In a previous post I pointed out that I had heard that the sergeants were warned to be prepared for most assignments to be in Area 2. The assignments are out and Area 1 got the lions share. The 7th District will get 9 new sergeants with 009 getting 4, 008 getting 3, 021 getting 2 and 002 getting 1. Area 2 did get the next largest group and no surprise here with the 5th district getting 6 and the rest of the districts, excluding 022, will get the remaining 7.
The transfer order will come out 7 SEP and we will see where the dust settles. Will 005 still have the greatest need for sergeants?
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
I was not shocked to see that a few of the "chosen" went to northside districts. You know something stinks to high heaven when 005 got 8 from the last class and 6 more this time around. JS & TF congrats, and since you got the raise, you'll up for the 1st round... 251116253196309
Look at the few, the chosen, 012th Dist, 019th Dist, 016th Dist.
As long as ex-IAD (specifically CW and RF--who says they are ex-IAD?????) runs the second watch in 005, P.O.s and Sgts. will work on a revolving door basis. The sooner out, the better.
Anonymous said...
Look at the few, the chosen, 012th Dist, 019th Dist, 016th Dist.
Thu Aug 30, 03:23:00 PM
One of the chosen said...
It's nice to be one of the chosen but you forgot Districts 13, 14, 17, 21 and 25.
Anonymous said...
Look at the few, the chosen, 012th Dist, 019th Dist, 016th Dist.
Thu Aug 30, 03:23:00 PM
The real chosen will be sprinkled into places like 7 and 15 to do their 2 periods of "resume building".
cw and rf put dirty cops in jail
if you do your job don't worry about them
"If you do your job, you don't have to worry about IAD"??????
You can't be serious. No IAD copper ever got promoted for clearing falsely accused officers.
006 Got 4 Sgt's but 3 bid out so they only received 1. I hope they make a new class soon. Or our union changes the contract to open up more bidding to make it fair so I can get out also, and not just on midnights.
If you have been around you know that the chosen ones went to 007, 006 etc. from units like 189, 377,610 etc. They will do their 2 or 3 periods and poof, gone like a fart in the wind. To the Sgt't that are stuck in these districts my advice to you is. Don't ride around, "you might get shot by a stray bullet" remember you are a supervisor not a P.O. despite the fact that the dispatchers try and assign you jobs all the time. Don't help them clear up the board. If you read the ramphart study from L.A. it states that a Sgt. should only supervise 10 officers maxium. In districts like 006,007,005,004 we are doing at least double that. How can you supervise double the amount and take assignments also. Remember if you can do more with less that will become the norm and you will never get any help. Look at the Sgt's classes now 50 people. I remember when they made 100 at a time as the average, something stinks and it looks like this is going to be the norm my friends.
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