PB & PA election time is nearly upon us. According to an undated summer mailing signed by the Sergeants Election Committee Co-Chairmen (both retirees), ballots for the office of President will be sent to all active members via police mail between 18 and 24 OCT 06. Completed ballots must be received, via USPS, by the close of business (1600 hours) on 14 NOV 06. Ballots will be counted at 1100 hours on 15 NOV 06 at the union office (1616 W. Pershing Rd.).
First of all, why are retirees running the election? Where are the active members? Many sergeants never received the undated mailing which also listed the dates for nominating petitions to be picked up (21 SEP to 28 SEP). Why weren’t we addressed in person by the Executive Board or the Board of Directors? The election was not even mentioned in the August newsletter.
Candidates must be an active sergeant for the previous twelve months and in good standing. You also must have attended fifty percent of the regular meetings in the twelve months prior to the filing of nomination petitions(that should really limit the pool).
Finally, who are the candidates running for President? Are we supposed to open our ballots and take part in a popularity contest without knowing a candidate’s platform? We aren’t voting for Cook County judges here, blindly picking candidates because the name sounds familiar or because someone told you he was a “good guy.” It would be nice to hear from the candidates, whether by mail, e-mail, or personal visit at check-off. That’s the least they can do considering they are asking to take control of a rudderless ship that is close to sinking. This new president will either make or break the PB & PA. With the current contract set to expire in June of 2007, do any of these candidates have what it takes to lead us at this crucial time or will this election be the final straw that leads to de-certification?
Okay candidates, show us what you’re made of. Feel free to use this blog to get your message out and announce any upcoming appearances you’ll be making. Remember, a lot is riding on this election
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
What happens to all of the money collected from the dues? 60K each month adds up quickly. Maybe we need to elect some competent people and pay a few of them a grade higher so that we can get answers when we need them.
Good point about the dues. How much money does the PB & PA currently have on the books? This could be a hot topic if we dump them for some other bargaining unit, especially since the by-laws allow for the board to dispose of all remaining funds to a charitable organization of their choice after debts are paid. Could it be millions?
now that we have two sgts on the fop board how about opening up the pb/pa board up to patrolmen so we all could sing cum ba ah
I never received the "undated" mailing.......who received it? Now that the petitions are closed no one else can run, leaving it to the ones who were in the know and got the mailing?? Sounds like bullshit to me, is the City running our union? Sounds corrupt already!!!
Anyone would be better than the board that's in place now. How's that song go...Kum ba yah...
No word yet from any of the candidates or current leadership of the PB & PA. Why not?
"Why are retirees running the election? Where are the active members?" You just answered your own question. If it wasn't for the retirees (who donate their time and effort) almost nothing would be done since very few active members participate in anything or attend monthly meetings. If you would attend the monthly meetings, you would have the answers to all of your questions.
You have no one to blame but your self if you do not attend the meetings or run for election. Sure you are too busy, too many family commitments, too little free time. Hey, your current board finds the time. They are not full time at PB&PA. They hold down regular jobs, raise families, and still work to get you more money, and better contracts. All you can find time to do is complain. WOW
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