Special Pension Seminar
10 AM October 15, 2009
Academy 1300 W. Jackson (2nd Floor)
*Special Guest Speaker Jim McNamee from IPPFA (Illinois Public Pension Fund Association)
Pension trustees and staff will be giving presentations on-
• Investments
• Retiree Healthcare
• Korshak Decision
• And other pension topics
Q&A session will follow the presentations to address any questions concerning the pension.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Have you seem Senate bill SB-2099? This is an amendment to the internal Revenue Act of 1986. This will require you to put on your 2009 1040 federal tax form all the guns you have or own. It will require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun. This bill was introduced by the Obama staff in Feb.24 2009. This means the Finance Committee has passed this without the Senate voting on it at all.
13/10/09 12:38 PM
Has anyone noticed that the 19th Ward "Service Office" is located at 19thwarddemocrats.com. It also has links to contribute to the "19th Ward". The ward (or the Democrats) also publish a newspaper that they sell ad space. Where does that money go? The ward democrats or the Ward office? Are ward offices supposed to go into business for themselves?
I think there is a conflict of interest here.
Furthermore, the Democratic Committeeman (O'Shea) is also listed on the site. If the Democratic Committeeman is on the "Ward" site shouldn't the Republican Committeeman also be on the site - if there is one.
It looks like the 19th Ward can't differentiate between the Ward Office and the 19th Ward Democrats Office.
Thanks to all that came. Just enough people and all sorts of helpful info for people who want to get the hell away from this job. Hope you all collect more pension checks than city checks.
vote for lt. mike ryan
Regarding SB-2099. This is a bogas bill that was passed around the internet in about February 2009. You can check it out in google or snopes. Please verify before you write.
OT time for change in Lt.Union
I am retired an living out of state. I was a sergeant for approximately 7 years and retired a lt.
I was wondering if anyone would ask the pension fund reps about a few things.
1. How much did the fund lose with the meltdown of the CDS ( credit default swaps)-- ? how many millions
2. Does the pension fund hold any CMBS which have tanked ( commercial mortgage back securities)- how much of a loss on these
3. Why does the pension fund let the advisors ( i use this term loosely) invest in these derivatives?
thank you
Old Retired Guy
To the old timer Sgt., call the Pension Board at 312-744-3891 and ask for Mike L. or Mike S. and you should get an answer.
Is jfed raiding our pension?
Is jfed raiding our pension?
Catch the latest, Sarge?
WEIS, MASTERS, BRUST, KLIMAS and DALY are now contributing to OUR pension fund.
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