Congrats to the 50 new dicks. Sorry we don't have the list but we will put it up on Thursday night.
On another note we have been hearing that another class of sergeants will be made sometime this year off the existing list......To those on the existing list we aren't trying to get your hopes up. To those waiting for the results of the new test we certainly aren't trying to piss you off.
Why the delay in part II test results? We aren't going to pretend to know the answer but we'll speculate anyways.
We had heard that there was some sort of grievance filed and that has led to a delay in publishing the results.
Another scenario is that certain persons are in striking distance of making it off the list and they are clout heavy....why waste a merit selection on someone who can make it legit?
Update: One of our readers sent us a heads-up from CHECKERBOARD, the official blog of the Department, and they confirm that the Sergeants results were mailed on Wednesday. We empathise with those of you that were under 500 on the list and didn't make it.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
The Detective's list was predicted on the Chicago Police Department's Checkerboard blog on Tuesday. They also say the Sergeant results were mailed out Wednesday. See for yourself on scroll down to lower left to blog. I've never known the department to put out misinformation(lol)
You mean under 400. They only went to approx 363 on the list. Over 450 were made though. Amazing, you could score 390 on the Sgts list and not make it but if you have clout (MERIT) you can score 1800 and now be a Sgt.
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