Dear Fellow Sergeants,
We here at SCS have a website/blog that we created to service a need for a forum that at this time PB&PA is not providing. Our new president has asked for patience from the membership to get things up and running. That's fine but until then brothers and sisters we hope you use this site to air out your beefs and throw out suggestions to better our position in the department. Please spread the word to other sergeants that we exist.....we may take another idea from SCC and get business cards printed and distributed with the site info.
By the way we are averaging about 250 visits a day...thats roughly 10% of what SCC gets in a day. Since Sergeants make up approximately 10% of the ranks we'll take it for now.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Had hold papers on a prisoner today which were signed by sgt. pallohusky A4. So is he our president or working an area? We need a FULL TIME president.
You're boring and uncreative and not timely with your moderation and comment posts. Sorry, but you got nothing to give to attract us.
If Pallohusky is full time then you have to pay for him full time don't forget that. FOP pays for their people
Had hold papers on a prisoner today which were signed by sgt. pallohusky A4. So is he our president or working an area? We need a FULL TIME president
First, nobody wanted the job.
Second, the job pays only a straight sgt's salary, with no OT. Do you want the job?
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