SCC had a post concerning any PO with 20 CR#’s in the last 5 years will no longer work Tact or Gang. We received a comment from a south side sgt that in his district 3 tact guys were dumped to his watch and along with two other POs from the watch all 5 find themselves in the behavioral program. Can anyone else elaborate or provide similar occurrences.
Department accepting applications for Captain....any front runners out there?
Have heard rumors that pre-sgts will only spend a month in the detective division. We aren’t buying it but we’ll play
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
The pre-sgts will do 90 days, Cline loves that program, enough said. The cr program is up and running, it will be interesting to see how many people they dump out of the units with too many beefs in 5 years, SOS, well that will be an excuse to clean house there, but we all know that NAGIS will be un-touched, it too big a bastion(sp?)of clout, I know plenty of people there with a ton of beefs in 5 years that were put there to hide, I bet they don't get dumped, their clout will argue for there retention leaving the brunt of the dumps in the Patrol division, I.E. tac/gangs, the guys that are asked to do the most work. Also, now if you have 10 or more trr's in a year you are reviewed, what the F***? I thought trr's were not to be used as a disciplinary tool? isn't a watch commanders approval of a trr review enough? obviously if a watch commander finds a problem he will note that further investigation is necessary and intiate a cr. It is getting harder and harder to motivate our officers and ask them to go out and be the police when we have to keep selling them on all this crap. Where is the FOP on all this? I can only hope someone has at least contacted them, I would ask if anyone has contacted PBPA but that be a stupid question...LOL
A lot of sergeants make the mistake of not handling CRs correctly. If the PO made an honest mistake or rarely gets a CR or the complainant is a crack pot then fine, give the PO every break in the world. But if a PO keeps getting the same kind of beefs, you had better start Sustaining those numbers or have a very good reason not to. What kills me is the Sergeants who think they are doing the PO a favor to keep Not Sustaining his CRs. What this does, in some cases, is to move the PO to cross the thin blue line and start committing criminal acts. So instead of taking 10 days the PO will be looking at 10 years in Joliet. All you have to do is look at the POs who have been locked up in recent years to see that the Sergeants that kept Not Sustaining their beefs enabled these guys to think that they'd never be caught. Do the Right thing.
Just heard that a Tact team in an unk District is GOING DOWN along the same route as SOS.....
Stay tuned......
I nominate Lt. Crunch....make him a Captain, you might also want to throw in Lt. Nemo and make him a Captain, too.
Just checking out the site
Heard the fate of POs w/ 20 CR#s and 10 TRRs was at the discretion of the individual DC.
The pre-sgts just hit the areas tomorrow 09 October and are supposed to be back in the academy in December 06. That wont equal 90 days in the D units. Stay tuned for more info.
Speaking of CR#s. Who was the supervisor who let the SOS guys miss 78 court cases and no disciplinary action?? Man when I was a Sgt in patrol I remember Frank "the rat" telling us to screw over po's all the time. But these guys miss 78 court cases and nothing happens??? No wonder these guys were out of control.
I noticed a guy from 2 who was on the original list to be promoted to sergeant is not on the list detailed to the areas. Replaced by a guy from 016. Did he waive the promotion?
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