"Our guidance was that this very prominently placed advertisement would not only be insensitive to the many people of different faiths who come to enjoy the market for its food and unique gifts, but also it would be contrary to acceptable advertising standards suggested to the many festivals holding events on Daley Plaza," Jim Law, Mayor's Office of Special Events.Brilliant! You go to a Christmas festival and you see an add for a movie about the birth of Christ and you're offended. Are you kidding me? This is a perfect example of the illogical logic of political correctness. In essence that logic would rather offend a majority in order to not be insensitive to a small minority.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
LOL..I love your comment.
Between them trying to get rid of nativity scenes and forcing everyone to say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays," some people really know how to take the fun out of the holidays.
Downtown, Mayor should take down all the Christmas stuff and twinkle lights that attract tourist and money spenders and leave my Christ and His Holiday alone. Christmas only belongs to Christians,, hence the name and the belief in Christ. They certainly want to exploit my beliefs and religion when it comes to making a fast buck don't they?
My family and most my friends will always celebrate Christmas with or without lights and 12 hr sales.
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