I may have missed some Lieutenants with the recent mass e-mailing. If you have not received the recent e-mails regarding the contract proposal please contact me at president@cpdlts.com . I will send them right out to you.
If you have not updated your mailing information recently please go to our Membership Update section and update your information. We will be sending out ballots soon and I want to make sure we have your correct address.
Friday, August 07, 2009
According to the Lieutenant's website the proposed agreement with the city is posted and you will need a username and password in order to view it. All member were sent a nusername and password via department email.
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Please keep in mind that this is an open blog
that can and is read by people other than Chicago Police Officers.
Double secret probation? Code words? Secret emails-what the heck is going on?
Sgts association had no trouble putting up the proposed agreement regarding the 55 and medical benefits ..... what's wrong with the LTS? first they get stubborn about the ten hour days and then this murky posting....
Are you kidding me? Since when is the Lts's association really the KGB and full of secrets...?
Any one know the details?
Nothing to impressive. We will piggy back off of FOPs negocations again.
Everyone get get ready for uniform vouchers.
We bosses get a bit more cash up from for our comp time but everything works out in the wash.
I will be surprised if this contact passes but time will tell. Vote comming up in Sep.
As far as passwards its a good thing. That way membership has access to things that the general public does not.
Work on that FOP / Rich Aguilar.
You don't know the details unless you have the decoder ring...
doubt if it will pass , once again the supervisors are depending on fop for a salary increase
it was fop that negotiated the 55 health plan
everyone police officer should be in the same union like the fire department
no uniform allowance or pay raise , better work schedule in the new contract
no new bid spots to the detective,crime lab etc.
let an arbitrator decide
what's another 6 months
supervisors union depends on fop
Uniform vouchers?
Thats a loss of income.
As long as they dont touch duty availability.
Please do a post on this standup Officer, Densey Cole,and the outstanding love and support that our brothers in blue, on the Denver PD, are giving one of our very own.
This was posted on SCC by someone else. ALL coppers should watch this, it is moving.
Thank-You Denver PD, the Denver community and surrounding PD's. even the Denver media,lol...
Best wishes to our brother Officer Cole, get well our prayers and love are with you bro!
Everyone get get ready for uniform vouchers.
GREAT.. Get the stuff and sell it on eBay.. No problem.
cpd needs more sgt on the street
not lt and captains
close a few districts
why do you need a captain on days in 12 ,21 , 23 when busy districts are short captains
close a few districts so we can get the raises we deserve
good point assign captains to work high crime districts
cpd has tactical lt. and district commander on days
let lt's run the 2nd watch in all districts without a lock up
I'll say it again...all you young sgts,,,just ratify this contract whatever the money is...with the "me too" from FOP we'll get whatever it is to keep the pay scale percentage difference between D2A and D3. Besides, just think of all those unit spots opening and summer furlos...I want out..
Uniform vouchers apply to a first issue item, we still have the allowance check, $1,800. a year.
The contract is confidential. Obviously most of the posters here have no clue about union contract negotiations or they wouldn't put these comments up. You couldn't be farther from the truth.
"no clue about union contract negotiation"
You're pretty clueless yourself.
Negoiations are over, this is what the city has made as it's final offer-period-nothing more to negotiate. The Sgt's association had no problem posting the 55 proposed 'agreement'-why the cloak and dagger stuff with the lts?
demand arbitration , not one benefit to sergeants under 55
every city worker received 4% for 5year contract
cpd is short over 1,000 officers
where's that money for the last 2 or 3 years
end merit promotions , sergeants that passed lt test are working for merit lt , captain and commanders vote no
we have me to and will receive the 55 health insurance when an arbitrator decides our pay increase
When are we going to get information on the Sgt's contract?
' ..captain and commanders vote no "
Are you high? Commanders are not unionized and have no contract to vote on...so far- most captains I've talked to are voting yes...
You are a spazz!
"we have me to and will receive the 55 health insurance when an arbitrator decides our pay increase..."
OK- the me too does not apply to the 55 and out- it's a completely different clause that the FOP's 55 and out-with completely different conditions-which are CONTINGIENT on the contract being ratified-which means that an arbitrator can not award the 55 and out + health care to sergeants.
If we approve the contract, the me too clause applies to salary- so sergeants would benefit from whatever raises the FOP gets. If sergeants went to their own arbitration, sergeants would have to pay for their own arbitrator in addition to losing the 55 and out.
Could you just make a call to the PBPA office and get the facts before you rant?
Check out the Lts website- and read their newletter- the big secret contract highlights are posted.
SCS, the PBPA can't even suck at the FOP tit right! FOP gets the health care proposal with no strings attached.
BUT...PBPA has to swallow Daley's cock to get health care.
Good job PBPA!!!
vote no no no
nothing in it for sgt , lt , capt unless you're 55
Just an FYI: There is no "me too" for 55 with medical insurance and there won't be one. The city gave the Lts and Sgts unions a memorandum of understanding. Ratify the contract -you get the benifit at 55. Don't ratify -you don't recieve the 55 with medical insurance. It will not be a decision for the arbitrator. The union asked for a specific dollar raise and the city countered with a lower amount. That's where the negotiations came to play. The Sergeants union failed to negotiate at that point in time and stood back and watched the FOP like they have always done. Now the Sgts union is trying to safe face by telling Sgts to reject the contract. I'm by no means on the citys side but it is more then obvious that they have no money. If you vote no to this contract you will loose the medical at 55 benifit. The dollar raise is a done deal already. This time an arbitrator is going to burn us. The union did a poor job. they should have come to an agreement on a lower dollar amount. The Lts union will probably ratify their contract and it is the same as the Sgts offer from the city. Vote YES for this contract and remember come election time to vote these guys out who negotiated our contract!
"vote no no no
nothing in it for sgt , lt , capt unless you're 55"
but that's better than completely nothing- we've been here before- we'll get the same raises the fop will after arbitration- you'll eventually be 55 so you'll be able to take avantage of it too. In thi economy- it may be the best we can do. Wait until you see the entire contract before you decide how to vote. and since the sgts association hasn't posted or sent out the contract- I'm betting this is a lt posting this. sgts- decide for yourself!
VOTE YES FOR THIS CONTRACT. There is no benefit for our membership by voting no for this contract unless you hold a position with the Sergeants union from unit reps on up to the pres. The longer we go without a new contract the longer this union leadership can stay in the positions that they currently hold. Get rid of them at election time. This union has accomplished little since its begining and it has several of the same people leading the way. Who remembers our first raise of 1%? Remember what they said then, "Hold steady, good things to come". What came was the city being smart enough to let us sell back two hundred hours. Pay you today at a lesser rate then a higher rate in the future. An increase in administrative time. That was a trade off for the blunder the union made in letting Detectives close the gap in our pay scales. The Fire Department was ready for that one but not our union. The Sergeant's union has biggy backed on the FOP always and they did it during this negotiation. Don't kid yourselves. We will never, ever get a higher dollar raise then the FOP gets after arbitration. THERE IS NO MONEY TO GIVE THIS TIME. Don't be fooled. They couldn't negotiate over the last year or so and they won't in the future. The city beat us. We should have negotiated a raise some place in the middle. Now they are going to loose the 55 medical beny too. Fools! Let the FOP pay for the arbitrator. Why should we pay for one? The Capt's and Lt's unions will vote YES and they have the same contract in front of them.
Are all you NO voters NUTS???..Why pay for an arbitrator with our dues money when FOP is doing it for us. Moneywise WE get what THEY get --- nothing more nothing less...always been that way..ME TOO is in the new contract..Do you think we would get more of a raise than the PO's???
Use your head man...
vote yes for lieutenant contract
health insurance for lts 55 and over and a me too on fop pay increase probably 3 or 4 %
we didn't give up anything
let's lead the way and pass this contract
" VOTE YES FOR THIS CONTRACT. . . . The Sergeant's union has piggy backed on the FOP always and they did it during this negotiation. Don't kid yourselves. We will never, ever get a higher dollar raise then the FOP gets after arbitration. "
"Get rid of them at election time. This union has accomplished little since its beginning and it has several of the same people leading the way."
You're an idiot asshole.
Look at your first quote . .
You say vote 'yes' basically to take a "me too clause" with FOP and THEN you say piggybacking is a bad thing. MORON!!! Make up you're fucking mind.
There are a total of 15 union board members . . . only 3 other sergeants who gave a shit ran against these people last year.
YOU and 99% of other sergeants are either too lazy, don't give a shit because they just care about themselves or say they are too busy. (Like the current board doesn't have a life???)
I was a board member 10 years ago and received NOTHING for it and gave up A LOT of my time. You can stick the job up your ass.
Come out from behind you're computer and run for a position if you give a damn.
And another thing...whatever gives you the idea that the PBBA is something the city takes seriously? We are an afterthought, a nuisance...all real negotiations between the city and police go thru the FOP...that's the way it's always been..if this contract is voted down we lose 55 and get the same raise as FOP...what's the point?
Okay, from what I get (from a sgt's rep), we sgts do NOT get medical coverage at 55 unless we ratify the City's contract offer, which is NO raise, no backpay (since there's no raise) and we agree to accept whatever FOP gets in arbitration.
Don't we already have 'me, too'? So what's the benefit in agreeing to what we already have?
The sgts and lieutenants are the highest paid members in the pecking order. Why would the City blow the chance to get rid of us and save a ton of cash? Not only do they pay us more, they also have to pay more into the pension for us, based on our salaries. They obviously think we're so desperate for the 55 medical coverage, we'll toss in the towel for every other item we want in the contract, including raises.
No. I'm 55 this year and I'd love to go. But the cost to the membership in general is too high to sell out.
PBBA????my mistake...I was on my third manhatten
I was a board member 10 years ago and received NOTHING for it and gave up A LOT of my time. You can stick the job up your ass.
Come out from behind you're computer and run for a position if you give a damn.
There are 1300 sergeants (full strength) and only a handful give a shit to show up at union meetings.
That's pretty damn sad.
Sergeants just like many coppers are like a bunch of spoiled babies.
"There are 1300 sergeants (full strength) and only a handful give a shit to show up at union meetings.
That's pretty damn sad."
Sad but predictable- how many FOP members actually go to meetings? 200-300 on a hot topic night- which is what precent of the total...
If there are 9000 fop members and 200 show up-that 2% of the membership showing up...if there are 1280 sgts and 40 show up- that's 3%...a slightly better showing but come on guys- 3 percent of the sergeants bother to go to meetings- that's not only predictable but pathetic.
The next meeting is September 17- there will even be freepizza and maybe will actually get to see the contract!
Hey second city sarge- maybe this upcoming meeting needs to be a new thread?
remember 30 % of the sergeants are merit and they vote the way they're told and most will be merit lieutenants , captains and commanders in the next 10 years
vote yes but demand to pressure the city to stop merit promotions
publish names of merit in union newletters as a reminder of what we the qualifications are for merit
you receive a department commendation for excellent police work you're proud of it
why aren't the merits proud of their merit appointments
we know they deserved it
I'm guilty. So what. I don't go to meetings. But I agree that our union doesn't matter much to the city negotiators. It seems to be all about the FOP because of their strength in numbers and the amount of over all salary they demand from the city. I don't ever recall getting a higher salary from a contract then the FOP negotiated/arbitrated for their members. If we vote no to the contract then the medical insurance is dead and an arbitrator will decide salary. Common sense says it won't be any higher then FOP because it never has been in past contracts. If you vote yes to the contract we get the insurance and whatever raise the arbitrator gives FOP. I'm no wiz but it's pretty obvious that the best deal is to vote yes. Any one from the union want to step up here? There is no info on the union web site, only something about verbage. We had that verbage issue last contract and never got a written copy of the contract until after it was approved.
Ballots will be out mid-sept..Let me try to clarify this to all you guys who think we would get a higher raise than FOP if we went to our own arbitration. The percentage gap between ranks Will ALWAYS BE THE SAME... we will not get 5% and the FOP 3%. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN--NO WAY, NO HOW... FOP does not have "me too" with sgts..The city will not settle with us on money issues before FOP and then we would get what they got. Arbitration would just drag this out, we would lose 55, and we STILL GET THE SAME PERCENTAGE AS FOP when THEIR arbitration is settled..End of story
Is Marky Mark screaming in pain? His nipples must be sore from all the white shirts sucking on him!!!
VOTE YES!!!! It's a good deal.
Wow- we're in the middle of the biggest contract debate in CPSA history and SCS still hasn't dedicated a post to the cotact itself....I think I've seen more info about it on SCC.
Come on Sarge-what gives?
(The proposed contract)
VOTE YES!!!! It's a good deal.
NO, NO, NO, NO ! ! ! !
It is NOT a good deal!
NO RAISE for starters.
NEXT, there are at least 10 plus other changes to the contract -
The only bone that sergeants are getting is an extra bid spot for sgts in units like the airport and CTA.. THAT'S IT ! ! !
As far as the "age 55 deal"; it is ONLY TEMPORARY. After the deal expires in 2012, THE CITY WILL NOT AGREE TO RENEW IT!!!
In the end .. only about an estimated 100 to 150 sergeants will take advantage of the "age 55 deal". As for the other 1100 Sergeant Association members.. they get NOTHING worthwhile in this contract.
Remember, a decent contract is supposed to benefit the majority of it's membership.
Not just 100 out of 1300 members.
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