The IPRA is investigating the alleged abuse of a non-fare paying CTA customer, in other words a thief. When the thief refused to pay the posted fare that all customers must pay the driver asked him to leave the bus. Now asshole is a trespasser, she then calls for the police. The responding officer sternly orders the offender off the bus and the offender begins to slur (appears intoxicated) that he paid. Officer tells him that he isn't going to argue with him and continues to order him off the bus. The officer attempts to reason with the man by telling him they could talk about it after he gets off the bus and that the man may be able to catch the next one. Nope this doesn't work and the officer relies on his presence and verbal commands. The officer raised his voice and used profanity, this prompted the man to get up. The problem is that from the distance of the camera and its angle one can not know if the man made any threatening gestures towards the officer. The officer then used control tactic to place the man in custody. That is how I saw it having been in the same situation myself. The bottom line is that the subject in question had committed at least two criminal acts and that the actions of the officer were reasonable. However, in the age of political correctness some "candy ass" liberal is going to second guess that officer because he was offended and because this little coward post it on YouTube some copper is going to have to pay a price. I'm sure this officer will be hung out to dry and when he is I will do all I can to ensure that everyone knows about this.
He did his job.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Other than swearing, what do he do wrong? Departmentally and legally, nothing. Candyass liberals -- he used excessive force, foul language, and killed Lincoln.
Fuck this city and the jagoffs that comment negatively about the officer.
I bet the fare paying bus riders were glad this theiving bum was off the bus...
I am a Candidate for the Illinois 5th Congressional district to replace Rahm Emanuel
I would appreciate it if you took 4minutes to watch this Video Created by ABC 7
I talk about my priorities and concerns for the 5th Congressional District and talk a bit about Police Officers.
Thanks, Rosanna Pulido
Ms. Pulido---
I do appreciate your support, but I have my reservations about you.
If you voted for Obama, you did us and the country a disservice.
If you get elected to Washington and follow the Obama agenda, you will do a disservice to every working person in your district.
I am a 5th Congressional District resident and was already planning on voting for you, Rosanna Pulido.
I wish you all the best, keep up the good fight! We need some real conservative leadership in this country.
Riding the Orange line to and from work each day, there are 3 regular characters who scare the hell out of me. The first is a big loud jerk who stands in the center of the aisle, making a speech about all the prisons he’s been he doesn’t want to steal any longer....and demanding that one of us take him into the lobby and buy him a 7 day pass so he can distribute his resumes to the blue chip companies no doubt chomping at the bit to hire him. The second is a man who talks in a cartoon voice and wants us to either take him to work with us and find him a job, or, in the alternative, give him cash. The third is a guy who makes a speech about how he and his son are in and out of homeless shelters and they need money...he then goes to each rider and gets in their FACE and asks them individually for money, with his kid in tow, setting a brilliant example of parental responsibility. The point is, public transportation is dangerous. I am extremely grateful for the police presence at many of the stations and when they can actually board the train and do a walk through. Anyone who thinks the actions of the officer on the video were egrecious can ride the Orange line with me. I’ll buy you a 7 day pass.
why are people using this blog to forwaed political agendas.i give all police 20% off every day at my gnc store in merrionette park.and by the way i hope that liberal with the video camera gets run over by a bus.
Anonymous said...
Ms. Pulido---
I do appreciate your support, but I have my reservations about you.
If you voted for Obama, you did us and the country a disservice.
If you get elected to Washington and follow the Obama agenda, you will do a disservice to every working person in your district.
Thu Feb 19, 08:04:00 AM
The PO did a great job. Yea, he swore
a bit; but jeez, its not like he left
his gun unattended and someone shot themselves with it.
As a law abiding citizen of this city, and a rational person who was raised right, I do not see anything wrong with the officers actions. What am I missing am I completely off base. If an officer of the law tells you to do something you do it.
The problem I see these days is that there is a generation of people that had kids after me I am 38 that are friends with their kids instead of parents.
There is no respect for authority because of this. I am not talking about the offender on the bus that needed to be removed. I am reffering to the kid who decided to film and release the incident under the guise of highlighting his belief that their is routine overstepping of bouns by anyone that tells another what to do. These Copwatch folks are one step away from turning a productive country into an anarchist state.
I regularly attend my beat meeting 2311 and see these pathetic assclowns all the time. and for the panderer who posted on here for the fifth congressional district if you don't have an R after your name you ain't getting my vote.
Damn! About time you started a new thread here, Sarge...I was beginning to think we needed to do a "premise check" at your place!!!
What a shame that people do not understand what a police officer does for society on a daily basis.
A police officer puts their life on the line every day.
For a person to video police work and then claim abuse, when it did not happen, should go to jail.
Is she's a conservative Republican, that's cool. I retract my original statement.
How many days have gone by and "I got your back" Jody is still silent? His omission is a stark reminder that he is a two-faced lying Fed with one agenda: destroy as many CPD officers as possible.
He still has not realized that the world has just turned. We are entering a new era, where food supplies, gas, good housing, good jobs, a vibrant economy, low crime - all the things some of us have been taking for granted for the last 25 years - are diminishing, and will soon be completely disappearing.
At that point the wolves will be at EVERYONE'S door, and people will forget all about cop-bashing, minority "rights," bullshit-spouting reverends and all the crap coming out of political clowns like Obama and Daley.
If you remember back during the elcetions I was the one who kept saying, "Vote McCain and buy gold." Gold is nearing a new high today as I write this. The Dummocrats who bashed bank and corporate CEO's for irresponsible spending signed a huge spending bill that will bankrupt the U.S. and then they flew off to Italy yesterday on a trip that's costing taxpayers $10,000 an hour!
This whole bus incident will fade quickly when Chicagoans find themselves back in the 60's when cops couldn't even protect the firefighters who were trying to save their burning houses.
Buy gold, folks, there's still time. It's going to $5,000 in three years.
If I get the Log number on this one it will be an automatic, exonerated and then I might consider putting that officer in for an honorable for holding his head up high and having to deal with all this media attention and lack of gold star intervention on his behalf. Man, the upper level command staff (JPUD and the rest of his gold star flunkies) are really a bunch of pussies.
a Sergeant
I'm voting for Pulido. I just read her interview at the link. She couldn't had more of my views and any of my friends. Read it or watch the video. I like her.
She is a Republican, that's why she is sane and talking common sense.
Rosanna Pulido...
I work in Albany Park. I dont even vote anymore because of all the corruption in this city let alone the department.
What should make me think you will stand up to Mayor Daley. Why should I believe you are PRO Police?
For those who posted comments over the weekend I apologize for not getting them up until this morning. I was tied up this weekend with work and family obligations. Thank you to those who understand. For the "one" who doesn't understand, go fuck yourself jag-off. By the way, you will never get another asshole comment posted here again.
This officer did nothing wrong.
I want to shake the officers hand and look him in the eye and say, "Great job. I got your back."
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