Thursday, October 12, 2006


The City unvieled its logo for the 2016 Olympics. Logo contingent upon landing the Olympics.


Anonymous said...

Nice poster, nice colors, looks very gay.

Anonymous said...

The turd burglars will surely like it.

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that the folks at 35th st intend on making interior/ exterior checks of vehicles AND fluid checks part of weekly veehicle inspection

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that we're getting the Olympic logo on the squads...

LLMM said...

It's got a Gotham theme to it, rather then boys town.

Anonymous said...

Schicklegroover said...
…and not a penny to our sinking pension fund. If Daley EVER planned on fixing that sinking ship wouldn’t a windfall this size be the opportunity? If not now, then when? That’s right, never. Do we need any more proof that the city is going to let the fund collapse? Mathematically, the fund MUST have the proper contributions in order to generate enough interest $$ to pay out to retirees in the future. As the time period without contributions increases the future income stream source dries up faster and faster, toward the end, depleting exponentially. It will be a mathematical impossibility to fix this if we don’t act now. We had better start making some noise. The city is relying on our usual complacency. Fuck the math. Let’s have fun while my kid is still asleep. A satirical analogy:

A ship, the S.S. PENSION FUND, (not a temporary lifeboat but one your children must live on also) has a leak. You begin bailing it out and no one is all that worried. This goes on a long time and projections by the damage control team are that the ship will be watertight long enough for those over the age of about 50 to die of old age above water. “What about the rest of us and our children,” wonder the soot covered crew in engineering? A few whiners onboard keep saying we should fix the leak instead of just barely keeping up with the flooding. Most think, “why bother when everything is fine, as long as you keep bailing out water? “ Fred O. Plenary, the ship’s Bursar/Entertainment Director says, through a mouthful of steak, that he agrees something should be done but it is not a contract issue. Also not a contract issue was the recent proposal to rename the ship the “S.S. Fuck this Crew,“ but F.O. Plenary fought against that so why can‘t he fight for something much more important? The crew suspects this is bullshit and that the real reason is that he has been sleeping with the Captain in exchange for special duty assignments and extra rations while they survive on a meager diet of hardtack and jerky. The source of the leak widens and it takes more effort to control but the crew can barely bail because they are sick or dying. Captain Flowerpot, who has always hated his crew and barely makes a secret of it, chooses that time to make the already ailing Ship’s Surgeon walk the plank where he is, of course, eaten by the Aldercreatures of the deep, a species that swims in “councils“ and exists in secrecy at 20,000 fathoms. The crew knew this was coming but hoped F.O. Plenary would protect the Surgeon and thus their medical needs AT THE LAST FUCKING MINUTE. Captain Flowerpot knows there is enough room in the lifeboat for him and his handpicked few, so fuck the crew. The crew has always wondered why they are the only ship in the sea who has a lifeboat for the Captain and Officers that is actually LARGER and more SEAWORTHY than the ship itself and why they are constantly ordered to move food and medical supplies to it in the dark of night. They struggle on but having waited too long, no amount of baling (or whining) can keep up because they didn’t plug the leak when it was still possible, didn‘t fight to keep their Ship‘s Surgeon alive and counted on a crooked Entertainment Director and Staff to lead their “mutiny” though he showed time and again that they were only in it for the rations and rum.

This will be no different then the multitude of private corporations in bankruptcy, whose pensions were “insured” by a federal program, the pension benefit guaranty corporation. Don’t believe the State of IL. “guarantees” our pensions The state doesn’t have that kind of money nor the inclination to fix the city’s willful screw ups.

Anonymous said...

Heres what I think....I dont do canvasses because Im not a Detective or earning that pay.

I dont fix anything at work because Im not paid to do that.

I dont check squad car fluids because Im not a mechanic.

And I dont do C.A.P.S. or related sop's... std's or whatever the fuck they are called because Im not FULL OF SHIT!

Anonymous said...

Yea ok... then they will start sparring you for the shape the squads are in. FUCK YOU!

fillmoreranger said...

last i knew the interior exterior and fluid checks were part of the weekle inspection there is a column on the form for them

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that the folks at 35th st intend on making interior/ exterior checks of vehicles AND fluid checks part of weekly veehicle inspection

Sun Oct 15, 10:44:00 AM


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