Well folks have gottne responces to our post and for the most part all are printable.
I have only had to delete two comments. To the poster who asked for date and time on posting, I checked it out and think we have it fixed. Will do some test to see if this has been corrected.
To the couple of guys who think this site sucks......to bad its our site make your own.
This site is run part time by two sgts' who have families and jobs. Reading comments and setting up a post is very time consuming. Please be patient we are doing the best we can to provide a decent place for supervisors to exchange information.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
this is a test for time stamp
How about them bears.
Dates on posts! U did it. Nice work
Best wishes, guys!
The more unauthorized CPD blog sites, the better.
The devious and treacherous hypocrites that govern the City of Chicago and "manage" the CPD need to be perpetually monitored by responsibly exercising our First Amendment rights to speak out on matters of public concern.
Anybody know where a copy of the memorial video can be found? I havent seen it yet
I think you guys are going to need a proofreader.....
I think you guys are going to need a proofreader.....
Mon Oct 02, 11:07:36 AM
Are you volunteering? If not find somewhere else to complain.
Anonymous said...
I think you guys are going to need a proofreader.....
Mon Oct 02, 11:07:36 AM
Our apologies to those who feel the need to advise us to the need of a proofreader. After creating a post I usually use spell check to correct those errors. As far as run on sentences, improper use of colons, semi colons and commas, I just dont care or have the time to deal with it. We work 6 day weeks and have families that need our attention. This my friend is only an attempt at providing a place for discussion. In other words this is only a hobby not a job.
I'm just saying, you might have a great post going but you may lose credibility on a topic due to spelling or grammatical errors. I am glad you started this endeavor and as a fellow Sgt, wish you the best.
Off topic but, what happened to the helicopter? it went in to be retro-fitted with the FLIR technology in the early part of the summer and hasn't returned; is this program over before it even got going? anyone with any info on this
As I said in the last topic I posted on, y'all are doing a excellent job.
Don't worry about pleasing anyone else - there are those that will NEVER be happy and are only looking to instigate. This is YOUR blog - post what you want; say what you want. For those that do't like it - there's the door - don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
Those that give the positive comments, the ones that can debate without acting like an ass, or those that come here to learn (like myself) appreicate the time and effort you put into the site, regardless if opinions differ.
Be safe out there,
im basically disappointed that you seem to lack a sense of humor. best of luck though
Keep up the great work and screw the people who don't like the blog, or think you're in freaking grammar/spelling class.
You just started and will surely get thing rolling after awhile. It's not easy running a blog/message board and takes time to get it in gear!!
I would rather have the misspelled truth of an honest person over the perfect paper of bullshit from an overeducated idiot. The yuppy educated make me sick. Big headed assholes.
$upervisors should spell correctly and have good communications $kills. You are the managers who read and approve po's and dic's reports. Don't use your familiy, hobby, lack of time, "who cares", etc. as an excuse for sloppiness when posting threads on your blog. You will end up being laughed at by white and blue shirts because believe it or not many of us on the job take pride in the work product (i.e. reports) we submit. I'm sure many re-read their blogging before they hit that publish box to make sure they don't sound like a GED drop out.
It will also be a pretext for all those who condemn the "merit" sgts citing this blog as a perfect example that supervisors can't do sh#t let alone spell correctly.
Use this forum to show that you have the proficiency to be supervisors. Note that SCC rarely, if ever, makes any grammatical/spelling errors.
Otherwise, best of luck.
The good Sister believes, and I quote, “many of us on the job take pride in the work product (i.e. reports) we submit." Are you serious? As a supervisor I am hard pressed to find one report a night that is free of spelling and grammatical errors. Obviously you're not a supervisor or detective because if you were the word "many" would be "few". This is not to say the average street copper has no pride but case reporting for a simple assault is not viewed as a top priority.
Mary do you have a family, hobbies, or just a lot of time? Do you know these guys? You assume they are "merit" sgts and GED drop outs. You demand they use this forum to show their proficiency as supervisors. Mary you are self righteous, arrogant, pretentious, and least of all ,a presumptuous snob!
You actually have the gall to wish these guys the best of luck. Good thing I'm not SCS because I'd tell you to stick in you arse!
Keep up the GOOD work guys! And don’t let pinheads get you down.
Surprise, surprise! Despite your read on us Mary we are both college graduates. We both made it “legit”. You want to be a grammar critic? That’s fair its something you can observe. What isn’t fair is your leap that somehow our inattention to grammar makes us merit sgts and that our blog is proof that supervisors cant do shit let alone spell. I certainly don’t believe this blog is the forum that proves or disproves our proficiency as supervisors . If you are not happy with what you see go and create your own site. We wouldn’t want you along with your blue and white shirt friends to giggle at us.
Congratulations on the new blog, hats off to any city employees who put word "out there."
Also, best of luck. As you can see, you'll encounter naysayers and the frustration of running an open-forum blog, but hope we you succeed, and we wish you the best.
It is very frustrating as a supervisor to read bad reports on a daily basis. I'm not looking for officers to be Hemingway, I just want them to have some pride in what they do. There will always be a spelling error here and there and a missed box or two, but using white out to change a classification? P.O.'s need to understand that these reports find their way onto the bosses' desks. They in turn call us on the carpet for signing bad reports. I do not enjoy being embarassed and I take pride in being a good sergeant. However, many officers just don't get it and that is why on any given day in my very busy district, I return more reports for correction than I approve. Please don't criticize us for doing our jobs. Remember, if you took a few extra seconds to check what you wrote before turning it in, the report would be signed and you would not have to do "more work." Be safe.
CREDIBILITY??? It's a blog!!!!!!!!!
looks like sister mary red pen wants a job.
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