The lawsuit has been filed in United States District Court -Northern District of Illinois -Eastern Division Case #08CV4214. No status date has been set.
John Pallohusky
Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Whats the basis? BTW They are promoting 20 Lts in Oct.
Chicago Police Officer tells all about Chicago corruption,Mayor Richard M. Daley,the disintegration of the Chicago Police Department this morning on WLS 890 AM with Mancow Muller.
Too little, too late. How is the investigation into the first class going?
Why cant my boss read or write?
I am Dukes intellectual slave.
Can anyone tell me what this is going to cost the union, and why we waited 9 months after the results came out to file?
What a federal lawsuit? Didn't you hear the federal laws don't apply to the city of Chicago. Daley's spokesperson said the Bill of Rights doesn't apply to us. Why would you think that any other federal law does?
Anonymous said...
Can anyone tell me what this is going to cost the union, and why we waited 9 months after the results came out to file?
My sentiments exactly-it's not like we're a rich, established union...
The PBPA should have been ready with a lawsuit the first day the first 20 were promoted, if they were a real union and thought about us-they certainly had enough time!
Ah, that fair and impartial test where at least two candidates took their tests at HOME and were 'proctored' by their close personal friends? THAT test?
Now, why ever would someone sue over THAT?
Still pisses me off. I know the tests are bullshit and all of the connected who are smart enough get the answers, but I have a pretty good chance of getting promoted off this list (all be it, in a few years) and REALLY don't want to have to take the test again.
That being said...we have lost the first two lawsuits so what makes this one special? Did they find new evidence? Did someone flip who get stiffed? Who has the answers?
A lawsuit that will go absolutely NOWHERE (yawn)!
What did the morons on the pbpa board score on the test? You know none of these mental midgets did well or they wouldn't be filing a suit. They should use their own money if they want to fight it. Please let the membership know your rankings, pbpa board.
Fri Aug 01, 01:58:00 AM
Allegedly someone went to the G and formally complained with evidence that some people had an inside track or were taken care of. Very hush,hush, has anyone heard anything more about this rumor?
Copperitis: The condition that afflicts everyone on this job, causing delusions of granduer. I have yet to meet a copper who wasn't "a great cop" or deserve to be promoted on every single exam.If you scored over 120 on this exam you didn't have a chance no matter what they did. You would have done shitty on a new test too. But go ahead and cry if it makes you feel better.
Yeah whatever, just get to my number.
If the test is found, by some miracle, to have been biased and unfair, what is the status of those already promoted off of it? Has the city ever demoted an entire class? Would number 15 in rank order then have standing for a lawsuit?
"...I have a pretty good chance of being promoted off this list..."
Exactly what I said about the last list. I'm still wearing stripes.
Funny....out of the entire city of sergeants....the two sergeants lending their names to the lawsuits work in the same unit as a certain union-connected person? Were they "persuaded" or did they decide to do this on their own? What is really going on? Is this another fake out lawsuit using up union funds just to make it look like they are standing up for us?
I think every sgt. who passed part I and took part II should be promoted off this list and that would put an end to the controversy!!!
You would have done shitty on a new test too. But go ahead and cry if it makes you feel better.
Fri Aug 01, 05:02:00 PM
Feel the love
Sure the test was crap but everyone had the chance to retake it. If your vacation or anything else was more important then shame on you. Sure I would have liked to know my first score before I made a decision to re-take or not but nobody was told so we were in the same boat. I can't see how a judge can rule on this. Are they going to use the highest score for each person weather the first or second? So if you did not take it over you are still in the same boat. This is too confusing.
Come to the meetings and find out what's going on and why it takes to long. Don't bitch unless you know what you are bitching about.
I think every sgt. who passed part I and took part II should be promoted off this list and that would put an end to the controversy!!!
Good point.. I believe thats how the E.T. list works. The list would stay up a long time however none could sue over that AND the city would save money on designing another exam for a while.
"Come to the meetings and find out what's going on and why it takes to long. Don't bitch unless you know what you are bitching about."
Aren't we a little sensitive, eh?
Because you're not very good at getting info out to the sgts? Even the day the news broke about the lawsuit, the 'update' on the lawsuit was the re-pasting of the July 3 message for several hours. Can't you guys hire some ten year old to post stuff?
As for going to meetings-only people who go to meetings should get the information? What about the rest of us who have families, second jobs and school? I thought we all paid dues and were entitled to representation, not just the people who go to meetings.
Screw this, I did well enugh to get promotoed and I will be promoted. This law suit is a waist of time and money, those of you hoping to hang your hat on a favorable outcome will be disapointed.
If they try an demote the ones appointed already then every arrest that was approved by them acting a W/C is tainted because they were not qualified to make that decision. A lawyer can sue and get his client off and line his pockets at the cities expense. Plus they would open up a new lawsuit by the ones demoted who have been Lt's for over 8 mos.
isn't there a six month probation period? their made, period!
eliminate the rank
sgt's run the districts
save the pension
If they try an demote the ones appointed already then every arrest that was approved by them acting a W/C is tainted because they were not qualified to make that decision. A lawyer can sue and get his client off and line his pockets at the cities expense. Plus they would open up a new lawsuit by the ones demoted who have been Lt's for over 8 mos.
Fri Aug 08, 09:37:00 AM
Nope, you are dead wrong. In the past there have been groups of temporary sgts made who went back to being po s.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If they try an demote the ones appointed already then every arrest that was approved by them acting a W/C is tainted because they were not qualified to make that decision. A lawyer can sue and get his client off and line his pockets at the cities expense. Plus they would open up a new lawsuit by the ones demoted who have been Lt's for over 8 mos.
Fri Aug 08, 09:37:00 AM
This could be the goofiest post I've ever seen. My God I hope you are not in line to be a Lt! That would be a good enough reason alone to take the list down
Screw this, I did well enugh to get promotoed and I will be promoted. This law suit is a waist of time and money, those of you hoping to hang your hat on a favorable outcome will be disapointed.
Fri Aug 08, 06:02:00 AM
If you get promoted please buy a dictionary and learn to spell!!!
Nope, you are dead wrong. In the past there have been groups of temporary sgts made who went back to being po s.
Nope, your dead is true they promoted temp sgts in the early 90's, the HUGE difference is at the time of promotion it was a TEMP spot and they all knew it was a temp spot. The last LT promotion was NOT a temp promotion.
Anonymous said...
Screw this, I did well enugh to get promotoed and I will be promoted. This law suit is a waist of time and money, those of you hoping to hang your hat on a favorable outcome will be disapointed.
Fri Aug 08, 06:02:00 AM
You are lucky that points were not deducted for spelling!
Anonymous said...
Nope, you are dead wrong. In the past there have been groups of temporary sgts made who went back to being po s.
Nope, your dead is true they promoted temp sgts in the early 90's, the HUGE difference is at the time of promotion it was a TEMP spot and they all knew it was a temp spot. The last LT promotion was NOT a temp promotion.
Sun Aug 10, 06:39:00 AM
Nope! You are both dead wrong. Even a Sergeant can act as a watch commander if need be. Therefore the arrests will be valid. However, have you read the PBPA filing? Not very substantive and I highly doubt they would demote anyone.
The lawsuit is a waste of money. I've read it and it is basically the same lawsuit that was filed before and rejected. They added a Shackman claim, with no factual basis. Stop the bullshit, fight something we can win (like residency or when we start negotiating our contract), and stop wasting our money. We pay the highest dues of anyone on the department and what do we get? Pizza and corn beef. Really? This sucks.
let go to the pizza meeting and find out what is really going on?
since apparently only those who show up to meetings get to find out- not the rest of the dues paying members...
pizza anyone?
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