SCC has begun a campaign to reduce the amount of aldermen in Chicago from 50 to 25. This campaign is on the heels of Ald Ed Smith's call for police and firemen to take pay cuts.
See the CBS2 story in response to SCC's call.
Many interesting suggestions in the comments at SCC, i.e. term limits and special elections for aldermanic vacancies. Keep up the good work SCC and as always you can count on this site for support.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
It will not happen. Obama will not allow it. He cannot afford to have twenty-five of his useless followers to lose their useless jobs.
This shows you how Police services can be privatized. Don't need cops to write tickets. Next reports will be taken by police aides so desk crews could be cut. They could just have police for in progress crimes. So with all the after the fact reports being done by non-police, you could probably get by with just rapid response cars only. (All beat car functions handled by police aides) This could cut the police force down to say about 4500. A great plan with great savings. Remember Aides could be paid about $15 an hour with a decreased benefit plan.
10/26/2009 09:35:00 AM
Instead of coppers learning to adapt, improvise and overcome crime and criminals they are becoming back bench whiners, moaners, goldbrickers and bellyachers who are abetted and supported by supervisors. This is insane and borders on a mutiny and treason. Remember we work for the citizens. Coppers carrying out political activities is a threat against a democratic society. The Police Department should be like a closed order of pious, valiant and chivalrous officers who are only focused on service to the citizenry and the relentless pursuit of justice. My son once believed that as a Chicago Police Officer I was a Jedhi Knight. Now as a college student he believes too many of the department's officers are deeply flawed and he now wants to become an FBI Special Agent instead of a Chicago Police Officer. We, supervisors should work hard to combat the insidious mutinous forces that would have us engaging in political activities by being a example of firm, fair, virtuous, and inscrutable law enforcement. Remember Supervisors are the Cardinals of this Temple of Justice called the Chicago Police Department. Remember in every house somebody has to be daddy! Either be a supervisor or go back to the watch and be mommy.
Any idea how many Lt's & Cpt's are going to take the 55 & out?
Hey 3:03:
Quit drinking the CPD Fruit Punch and get back to memorizing all the G.O's.
You are a total disgrace to the department.
Tue Oct 27, 03:03:00 PM
If we were to wear our uniforms while asking the petitions to be signed, I could agree with you. But if we are to do something off-duty and acting as a private citizen, I think we are doing our civic duty by improving the political process.
You must be able to separate your on- duty and off-duty personas. You are not always a Policeman. You are more importantly a husband, father, son, friend, member of the community. These are the roles that keep us grounded and show us what is truly important. Too many guys want to be that jedi knight and forget the more satisfying aspects of life.
I supervise my people and make sure they go home safe and whole as best I can. I also stress to them that home is what is most important. Leave the job at work unless you have to step up in a situation.
I am not judging you, just giving an alternative style which works for me.
Tue Oct 27, 03:03:00 PM
The above entry was well spoken and it left me humbled and proud to be a member of the department.
We the taxpayers of Chicago need to revolt, as of this year there is no free parking left anywhere in this city except rare residential neighborhoods. Every paid parking location on the streets costs way too much and as folks are finding out; you get a ticket often when you pay...2 tickets and you get the Denver boot, even without the ticket you may get towed for an "event" like a five K fun run/charity run/save the planet-whatever run. Any of the aldercreatures can post signs overnight that get your vehicle ticketed and towed. Thanks to these same aldercreatures pandering to every whinerbeefer who wants their personal traffic control you can't drive 2 blocks without a traffic light, stop sign, or multiple speed bumps while dodging sinkholes, potholes, and sewer cave-ins. And how does Edison Park/Norwood Park get hammered with double digit property tax increase while yuppieville Lakeview get single digit increase?...etc etc REVOLT NOW BEFORE CRAZY DALEY & his army of aldercreatures figure out how to tax the very air we breathe.
Don't forget the District's had Police Aide and then Lil Richard fired them. I mean laid them off. The only Police Aides (non-sworn) now are some of the useless mail carriers.
Anonymous said...
Instead of coppers learning to adapt, improvise and overcome crime and criminals they are becoming back bench whiners, moaners, goldbrickers and bellyachers who are abetted and supported by supervisors. This is insane and borders on a mutiny and treason. Remember we work for the citizens. Coppers carrying out political activities is a threat against a democratic society. The Police Department should be like a closed order of pious, valiant and chivalrous officers who are only focused on service to the citizenry and the relentless pursuit of justice. My son once believed that as a Chicago Police Officer I was a Jedhi Knight. Now as a college student he believes too many of the department's officers are deeply flawed and he now wants to become an FBI Special Agent instead of a Chicago Police Officer. We, supervisors should work hard to combat the insidious mutinous forces that would have us engaging in political activities by being a example of firm, fair, virtuous, and inscrutable law enforcement. Remember Supervisors are the Cardinals of this Temple of Justice called the Chicago Police Department. Remember in every house somebody has to be daddy! Either be a supervisor or go back to the watch and be mommy.
Tue Oct 27, 03:03:00 PM
Please explain to me What The F##k did you just say. Jedhi Knight? Incideous mutinous forces? Cardinals of this Temple of Justice? You Sir are not a POLICE OFFICER, or u are just busting our balls.
Tue Oct 27, 03:03:00 PM
ok...3:03 was a joke...right?
BTW, rhetorical question here, but where are all the sgt's? Some of the busiest districts going with one on midnights on a regular basis. Great management we have downtown, lol.
OT did the union accept the 4-2 work schedule or reject it and stay with the 6-2??
"This is insane and borders on a mutiny and treason. Remember we work for the citizens. . . . My son once believed that as a Chicago Police Officer I was a Jedi Knight.
YOU SIR are as soft as puppy shit.
And it sounds like your son has developed the same softball traits as you.
Just because we are sworn police officers we have the same 1st amendment rights as the degenerates of our society do.
The actions we are taking are totally peaceful and within the constitution of the United States.
We have the right to "change" also, just as out communist president has preached about during his campaign.
Open your eyes and pay attention to what "our" corrupt politicians have done at the city, county, state and federal level over the years.
Never mind . .
just go back to playing Star Wars Jedi Knight video games with your retard wanna be Fed son.
. . . My son once believed that as a Chicago Police Officer I was a Jedi Knight. . . Remember Supervisors are the Cardinals of this Temple of Justice called the Chicago Police Department. Remember in every house somebody has to be daddy!
- - - - - -
You will always be MY Jedi Knight.
Love, Your soft-as-shit son,
Mister Mayor hire us retired officers to be desk officers , crossing guard supervisors , fill in crossing guards , headquarters and city hall security
we'll even drive you and the aldercreatures around for less money
BTW, rhetorical question here, but where are all the sgt's? Some of the busiest districts going with one on midnights on a regular basis. Great management we have downtown, lol
There are tons of them at the academy and at 35th street (hiding out from street duty)!
Any idea how many Lt's & Cpt's are going to take the 55 & out?
The CPD is begun salvaging, I wish I could leave this shithole city.
5 Sgts leaving 003 on the next transfer order. 2 more missed the bid. What a great place to work!
To: Tue Oct 27, 03:03:00 PM
From: Copper
Subject: Thank you
Because of your goofy rambling, I have not had such a good laugh in a long time. I thank all the coppers who took the time to set you straight. There are some new Star Wars light sabers for the Wii you might be interested in. I saw them at Costco. If you need help pulling your head out of the sand, let us know. Why don't you volunteer to take our 24 unpaid furlough days off too? I can't believe you are paid over a $100k. You would work for $10k if the city asked you. You are the problem. Enjoy you merit promotion. You deserve it.
3:03:00 PM
Sounds just like the story of Richard Hansen, FBI turncoat. Son of a CPD Sergeant who joined CPD (worked in the infamous C-5 unit) and then the FBI and became a spy for the Soviets.
Thanks (Wed Oct 28, 08:42:00 AM and the rest), now I can cook my family's meal and work first watch tonite without have to make my full comment.
27 Oct 2009 03:03 PM...
Christ Almighty!
It seems like "Dad" gnawed through his restraints AGAIN and accessed the computer.
Hey "Dad", are you still pissed at the staff for removing the pay phone so you can't crank call the Police anymore about the voices in your head making you do "funny stuff"?
Now if you just relax and not spit out your happy pill, they'll let you have another lime jello with the pineapple chunks.
The guy who is a Jedi Knight, please post again. After reading what you wrote, I fell out of my computer chair laughing so hard, I think I wet myself. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
cut the ranks of captain and lieutenant in half
cpd needs more sergeants and detectives
Please post your eMail address PROMINENTLY on your site, Sarge.
I abhor censorship but don't let your blog become a propaganda pulpit for the DicKtator and his minions.
The trib and the times serve the function of being Chicago's Pravda well enough. No more senseless and useless postings on SCS!
cpd don't need no stickin capitans
Any info on retirements by Lt's & Cpt's?
I am not a sgt. I'm a ret. PO who remembers when every watch had several sgts working every day. As a rookie cop I spent the first few years learning everything about reports and documentation from the sgts I worked for and it's easy for me to see why the dept is clearly so damaged. I often hear on SCC a copper say "He's a great sgt. he don't throw anyone under the bus and he'll write me out of paper." So sad that that's enough because every sgt did that back then. I think the dept is just so short now that sgt's have no time to teach anyone anything and alot of sgts, being meritorious can't teach anyone anything. Sad, just sad. One merit pick probably ruins twenty or thirty officers for life. That's a good investment.
Cut aldermen in half? That's a great idea! Keep the bottom halves in office and dump the top halves in the lake.
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