Assistant Superintendent –
Law Enforcement Operations: James Jackson
Assistant Superintendent – Administration: Beatrice Cuello
Bureau of Patrol
Deputy Superintendent: Daniel Dugan, Jr.
Chief, Areas 1, 2, and 4:
Eugene Williams
Chief, Areas 3, 5, Central Control Group and Special Functions Group:
Michael McCotter
Deputy Chief, Area 2 Dana Alexander
Deputy Chief, Special Functions Group: Patrick McNulty
Commander, Targeted Response Unit: Kevin Ryan
Commander, 001st District: Chris Kennedy
Commander, 004th District: Eric Carter
Commander, 024th District: Dave Sobczyk
Commander, 025th District: Robert Lopez
Bureau of Investigative Services
Chief, Organized Crime Division: Ernest Brown
Deputy Chief, Organized Crime Division: Nicholas Roti
Deputy Chief, Field Group B: Constantine Andrews
Commander, Gang Enforcement Unit: Leo Schmitz
Commander, Gang Investigations Section: Joseph Gorman
Commander, Deployment Operations Center : Steve Caluris
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Hey Sarge,
Thanks for posting the list. SCC is great for getting out information but you have to sort through a lot of crap to get all the facts.
A lot of interesting moves on there, to say the least! How much do you think the mud-slinging on the other site has to do with any of this? Any one give it any credence? I can't imagine J-Fed not reading the blogs, or at least having someone scan them for him. I sure hope he doesn't make decisions based upon anonymous gossip.
Then again, I've been trying for almost a year now and can't figure out how the hell he does make his decisions.
Oh well, just wondering.
Happy Thanksgiving SCS
Gene Roy from 009 is not on that list. Is he or isn't he gone? I heard he was launched and that Tom Argenbright replaced him. If true, the guys in 009 will be thrilled. Happy Holiday to all!
I need a drink.
I just didn't study hard enough on the 2 LT. exams I took, but most of these clowns did not have to worry about that. Just ask Carter?
Gene Roy is related to Ald. Schulter (47th). Roy is not going anywhere soon. Bank on it!
I'm late, but I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Sarge.
Be safe out there.
don't worry the next lt selections will be like the captains
Too many bosses, not enough indians..
SCS, if you're gonna copy and paste off of SCC, don't you think you should be paying some type of royalties?
Anonymous said...
SCS, if you're gonna copy and paste off of SCC, don't you think you should be paying some type of royalties?
Fri Nov 28, 02:54:00 PM
No I just give him the credit.......
Anonymous said...
SCS, if you're gonna copy and paste off of SCC, don't you think you should be paying some type of royalties?
Fri Nov 28, 02:54:00 PM
Are you serious? Of all the improper and childish BS that goes on on these blogs and that's what you feel the need to criticize? If SCC doesn't mind, and I'm betting he doesn't, why does this goof? Wow, coppers just need to complain about something.
Thanks, SCS, for putting out pertinent information and for not entertaining all of the 'bathroom wall' nonsense. It really gets old! Oh, and by the way, I know for a fact that SCC has posted information that I read on this blog first. It just seemed to me like a professional exchange. What's the big deal?
To the guys in TRU. Kevin Ryan is a good guy. Seems like maybe they threw ya a bone for tolerating Williams!
Anonymous said...
Gene Roy is related to Ald. Schulter (47th). Roy is not going anywhere soon. Bank on it!
Thu Nov 27, 11:05:00 AM
But it was by marriage and THAT is over.
Anonymous said...
SCS, if you're gonna copy and paste off of SCC, don't you think you should be paying some type of royalties?
Fri Nov 28, 02:54:00 PM
By the way, stupid, any blogger knows that the BEST way to get more readers to your blog is when other blogs make reference to something you've written. SCC is VERY happy to be quoted by SCS.
Try thinking things out next time, moron. Oh I forgot you are a two-year "salty" wonder who already knows it all. Anything else you want to cry about?
The worst thing that they did was removed the street deputies. Most knew what to do at a police shooting. Things ran smooth. Now district commanders will be running the scenes. Just hold your breath when they get on scene. Only time will tell.
For the record, we don't mind in the least.
Did Roy from 009 get the airport, or is he still the Commander of 009?
If a deputy is cut down to a D.C. is that a pay cut?
Just got back from Ireland. WTF happened to Mike Shields? I met him and he told me and my partner he was going to get us into HIDTA. Now I understand he can't get us across the street. Wow this job can be brutal.
PO Seamus M. the Northside Equalizer
dont worry about shields ill bet he ends up in washington doing something in home land security
talk about bosses how about sargents. we have to deal with the likes of that girl wizard M. flisk or should i say "FLASK". im sure she made it on her own, im so tired of reading my ass off to anywhere on my own and they give this drunk stripes. i think ill go back to patrol. so meg how did you lose your star, someone took it you say i heard you lost it in your second home THE BAR. oh and another thing tough girl why did they take your racist ass off the street while in 12 was because you got your ass kicked by a F/1 who was like 15. ha ha!! yeah im proud to have you in the ranks!!
" about bosses how about sargents..."
Maybe your little rant would have more credibility if you knew how to spell sergeant.
My name is Margaret but I call myself Megan. That's some westside bullshit ya'll.
talk about bosses how about sargents. we have to deal with the likes of that girl wizard M. flisk or should i say "FLASK". im sure she made it on her own, im so tired of reading my ass off to anywhere on my own and they give this drunk stripes. i think ill go back to patrol. so meg how did you lose your star, someone took it you say i heard you lost it in your second home THE BAR. oh and another thing tough girl why did they take your racist ass off the street while in 12 was because you got your ass kicked by a F/1 who was like 15. ha ha!! yeah im proud to have you in the ranks!!
Meg passed on her own, she's nuts as the day is long but she is book smart and earned it, stop crying and study harder...
I saw his score. Liar!!! Who are you, another pissed knee whore who couldn't get his attention.
Commander Carter, we truly miss you here in Narcotics already. I think they are going to have to put Lt. Piazza on suicide watch!
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