001 BRIDGES, Tim R. 018
002 FICHT, Leonard K. 024
002 LOPEZ, Jose L. 640
002 McINERNEY, Raymond J.009
002 ROWLING, Steven R. 253
003 DOWNS, Richard E. 153
003 HEIN, Jon P. 013
003 MULLINS, Stanley M. 006
003 PARKS, Cedric V. 620
003 SVILAR, William 610
003 ABER, Nicholas E. 012
004 PITROWSKI, Dawn M. 011
005 FLANAGAN, Thomas J. 701
005 FLANIGAN, Kevin T. 603
005 KINNEY, David B. 620
005 MORRISSEY, Margaret M. 018
005 PETTIS, Christoph 050
005 ROYSTER, Thermon A. 610
005 SMITH, Dennis L. 022
007 BOCARDO, Michael R. 193
007 JASICA, Shannon K. 022
007 LOMBARD, Richard P. 620
007 SCHAAF, Jeffrey A. 010
007 SULLINS, Edward J. 045
009 DORRIS, John E. 008
009 MUSZYNSKY, Michael W. 019
009 O'DONNELL, Johnny 603
010 BORJA, Jean P. 012
010 GEORGE, Mark A. 017
010 SOTO, Alexis C. 015
012 BIELICKI, Anita M. 057
012 FORBES Jr., Terence P. 025
012 LAUFER, James R. 025
013 AXIUM, Jack A. 050
013 BAZAREK, Michael G. 640
013 O'DONNELL, Weslene M. 018
014 NIEVES, Luz A. 121
014 ROWAN, James G. 153
015 AYLWARD, Patrick M. 015
015 BANICH, Thomas J. 023
015 BARZ, Michael J. 650
015 BETANCOURT, William 014
015 DEVINE, Peter C. 640
015 MONTGOMERY, Phyore D. 121
015 PARHAM, Andre 006
015 VALDES, Hector A. 630
024 DELGADO, John M. 013
025 ERNST, Raymond G. 650
025 MILLS, Thomas 121
025 WHITE, Glenn 015
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
8 sergeants to 015. WHY?? Because they all leave after 3 to 6 months and go to units.
Congrats to the New Sgt.
8 sergeants to 015. WHY?? Because they all leave after 3 to 6 months and go to units.
NEWSFLASH.. 6 months? NOPE 2 sergeants from 015 as of SUNDAY 4 Feb are detailed to Unit 121.. I.A.D.
[015 BARZ, Michael J. from 650 and
015 VALDES, Hector A. from 630]
AND OF COURSE don't forget Peter DEVINE who came from 640 . . we'll give him 10 seconds until he is detailed out. He of course is State's Attorney Dick Devine's son.
Therefore it's still true.. 015 - Austin is still "Fort Forgotten".
015 DEVINE, Peter C. 640
8 sergeants to 015. WHY?? Because they all leave after 3 to 6 months and go to units.
You got that right. They also go to 011 for a quick Ticket punch Patrol time in the "Ghetto".
What a Joke...
Southsiders get to go to 007 as a resume builder. "I did 15 years in cush units and 15 minutes in the ghetto, poor me." By summer we will be down to 2 Sergeants a day, each with 18 cars on their log and 6 active CR investigation. Oh well, as they say at 35th. FUCK THE PATROL DIVISION!
Hey, if going to 007 or 011 (or IAD) is what it takes to fastrack your career, then why are so many crying about it? Transfer into those districts (or IAD) and reap your rewards!! If workin' in the ghetto (or IAD) doesn't appeal to you, then deal with the fact that you CHOSE to stay in soft districts or units, and deal with THAT.
Jeez, SCS, who does your spellcheck? "ASSINGMENTS?" And you guys are the ones APPROVING
Thank you for pointing out my error. Sometimes, and this shouldn't be an excuse, I will type in a post in a hurry and submit it without spell check. I am a terrible typist or maybe I suffer from dyslexia.
Hey, if going to 007 or 011 (or IAD) is what it takes to fastrack your career, then why are so many crying about it?
HEY PECKERWOOD, They're spending maybe 6 months tops there before they go to their cushspot. That's not a fastrack that's an insult. Me thinks YOU are a recipient of such a joke procedure. Go get the Deputy a fresh cup o'joe SUCKASS!!
Hey transferring in to 015 or 007 will not let you reap the rewards. 35th knows if who is on the "fast track" and sends you to these places.
Ive been in one of these districts long enough to know. You can just look at someone and say there is no way this person will be a patrol sergeant the rest of their career.
What a joke.
You shouldn't be putting people's names and assignments all over the internet, ya Ass Clown! You ever hear of OPSEC? Now the fukin Al Qaedas all over the world know our secret assignments and plans. They are among us...somewhere.
The Ass Clown has spoken! SCC is an Ass Clown too!
Ass Clown said...
You shouldn't be putting people's names and assignments all over the internet, ya Ass Clown! You ever hear of OPSEC? Now the fukin Al Qaedas all over the world know our secret assignments and plans. They are among us...somewhere.
The Ass Clown has spoken! SCC is an Ass Clown too!
Thu Feb 08, 01:01:00 AM
Hey I think your foil cap might be a bit too tight.
What foil cap? OH, thaaaat foil cap! Jee thanks I forgot I had it on.
Ass Clown flunked the test. Poor Ass Clown.
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