189 Banuelos, Ulysses A.
211 Bielecki, Lee C.
606 Cepeda Jr., Thomas
640 Christoforakis, Jenny C.
008 Dineen, Michael E.
141 Gibbs. Ronald W.
177 Grant, David C.
189 Hallihan. Joseph F.
193 Hawkins, Brian R.
021 Hunter, Michael A.
006 Jackson, Eric
189 Kimble, Ronald N.
606 Lewis, John A.
019 Mendoza, David T.
216 Papaioannou, Chris
196 Parker, Michael K.
606 Pellegrini, John F.
141 Rhein, Charles W.
193 Roberts, John E.
014 Roman Jr., Wilfredo
141 Tiado, Jose M.
189 Walker, Traci L.
610 Alderden, Jacob M.
023 Bartz, Michael E.
620 Beltran, Eduardo L.
022 Bird, Joseph J.
006 Clark, Llowyn R.
022 Cooney, Michael P.
008 Costello, Michael N.
650 Delafont. James K.
019 Dombrowski, Anthony M.
610 Dougherty, Phillip J.
019 Fitzgerald, Michael A.
012 Flisk, Margaret J.
141 Gade Jr., Lawrence R.
640 Garcia, Jose J.
015 Gilfillan, Gregory D,
013 Gopez. Frederich G.
196 Guerra, Cindy I.
650 Hajdu,.Karoly R.
016 Hernandez, Julio A.
620 Hindman, David J.
022 Hoover, Terry
606 Inzerra, Maurizio P.
640 Isakson, Roy A.
640 Kane III, Robert E.
650 Keane, Thomas P.
025 Kearns, Mark -E.
650 Lamperis, Dimitrios J.
253 Losik. Richard F.
141 Magno, Michael S.
610 Mahaffey Jr., Louis D.
011 Mc Kee. Luke J.
023 McHugh, Shane F.
620 Mishler, Elizabeth C.
004 Mitchum, Patrina L.
620 Piechocki, John M.
384 Pierri, Frank
189 Polan. Melinda M.
192 Ouinn, Patrick T.
010 Ramaglia, Frank V.
008 Ryan, Thomas W.
017 Salgado, Agustin
017 Schniar, Brian T.
011 Silich, Steven A.
016 Stadnik, Richard
196 Stevens, Jill M.
017 Tirado. Marco A.
141 Torres, Arturo
640 Tsoukalas, Christ
124 Washington, Monique J.
377 Wieczorek, Laura A.
610 Winstrom, Eric W.
193 Wolf, Timothy A.
141 Wurm, Gabriella N.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
A quick question for the sgts out there that are familiar with the in-car cameras...
Is there any wording in any order that states an officer must utilize the in-car cameras if the car is equipped with one?
I have looked through the orders but haven't found anything that says it must be used/turned on. On the other hand, I have found a lot of wording that will be used to jam everyone up whenever the dept sees fit.
Thanks and keep safe.
Congrats to Jenny Christoforakis and Brian Hawkins. You are both fine examples of what the merit selection process is there for.
I'm sure you will both do well
wherever assigned in the future.
Good luck to both of you!
Congragulations to the new sgts. Any word on Lts?
25 Lts. once the Sgts are out.
How long will sergeant school be now that the detective phase is gone? When can we expect these new sergeants on the street?
...Is there any wording in any order that states an officer must utilize the in-car cameras if the car is equipped with one?...
Yes, there is.
Whats the time table for the next Lt class?
Yes the camera MUST be used if the vehicle is equipped with one...there is an order....although might not be general order...special order?? states that when responding to certain assignments the camera will be activated...also on all traffic stops the camera will be activated...look for it you'll find it..I don't know the number but it's out there.
The Sgts association has a post stating they will soon be going to court over the LT test. Was'nt this already dismissed. I scored well enough to eventually get promoted, between this and the city's fitness standard I don't think I'll ever see the Lt bars. you take a test, study and follow the rules and they keep moving the finish line. I have over twenty years on and am still in good shape, but I am not crazy about the idea of having to pass a fitness test to sit in the WC chair. Curious to see how others feel.
Slurp slurp.
"I scored well enough to eventually get promoted, [Lieutenant's' Exam] . . . but I am not crazy about the idea of having to pass a fitness test to sit in the WC chair. Curious to see how others feel."
Guess what's going to happen if someone is promoted to any rank and they are denied because they fail a physical?
Who is going to pay in the long run??
The TAXPAYERS will because it will be JUST ANOTHER suit that will be tied up in the courts for over a decade.
why do you have to post the names for the whole world to see???
I've been deployed to Iraq for the last year, and now I'm on my way home, so I'm trying to catch up on dept events. Can anyone tell me if this is the first set of Sgt promotions from the most recent test?
"Why do you post the name for the world to see?"
Why the fuck not?
why do you have to post the names for the whole world to see???
Mon May 19, 11:40:00 PM
Are you ashamed??
Then don't accept the promotion you MERIT PUKE!!!
Study harder next time and get off your knees!
Here . . I will list the MERITS again in case you MISSED IT!
189 Banuelos, Ulysses A.
211 Bielecki, Lee C.
606 Cepeda Jr., Thomas
640 Christoforakis, Jenny C.
008 Dineen, Michael E.
141 Gibbs. Ronald W.
177 Grant, David C.
189 Hallihan. Joseph F.
193 Hawkins, Brian R.
021 Hunter, Michael A.
006 Jackson, Eric
189 Kimble, Ronald N.
606 Lewis, John A.
019 Mendoza, David T.
216 Papaioannou, Chris
196 Parker, Michael K.
606 Pellegrini, John F.
141 Rhein, Charles W.
193 Roberts, John E.
014 Roman Jr., Wilfredo
141 Tiado, Jose M.
189 Walker, Traci L.
Are you ashamed??
Then don't accept the promotion you MERIT PUKE!!!
Study harder next time and get off your knees!
Tue May 20, 06:27:00 PM
its posted in the fucking co books so you can read it there the fucking world doesnt need to know you name though dumbfuck!!!!
Run those names here.
The entire world should know the names. Let the unknowing ask what made you merit. I would love to hear the stuttering answers
Wow! 4 merits from 189. I guess it is legit after all. I mean, everyone has an equal shot at getting into 189, right? The clout machine continues to roll, and they no longer have at least the shame to try and conceal it!
Most merits were in some type of special unit of assignment. Do you need meret for that also? I guess you can't get into a special unit if you have too many CRs. I get it,
the ones with the CRs actually do work. Like what are some of those units? How come I never got an application.
What's the PBPA doing about the physical test to make rank question?
Answer: Nothing
Congrats, John Lewis! An excellent choice!
Congratulations to all and especially to SGT. Lee Bielecki. A real man, like his father before him.
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