Notes from the supervisors meeting:
Estimated attendance: less than 50
The black Tahoe is the preferred choice. Graphics will probably be the traditional one.
New recruits to be trained with Glocks only.
Brust(sp) is only person allowed to strip an officer. J Fed showed common sense in why decision was made.
J Fed wants to completely revamp the promotional exams and merit process. He believes there is no reason one should not have a score when leaving the exam site and know their rank at the end of the day when all exams are finished. He strongly believes in merit but it should be because of what you do, not who you know. He would like to have officers nominate themselves for merit and have to complete a lengthy package detailing their accomplishments and qualifications. Have the process more transparent, possible with union reps at the selection process as observers.
20 new Lts this year....6 merit.
The reason that patrol is under represented in merit promotions is because exempts are NOT nominating officers from patrol. (shocking!)
Manditory fitness testing as a condition of employment or for promotion is NOT true. The reason for it as a requirement for the carbine is that if you are carrying one, and have to run, you shouldn't be huffing and puffing when trying to aim the weapon, thereby throwing off sights--dangerous situation with that type of weapon.
600 wehicle locks for carbines coming.
Performance reviews coming January 2009. He believes there are way too many CRs obtained for things that are performance issues or simple mistakes. There are better ways to handle those issues: training, notation in file which will afffect performance grade, etc.
Explained, at length, the Cozzi incident. Said that he explained it the same way at other meetings with officers. He only asked the US attorney to look at the video of the incident. It was a decision he made at the time and stands behind that decision.
MY OPINION: Believes he was right in his decision to make the call. But in retrospect, may not have made the same call in light of the fallout. I could be wrong, that's just my impression.
They are actively looking for a very strong case to charge somone with perjury in making false allegation and signing the affidavit. Mayor is on board.
He will back anyone that acts as a reasonable person. That action may not the right, but if actions are reasonable, ok. Example: If attacked, spit on, etc and bad guy gets an extra crack or so, wrong, but not unreasonable under the circumstances. Incident will he handled accordingly.
He would like to eliminate TRU and the DOC. Decentralize control. Let the Commanders decide where their problems are how how to address them.
New computers coming. He can buy 3 motorolas for the price of 2 toughbooks. OEMC has the motorola but is sitting on their ass and not making a decision if they will work. All he asks of them is to make a decision.
GPS coming to all cars. Command staff included. Command staff and dangerous districts to get the first. Installation to be started very soon. This is an officer safety issue.
He's not a fan of the inspectors as they now. They should be focusing on larger issues, not petty stuff.
He is amazed at the length of time it takes to institue any change in this department.
He never expected that when he made a command change, that person will take all his/her people with them to the new unit/district. This totally disrupts everything. The boss in the new spot should not make personell changes immediately but have those that now work for him prove that they can do the job. This will not be allowed to happen in the future...Question not asked--But that's what he did!
My overall opinion:
I didn't agree with everything but overall was impressed. He appeared genuine, wasn't feeding us a bunch of BS. He's trying to use common sense in setting policy and in his decisions. He seems as fustrated as we are in how this department is sometime run and how decisions are made. He will make a decision and expects others to do the same. He has a vision that includes a lot of common sense. That's going to be his biggest hurdle. Because, we all know that common sense and the Chicago Police Departemt have nothing to do with each other.
Sat Aug 30, 09:37:00 AM
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
I hope someone there told the new Supt to quit fucking over Jimmy Jackson. It was disgraceful enough watching Cline and co. jack over Starks, they've taken it even further this time. Doesn't send a very good message to the troops, especially black officers. If they want to allow civilians to run the Dept., then just name Masters the
1st, and be done with it. Right now as it stands, most of the major decisions appear to be made through the Chief of Staff's office, which means Masters and that moron Sgt/Cmding ofcr of the "policy section." Oh, almost forgot to mention the tall tart, Bartuch.
Let look into this rating system that is suppose to be up in 09.
If you currently look at the system in clear it is based of arrests, TRRS, CRs, medical days, iod days, parkers, movers, and a few other things.
Now the ratings go from 1-6 with 6 being the greats. It is also color coded with 1/2 3/4 and 5/6 applied a color code.
Now what is great is if you are a inside person and never make arrests you get a 6 from year to year because you are constant with you averages. If you wokr outside and get ten arrests and month evey month for a year you are still a 6. If you work in a slower district and mantain the same again your a 6.
My big problem is what happens when you work in a fast district, hump your ass for a few years believing you will get noticed and move on somewhere else but never do. So you begin to slow down a bit cause you are burned out from all the work and going to court all the time. Well you have just dropped you average and you begin to lower you rating! Is this fair?
You have people who work in fast districts who never make arrests and will get good marks and then those who are busting their ass but then slow down a bit to take a break get screwed, great system
Thanks to the supervisor who left the synopsis of the meeting and for SCS for posting it.
After reading the synopsis, my only reaction is “Are you kidding me?”
"Brust(sp) is only person allowed to strip an officer."
Great – leave it to a civilian Fed to do the stripping.
"He strongly believes in merit but it should be because of what you do, not who you know."
Yeah sure, he may believe this – but so what? The question is whether the Mayor is on board with this revamping of the promotional process.
I guess Bea should start telling Jody some bedtime stories: Once upon a time, there was a Mayor named Daley who took care of all his family and friends on the City’s trough….
"The reason that patrol is under represented in merit promotions is because exempts are NOT nominating officers from patrol. (shocking!)" Yeah – well – Jody – you have been working here for 8 months already – do something about it.
"He only asked the US attorney to look at the video of the incident."
Oh, so, in other words, it was just the US attorney’s decision with no other influence from him. This is as true as the former President of the United States saying – "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
The truth will come out in court if it does go to trial. I wish the guy would not continuously lie like a con-artist politician. It is insulting.
"They are actively looking for a very strong case to charge somone with perjury in making false allegation and signing the affidavit. Mayor is on board." This is true only because the Mayor is on board – which reinforces what we all already know - the Mayor is the one who is running the department.
"If attacked, spit on, etc and bad guy gets an extra crack or so..."
no – I do not believe this one - we have a use of force paradigm that we are all trained to follow -maybe it is about time for Jody to do a little work and familiarize himself with the Department and the City for which he works. How about doing some work to earn that 300G!
"OEMC has the motorola but is sitting on their ass and not making a decision if they will work. All he asks of them is to make a decision."
What?????????? Isn’t he getting that 300G salary to head the police department and OEMC - Why the f—k doesn’t he do a little work and make the decision himself, instead of blaming it on others like the weasel that he is. Oh, I almost forgot- the Mayor relieved Weis of this duty. Does anyone know if he also was relieved of half of the 300G salary he is making?
"He's not a fan of the inspectors as they now."
Yeah – well – you have been working here for 8 months already –do something about it. There only are six inspectors for Christ’s sake – how much effort would it take on his part to make them refocus their efforts.
"The boss in the new spot should not make personnel changes immediately but have those that now work for him prove that they can do the job. This will not be allowed to happen in the future...Question not asked--But that's what he did!"
Exactly, that is what he did – which should tell you a lot about just how impressive and genuine he really is.
Contrary to the participant’s opinion and based upon his posting of what was said at the meeting, I believe the J-Fraud did nothing but feed these supervisors a bunch of BS.
Fed up with the Fed
Here is my opinion of the BIG meeting.....................YAWN,
YAWN ..........................
YAWN .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"I believe the J-Fraud did nothing but feed these supervisors a bunch of BS."
Were you even there? How about getting off your barstool and heading to one of the two remaining meetings and hear for yourself before you judge.
I was there and I think the poster is pretty accurate with his reporting.
"Let's look into this rating system that is suppose to be up in 09....
You bring up some valid points. The trouble is..they make sense. They'll have a focus meeting, ask what you think,ask for suggestions,jot it all down,pretend they're interested and then do nothing. One reason it's flawed is you have civilian developers and/or officers designing the program who have no idea what we do on the street,besides the fact that they just don't care.
The new rating system will get the city sued. I will look for a way for sure. All you have to do is answer your calls. There is no quota. Document everything.
Sun Aug 31, 06:17:00 AM
. . . . . . . . .
Holy Crap.
Coppers . . The biggest bunch of cry babies.
I can't wait to retire and NEVER talk to other copper again.
Sun Aug 31, 06:17:00 AM
Are you 5 years old?
The Keesing Bandit says---
"...biggest bunch of cry-babies...can't wait to retire...never talk to any copper again..."
I can't wait until you retire either. Enjoy talking to yourself. However, in the meantime...
Kees me you fool!!!
To:Sun Aug 31, 10:05:00 PM
Were you even there?
How about getting off your barstool and heading to one of the two remaining meetings and hear for yourself before you judge.
I was there and I think the poster is pretty accurate with his reporting.
Jody - GFY
Just for everyone's information:
We lost one of our own today.
Sgt. Vernon Crawford, from the 22nd District died today of a massive heart attack.
God Rest His Soul.
Sincerest condolences to the family.
"The reason for it as a requirement for the carbine is that if you are carrying one, and have to run, you shouldn't be huffing and puffing when trying to aim the weapon, thereby throwing off sights--dangerous situation with that type of weapon."
More X-box falluhja fantasies.
Anonymous said...
Let look into this rating system that is suppose to be up in 09.
If you currently look at the system in clear it is based of arrests, TRRS, CRs, medical days, iod days, parkers, movers, and a few other things.
Why are TRR's considered to be so bad!
If they are a departmetn required document and now they are going to be OVER ANALYZED the troops will now try to figure ways to avoid doing them and possibly be afraid of haviong to do them for fear of having TOO MANY and may get hurt.
TRR'S: It covers us, it states/explains our actions when applicable for the civil matter as well as criminal, it really should not be an item to be used against OFFICERS!
I think it sends the wrong message to the troops from the BRASS to count how many TRR's someone did or has done! WHAT DOES THAT MAKE HIM A QUESIONABLE CHARACTER?
So if that is the case then we should go back to writing in the narrative of the arrest report..used necessary force to control offender.
I don't get this department!
I agree with Jody Weis demanding that coppers who want to carry heavy weapons should pass the POWER test!
Imagine some of these out of shape big belly chain smoking Harolds Fried Chicken eating kielbasa sausage head coppers with long guns. There would be no worries about long guns being stolen from cops in burglaries. Hell, you would have a lot of long guns forcibly taken out of the hands of some of our rather corpulent and out of shape coppers. Your Lt. Richiescotchbreath, that dumb sixth district sarge, and shavedshortcock would be the first to lose their rifles. Idiots on this job would be having ADs while showing the rifle to their baby mamma. No siree only a select few physically fit SWAT qualified cops with the necessary specialized training and experience in responding to active shooters should have long guns. If you can't pass the POWER test you should not even have a handgun let alone an M-4. You should be sent to the callback unit until you can get your waistline below a size forty and can whip out forty pushups in two minutes after a nine minute mile run. ZBefore asking for a rifle try and get some street experience, common sense, and an ability to verbally finesse a situation.
Believe me, If it gets that bad on the streets and our CPD SWAT can't handle it, the FBI HRT Team would drive their Suburbans straight off the back of a C130 and arrive to save the day.
Kool Kenny B FTO and future Sgt from the 11th District
What's up with the dump of the midway sergeant?
I understand he was bid .
I have to say, since they added GPS to teh 011th dist cars, squads aren't down on assignments as long as they used to be. I hear people coming clear rather quickly, and that's a good thing. GPS will definitely shake the trees of those who muck up the works on all three watches in the districts. The proof will be in the GPS, and now supervisors will have no excuses for not dealing with the sloths on this job.
Graphics on the sides of the new black tahoes....should read...We Are Insignificant......
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