. WHO CARES! I was glad these guys were here to just work and the work they did was outstanding. Here's a concept:
Listen hot shot protecting your neighborhood, I live there and you guys are useless.
To "Street Cop" and all others who criticize Lt. Stasch: You obviously don't know the man. I have the privilege of knowing him for many years and count him as one of the best cops I know, beside being a friend. He wrote what he truly feels and believes. He signed his name to it. More than I can say for cowards like you.
While I agree about your sentiments regarding Bob, I worked for him in 012, you call people cowards and yet you never signed yours..........
Man is this department in trouble... Listen to you whining little bitches. The man wrote a letter to post on the PB&PA Lt's Assoc. website. He had the balls to write something and have it posted on purpose to show other officers that what's going on in this department is wrong. All you're doing is showing shining examples of what he is talking about. He is saying the bosses and command staff should take the reigns and pull this department back together. Not by giving connected people spots, but by stopping the bullshit missions, etc. YES, uniformity is necessary. When some of us came on this job the only thing that wasn't uniform was the leather jacket. That's it. Everyone looked the same. That is the purpose of "uniform."
Everyone complaines that no bosses have any brains and never back P.O.'s, yet all you do is bash the guy and pick apart everything he wrote.
You are all a bunch of useless tools. I hope you take a look in the mirror and decide you would rather do something else. Youridiots. You are the reason the department that you hate so much, but don't quit, is so fucked up.
have a nice night ladies...
Anonymous said...
Man is this department in trouble... Listen to you whining little bitches. The man wrote a letter to post on the PB&PA Lt's Assoc. website. He had the balls to write something and have it posted on purpose to show other officers that what's going on in this department is wrong. All you're doing is showing shining examples of what he is talking about. He is saying the bosses and command staff should take the reigns and pull this department back together. Not by giving connected people spots, but by stopping the bullshit missions, etc. YES, uniformity is necessary. When some of us came on this job the only thing that wasn't uniform was the leather jacket. That's it. Everyone looked the same. That is the purpose of "uniform."
Everyone complaines that no bosses have any brains and never back P.O.'s, yet all you do is bash the guy and pick apart everything he wrote.
You are all a bunch of useless tools. I hope you take a look in the mirror and decide you would rather do something else. Youridiots. You are the reason the department that you hate so much, but don't quit, is so fucked up.
have a nice night ladies...
Fri Sep 14, 12:27:00 AM
The good news is that the positive comments outnumber the negative by 4-1. The rest are banter between two or three guys about their personal resumes.
I don't have a problem with someone asking why? after a situation is over to gain know or to understand a decision-however, in the middle of a bad situation-extended time in analysis of the situation can get you, your partner or your sergeant killed.
He is saying the bosses and command staff should take the reigns and pull this department back together. Not by giving connected people spots,
Let's not get nuts, I know Bob real well too, he was in Area 4 as a Sgt. he didn't get there on his good looks.........
I read in 2nd city of a cop from 189 getting 30 pending over some absolute bullshit? Is this another Mette?
I don't have a problem with someone asking why? after a situation is over to gain know or to understand a decision-however, in the middle of a bad situation-extended time in analysis of the situation can get you, your partner or your sergeant killed.
I don't think the "why" as in asking to gain knowledge is what he was referring to, I think it was the "why" as in why do I have to do it, which is what is usually the case.
As a non-cop who no longer lives in Chicago or Illinois (two burglaries, one mugging, one purse snatching and way too much ice and snow) I have to wonder why you guys who are so obviously unhappy are still there.
Are you really in the "golden handcuffs" over your pension? You can't leave or you would lose too much? The pensions are Chicago police specific?
I know a lot of people want to make the city and probably the department better, but at some point beating your head against the brick wall only gives you a migraine.
I mean Chicago has got to be a tough place to be a cop in the grand scheme of things. Before Katrina turn New Orleans into a War zone you guys struggled with some of the worst crime, (and probably some of the worst politicians) in the nation.
When is it time to say enough already?
Listen to these guys talk about their "mine is bigger than yours" resumes. It doesn't matter where you worked or when. The operative word is "worked".
I have been retired for 13 years after a 30+ yr stint with CPD. I retired as a Lieut. I told many a roll call that if you think this job is so bad...go down to the Personnel Office and look at the number of "ex-coppers" in the outer office reception area...many of them with their attorneys, all trying to get back ON the job. Then go inside and see how many policeman are in there (with or without their attorneys) trying to get OFF the job.
Times change, requirements change, public perceptions change, our own idea of our responsibilities change. One thing I don't think has changed. An officer's FIRST responsibility is to get safely through his/her tour of duty. One of the things that will never change is that some will do it by "dogging it", and some will go out and do a good job meeting their responsibilities to the public.
For those that complain about bosses that don't back you up I can only say "that too hasn't changed over the years". But I will always remember an Inspector telling me once, that coming onto this job is like "....being on 1st base in a baseball game. You can stray way off base if you want...but when the pitcher (Sgt. Lieut. or Inspector) whirls around and picks you isn't the pitcher who was the jag-off....YOU were.
Be yourself and to the department. Cover your ass and don't expect everyone else to cover for your irresponsiblities ( there such a word)
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