D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier announced a military-style checkpoint yesterday to stop cars this weekend in a Northeast Washington neighborhood inundated by gun violence, saying it will help keep criminals out of the area.
Starting on Saturday, officers will check drivers' identification and ask whether they have a "legitimate purpose" to be in the Trinidad area, such as going to a doctor or church or visiting friends or relatives. If not, the drivers will be turned away.
The Neighborhood Safety Zone initiative is the latest crime-fighting attempt by Lanier and Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, who have been under pressure from residents to stop a recent surge in violence. Last weekend was especially bloody, with seven slayings, including three in the Trinidad area.......
Washington Post
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Papers, passports, please? Papers, passports please? Erosion ever so slowly! Its being done for your own good people. Pay no attention to that man in the booth! My crystal ball tells me that in the not so distant future,(within 20yrs) Police will check their weapons back in at the end of their tour of duty.(Just like AAA Security!) What sayeth you? Impossible you say?
Will the officers be issued black trenchcoats and fedoras? Will people who live in that area be issued special identification to make it easier to move in and out of the ghetto? I understand that a gold star is an easy way to distinguish between those who belong and those who do not.
I guess it's not like the Trinidad where everyone parades half naked in South America.
Holy 1933!!
Make Englewood a gated community.
America will go down like Yugoslavia did soon
America looks to become a Gestapo state. The end is near. A total collapse of the system is coming. The value of the dollar is dropping fast.
Police will check their weapons back in at the end of their tour of duty.(Just like AAA Security!) What sayeth you? Impossible you say?
The Canadian Police already do this. A couple of them paid us, CPD, a visit a few years ago. The sign out their guns before and at the end of their tour of duty.
How can they have gun violence when guns are illegal??Does this mean gun control is a failure?
I'll try not to make this sound misogynistic.
Lanier (DC police chief) is in over her head. She is liked by the troops far more than Ramsey (remember him anyone?) so far, but is nevertheless not even remotely the best qualified for the job of police chief in America's capital.
Boston did the same thing when Chief Evans left a few years ago. They put an unqualified person, who happened to be a woman, in charge. Violence spiked almost instantly.
Granted, Ramsey was no Evans. Evans was sort of like Obi Wan Kenobi to Bratton as Luke Skywalker. But that should have just made it easier for Lanier to look good in comparison to Ramsey.
Mayor Fenty in DC is about the best you can expect from a big city Democrat. He's trying, and he's pushing for reforms a lot harder than his predecessors.
But hiring someone as a police chief so that you can sell a bootstrap story(er, single mother joins police academy in her late 20s or early 30s just 15 years ago, and now she's in charge! story), that ain't reform.
And clueless actions like these checkpoints aren't going to provide any meaningful long term benefit. Its just more smoke and mirrors, following "All Hands on Deck" days (cancelled days off department-wide) which appears have now been ended because the overtime budget seems to have been reached for the year.
Any part of this cycle of leadership failure sound familiar to any of you?
Ramsey? Bosses with politically-correct backstories? Hopelessly clueless personnel deployments? Constitutionally suspect enforcement?
Police will check their weapons back in at the end of their tour of duty.(Just like AAA Security!) What sayeth you? Impossible you say?
The Canadian Police already do this. A couple of them paid us, CPD, a visit a few years ago. The sign out their guns before and at the end of their tour of duty.
Mon Jun 09, 10:05:00 AM
Ok, I bought a used crystal ball but Big Brother is rapidly approaching in the US and his name is G-MAN! Maybe even curfews to thin the herd! ID theft? Way too late! Your whole life is on hard drive! They even know how you like your coffee!
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Pass concealed carry is D.C. and watch the crime rate fall.
In twenty years the women will not be allowed to leave the house, little girls will no longer be allowed to go to school, gays and hypes will be shot in the street, and all you men will be sporting ZZ Top beards. I will be dead.
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