“If you want guys to work out, let them park the car and go work out, like I’m sure he does…Give us time during an eight-hour shift. That way, we’ll be sure to get it in,” said Greg Bella, the FOP’s third vice-president.....more
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Isn't it wonderful to have a boss who understands the job?
Memo to Jody:
When I get home from work today, my wife will be getting ready to leave for her job. I have to make sure the kids get to school, then I'll try to catch four-five hours sleep. But it's hard trying to sleep with all the noise and sunshine streaming in, so my sleep is not exactly what you'd call the "deep" type.
Then I get to go pick the kids up from school and get some things done around the house. Oh, yeah, I forgot, I have court today and then again Friday so I might get three-four hours sleep total before the next roll call. Oh, yeah, on my days off, I get to go to my second job because I need to pay out thousands of dollars a year so my children don't have to go to the Chicago Worst-in-the-USA Public School System. You see, Jody, I don't make 300K and my wife won't be home until after 6 PM and she'll be dead tired because she works a real job she's not a "personal trainer." I don't go to bars because I don't drink and my wife and I got to go out to a real live dinner at a restaurant exactly five times last year because that's what happens when you work six days a week and she has the same days off and babysitters cost a lot. But yes, I'm what you call overweight. I'm not obese, but I'll admit I couldn't fit into the uniform I wore on day one. Should I stop sleeping altogether and spend those few hours working out? Should I just stop eating completely? Should I work without a car and run from job to job? I'm off to work now - I'll make a few extra bucks so let me say: Lead us, Jody, but learn the job before you run your stupid mouth!
Say what you want . J-Fed is NOT good for the Dept. He is Da Mar's Puppet . How in the hell did he know who to dump and why . Some of the people he dumped don't deserve a shot like that . The day will come and he will get his . I can't wait for more coppers to screw up on his watch and they will, just give them time and lets see what he says . He is a TURd !!!
I wany to see J-Fed and Bella in a pose down.
Officer, I can sympathize with your situation. I too worked many jobs as a patrolman for years (the projects, the buses, the trains, along with a part time job working security) so my wife could stay home with our babies until both of them were in school. But my main job was always being a cop, and I always knew that in order for me to have the upper hand on the bad guys, I had to be in shape to beat them when it got physical. Yes, I also didn't get a whole bunch of sleep in those days, but I stayed fit so that I wasn't affected too badly from the lack of sleep. Staying fit is important. Think about it: which cop is more likely to be physically challenged in the streets, or in an arrest situation?
One who looks like J-Fed, or one who resembles Phat Phil? Case closed!!
Isn't it wonderful to have a boss who understands the job?
Memo to Jody:
When I get home from work today, my wife will be getting ready to leave for her job. I have to make sure the kids get to school, then I'll try to catch four-five hours sleep. But it's hard trying to sleep with all the noise and sunshine streaming in, so my sleep is not exactly what you'd call the "deep" type.
Then I get to go pick the kids up from school and get some things done around the house. Oh, yeah, I forgot, I have court today and then again Friday so I might get three-four hours sleep total before the next roll call. Oh, yeah, on my days off, I get to go to my second job because I need to pay out thousands of dollars a year so my children don't have to go to the Chicago Worst-in-the-USA Public School System. You see, Jody, I don't make 300K and my wife won't be home until after 6 PM and she'll be dead tired because she works a real job she's not a "personal trainer." I don't go to bars because I don't drink and my wife and I got to go out to a real live dinner at a restaurant exactly five times last year because that's what happens when you work six days a week and she has the same days off and babysitters cost a lot. But yes, I'm what you call overweight. I'm not obese, but I'll admit I couldn't fit into the uniform I wore on day one. Should I stop sleeping altogether and spend those few hours working out? Should I just stop eating completely? Should I work without a car and run from job to job? I'm off to work now - I'll make a few extra bucks so let me say: Lead us, Jody, but learn the job before you run your stupid mouth!
Fri Mar 07, 07:20:00 PM
Well said brother. Jody has no clue what it is to be a cop. He is a Daley puppet who is steadily throwing the last hint of morale in the garbage. First, take bosses, shake their hand and stab them in the back with the other. Bosses who were the police and gave a crap about us. Next push a 12 hour day. That would be perfect. Work 12 hours, go to court for anywhere from 3 -6 hours. Then go home and 3-4 hours and star over again. But don't forget we have to work out and be healthy, so now we only get 2-3 hours sleep. But if you can stay awake, you will be healthy. You will just collapse and go on the medical from exhaustion or stress.
Jody because you wear a uniform, you have no clue what it is like to be a cop. Unless you start from the bottom and do the work we do from start to finish, you will never understand. You go to roll calls and hear the issues, but do you listen. Work midnights or afternoons with us for a couple of months, go to court with us and then to our second job. Then you might have a handle on things. Plus you can see first hand the fine vehicles we drive, that are garbage cans with 100,000 plus miles, the radios that go dead after a couple hours and the PDT's that are slower than a commodore 64, if they work at all. It's easy to sit in your office and make decisions without a clue. Try walking in our shoes and then come up with your brilliant ideas.
Hello Sarge,
JFED is awesome! Anybody with a brain can see that the CPD has an obesity problem unless you are on CPD SWAT. I am glad J-FED is trying to force the issue and make coppers take more responsibility for their own physical fitness. Unfortunately when you go to roundups you can pick out the CPD guys because a lot of them have waist sizes well north of 40 inches. I am a former CPD Officer and I believe J-FED is going to make the CPD a world class department. You can bet he will bring in more outsiders. Look what happened when he promoted ADS Shield. You can't blame the man for seeking to bring in outsiders who are vetted and can bring a different perspective and maybe unique solutions to the challenges facing the CPD. I envy you guys because I believe JFED will turn the CPD into an agency all of America will be proud of, like the Los Angeles PD when I was a kid. Keep going JFED and GOD bless the CPD!
Former CPD Beat 222 Driver/Beat 272 Tact Wagonmaster/ Working 1811 FED SSA Superstar!
You see, Jody, I don't make 300K and my wife won't be home until after 6 PM and she'll be dead tired because she works a real job she's not a "personal trainer." I don't go to bars because I don't drink and my wife and I got to go out to a real live dinner at a restaurant exactly five times last year because that's what happens when you work six days a week and she has the same days off and babysitters cost a lot.
I quit smoking 18 years ago without the help of the city or the Department. It wasn't until last year that I finally got to work in a truly smoke free environment. What is J-Fit going to do to help anyone that wants to loose weight? Nothing.
I miss my Commodore 64.
The Keesing Bandit says---
I must say that I am a little tired of the "former CPD now Fed" that continually drools on our blogspots.
"...I can always spot the CPD guys because their waistlines are north of 40 inches..."
I have always said that one should never criticize until you walk in mile in their shoes. This so-called Fed did walk (maybe a half-mile) in our shoes and couldn't take it. He bailed out for clean, sissy job.
Usually I end my rants with "Now, kees me you fool!!!". However, today I would just settle for him puking.
Sat Mar 08, 11:04:00 AM
I have a job because I earned it. Oh, by the way, that all caps thing just doesn't work...like you, probabaly...now go vote for Obama...
Smoke free environment?? In 025 the desk people go downstairs and smoke with the building engineer in his office. Or the stairwells.
Some interesting comments here and on SCC about the new Stuperintendent and the Job. Some claim that it's okay for Jody to wear the CPD uniform because he's a certified peace officer in Illinois. I remember when James O'Grady was sheriff of Cook County. You got to be a certified officer for a $1500 donation to his "re-election fund."
I'm proud to wear a CPD uniform. And, unlike the guy who says be glad to have a job, this is more than a job. Okay, swallow your cynicism and sarcasm and stop rolling your eyes, because if that's what you just did, take off that uniform and throw it away. The rest of you know what I mean.
Some have disgraced the uniform; many have honored it. Some have died wearing it. Some of those officers were thin, some were overweight. Did that make a difference? No, it was who they were that mattered.
Today, to become a Chicago Police Officer, you have to pass a battery of tests, a background investigation, establish residency, be physically fit, be less than age 40, and successfully complete the Chicago Police Academy. If you do not, you are not a Chicago Police Officer.
Jody is not a Chicago Police Officer. When he wears a CPD uniform, he is an impostor, and a pretty foolish-looking one at that.
You cannot establish credibility as the leader of an organization by simply donning the uniform. Those of you who never served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces probably don't understand this, but those of us who have got a chance to see plenty of crappy General Officers and some good ones, too. But never one who didn't earn the right to the uniform. Generals don't get "hired."
The Great Impostor is floating a lot of changes: fitness standards; letting the revs come to roll call and chew on us; bring in old Fed cronies and put them in top jobs; promote people juiced in with Obama; go to the lawmakers and get new gun laws; a camera on every street corner - and more coming every day.
I get a kick out of the people bragging about how great their bodies are. Personally, I'm in great shape and I work out six days a week. And I have a partner who's struggled with his weight since he was a kid but I've seen him whip ass on buffed cons full of liquid courage. He works out and doesn't overeat or drink much; he's just got bad genes. But whether you're short, tall, fat, skinny, smart or stupid he'll risk his life for you because this is more than just a job for him, too.
I'm all for giving a new leader a couple of breaks while he gets his house in order. But this guy is showing us he has no intention of making things better - not for us and not for the people of the City of Chicago. He is donning our uniform because he is mocking us. Every experienced cop knows that you won't earn a reputation for professionalism by simply putting on a uniform. It's your everyday actions that show the world who you are.
Former CPD Beat 222 Driver/Beat 272 Tact Wagonmaster/ Working 1811 FED SSA Superstar!
SCS this person is a f@cking tool. SCC has banned his comments and you should too. this person has no life and you should do him a favor an ban him from your blog.
JFed needs to start looking into dumping the folks over at IAD. In the past few weeks I have seen some crazy things out of there.
I was able to read a couple of sustained investigations that should at worst been not sustained but were sustained and 30 pending recommendations were signed off on by Kirby.
Interviews of all parties that can help the police officer should ALWAYS be conducted! Yet this IAD dumb dumb fails to interview a major player in a beef which would shoot the credibity of the beefers, down the toilet.
God help us if guys who work for us have to be subjected to such treatment. Where did the fairness go? I hope J-Fed reads these and just doesnt rubber stamp them...
Think about it: which cop is more likely to be physically challenged in the streets, or in an arrest situation?
One who looks like J-Fed, or one who resembles Phat Phil? Case closed!!
Sat Mar 08, 05:43:00 AM
Hey, security guard. If you EVER worked the street you know that the ones who are gonna fight you aren't fighting because they think they can "take" you. They're fighting because they're garbagehead fuck-ups or they're wanted or they just killed momma and they figure they have nothing to lose. Yeah, as a choice of a partner, I'll take a guy like fat Phil (it's spelled with an "F" limpdick) over some shiny-faced ex-Fed darting-eye beauty queen who goes around masquerading as a cop. Now go back to watching American Idol...
This whole issue isn't about being in shape or working out. Those of you who work out, good for you. Those of you, who don't for whatever reason, you don't. But that is not the point. The point is that jody is coming out every couple of days and openly trying to humiliate us or demean us in the eyes of the public. That was some stunt, making his comments and putting that picture in the paper.
It was amazing to see that we had people making fun of Bella, who earned his place in this department, for standing up for us. Get it together, folks, because this arrogant little prick has us going at each other's throats. Go do your job and stick together. We're all blue...he's not. He doesn't identify with anyone in this department...
I'm proud to wear a CPD uniform. And, unlike the guy who says be glad to have a job, this is more than a job. Okay, swallow your cynicism and sarcasm and stop rolling your eyes, because if that's what you just did, take off that uniform and throw it away. The rest of you know what I mean.
Some have disgraced the uniform; many have honored it. Some have died wearing it. Some of those officers were thin, some were overweight. Did that make a difference? No, it was who they were that mattered.
Sun Mar 09, 11:26:00 AM
It's easy to sit in your office and make decisions without a clue. Try walking in our shoes and then come up with your brilliant ideas.
Sat Mar 08, 09:50:00 AM
With almost 19yrs on,I "know what you mean". Both of you nailed it,making some excellent points.
When it comes to laying hands on an offender, I haven't seen anyone of the offenders care how big you ar or how in shape you are. I've worked with poeple who are gym rats and talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, they aren't ready to do what needs to be done. Being physical when you have to isn't about how big or in shape you are, it's about your attitude and willingness to make sure the offender gets locked up.
I carry a small nine millimeter pistol, and rest assured if I have it out of my holseter my only intenttion is to put as may bullets as I can put through it in you. What should an offender be more intimidated by. a PO with a 9mm who plans on shooting you with it or a PO with a .45 who is trying to intimidate you? Same with pysical size and shape. I'll take the PO who is 5'4" and willing to fight to the death over a 220lb gym rat who hopes their size intimidates an offender into compliance
I'd rather work with the 200+ lb. gym rat. There will definitely be less problems during the tour of duty. I don't have a problem with getting physical if the situation calls for it, but if it can be avoided (and with all the cameras and video in place today, it should be), that's the route to go.
be proud of, like the Los Angeles PD when I was a kid. Keep going JFED and GOD bless the CPD!
Former CPD Beat 222 Driver/Beat 272 Tact Wagonmaster/ Working 1811 FED SSA Superstar!
Sat Mar 08, 11:02:00 AM
This is for Fri Mar 7th 07:20:00PM Spring is almost here. The kids will be out on their Big Wheels any minute now. Remember to pick up some earplugs at Walgreens if you plan on getting any sleep during the day my friend.
J-Fed is right. Some of us look so slovenly and fat, we are ourselves a disgrace to the uniform. I've seen many guys (and gals) who couldn't stop a kid from taking their gun from them, if the kid was determined to do it. How can you go out there and try to protect others when you are too out of shape to keep yourself, and your partner, safe? You can't! It is in everyone's best interest to be the best cop you can be. That means pushing away from the table the minute your body tells you that you are full, not asking for another full plate. That means doing some sort of exercise daily, even if it's just walking a mile. That's a good start. Too many of us will never be around to see our kids finish high school, college, get married, and have children themselves. Wake up, people! Live long enough to cash and spend those retirement checks you have toiled so many years for.
Don't do it for J-Fed, or the city.
Hell, don't even do it for your partner. Do it for you and YOUR FAMILY.
to the question of..can you be charged with a DUI if your BAC is under .05...
I say no.
Just refer to 625ILCS5/11-501.2(b)(2).
You cannot be charged with a DUI.
Anonymous said...
to the question of..can you be charged with a DUI if your BAC is under .05...
I say no.
Just refer to 625ILCS5/11-501.2(b)(2).
You cannot be charged with a DUI.
Wed Mar 19, 04:11:00 PM
If you read further, look at 625 ILCS 5/11-501.2(b)(4).
This can be construed as if you are impaired and the facts show this, you can still be charged and found guilty. Remember, there are 2 different citations to write, Over .08 and one for driving while intoxicated without showing the BAC level. Some people can be under .05 and be impaired.
"Former CPD Beat 222 Driver/Beat 272 Tact Wagonmaster/ Working 1811 FED SSA Superstar!"
Like Mary Katherine from Saturday Night Live?
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