General Membership & Pizza Meeting
20 September 07 @ 1900hrs.
Home Run Inn Pizzeria
6221 S. Archer Avenue
Chicago, IL 60638
Guest Speaker – Steve Lux
City of Chicago Comptroller and
Pension Board Trustee
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Where are my Lts. test results, you shitheap of a union?
the results will be out in jan 2008 after they promote another 50 from old list
sgt adam z is in
Who is responsible for forming the CPD SWAT Team? Those guys looked awesome. They made the old HBT look like grandpa's army. I left the job in 1990 after working for Frank Radtke in 009 and for Eddie King in 002 (The Deuce). At that time HBT was a joke made of old fat guys who more resembled wagon masters.
The exempt who was the plankowner for CPD SWAT needs to be congratulated. Those guys moved and operated like the old ST6 or the CAG. Hopefully selection to this unit is based soley on aptitude, merit, and job proficiency!
Former 222 Working 1811 FED.
A good point!!!!
. . . "Why is President John Pallohusky of OUR Union working in Area 4 on the 1st Watch when he is supposed to be ASSIGNED FULL TIME to the PBPA with our dues ???" . . .
PBPA President John Pallohusky is doing a good job in a Thankless position.
Listen to this radio interview about Constable James Quinn
Chicago Police First Responder Training
Way to go E.U.(European Union)
The EU was the first body to condemn the US response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster two years ago. I am not saying our response was perfect but compared to their anemic capabilies it doesn't look so bad.
The fires in Greece are allegedly the third largest fires burning on Earth at the moment and were set by arsonists not natural disasters.
The EU is made up of twenty-seven member states/countries
EU Population:
456,953,258 (July 2005 est.)
US population:
295,734,134 (July 2005 est.)
EU GDP-The combined economy of the EU is the largest in the world with a nominal GDP of €11.6 (US$15.7) trillion in 2007
US GDP-GDP (purchasing power parity):
$11.75 trillion (2004 est.)
Europe has rushed to help Greece in its fight against fires devastating its southern regions.
The EU has a Community mechanism in place to facilitate reinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance. Monitoring and Information Centre (MIC) coordinated the offers of many member states and in total 18 fire-fighting planes, 18 specialised helicopters and nearly 100 fire-fighters had been sent to Greece
I think this illustrates that the EU is a weak ineffective governmental body that should stick to its own affairs. What a pathetic response to the Greek fires. The EU is the predecessor body to the envisioned merger of the USA,Mexico and Canada into one union/state known as the North American Union under NAFTA.
Keep America Free Vote For Ron Paul for US Presdident
the new swat team rocks
everyone is qualified
all the political hacks are gone
it's about time
Pallohusky works full-time as a sergeant because our union does NOT pay the salary of it's officers. We were smart enough to know from the beginning that a D-12 salary would change the officer's focus of doing whats best for the union members to maintaining their salary and position.
Political correctness and liberalism gone mad, the truth is no longer relevant. Welcome to 1984
the results will be out in jan 2008 after they promote another 50 from old list
sgt adam z is in
They have hte results, they will be out when a new Supe is named, a new class befoew the end of the year from the new list, sorry, AZ wiil NOT make it....
Anonymous said...
Pallohusky works full-time as a sergeant because our union does NOT pay the salary of it's officers. We were smart enough to know from the beginning that a D-12 salary would change the officer's focus of doing whats best for the union members to maintaining their salary and position.
Sat Sep 01, 10:36:00 AM
No, we do pay two people to be inside the office. Cosgrove and the guy with the sour puss all the time are the two.
"We were smart enough to know from the beginning that a D-12 salary would change the officer's focus of doing whats best for the union"
Oh yeah, like working midnights all night in Area 4 and then going into the PBPA office for 8 hours won't ruin his focus?!?!
Has anybody heard of when they might make the next class of detectives...... thanks
...sgt adam z is in...
and will be assigned to second watch in 005.
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