005----------2/1st Watch, 2/2nd Watch
007----------2/1st Watch
013----------1/1st Watch
014----------1/1st Watch
022----------1/1st Watch
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Please keep in mind that this is an open blog
that can and is read by people other than Chicago Police Officers.
Whats all the fuss in regards to 009 "B" team??
Anyone out there with some insight?
Thanks for posting those bid openings that every district got two days ago!
Anonymous said...
Thanks for posting those bid openings that every district got two days ago!
Sun Jan 14, 04:01:00 PM
Unbelievable! Someone suggested I post the bid openings.....I am on my weekends and took a ride into the station to pick up a copy of the openings. And you got the balls to be sarcastic about when I posted them.......Go Fuck Yourself Asshole! If you you really wanted to know then you either should have picked up a phone and made a call or drive your lazy ass into a station yourself.
Sarge, Thanks for the info. You took the effort to update us all on the info, just wanted you to know it's appreciated.
Be Safe
SECOND CITY SARGE said... Unbelievable! . . . I am on my weekends" . . .
I know. I'm tellin' ya.. coppers suck! I'm counting the minutes til' I retire. Once I do, I'll never talk to another copper as long as I live.
You did more by posting the vacancies than our own union site did. Helllo?? Anybody home? The PBPA web site hasnt been updated in years(months).
......and why would the only second watch openings be in the 005th district ? and two openings at that ?
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is something the union needs to correct. Does this mean that there are no openings in other Districts? Where will they put all these new Sgts.? Why am I as a incumbent Sgt. not being given the opportunity to bid to a more desirable District? Why for instance, does a brand new Sgt. get to go to a place like 018,019,020, or 016, etc., etc., and the only choice I have is to remain in the shithole where I now work or bid to another shithole on the 1st. watch? It's not right and the union needs to correct this. The City should be forced to open bids to each and every District where they intend to send these new Sgts. The incumbents should be allowed to bid on them. The new Sgts. would then be allowed to bid on the Districts that the incumbents don't want. I work in the asshole of the world and I can't get out, yet some Jonny come lately new guy can go right to a nice place. Whatever happened to seniority?
I agree with the last comment. The union must address the issue of bids. My only choice is another shit district on midnights. We are short on sgts in all districts why not open up the bids? We should have bids every period just like the P.O's.
"Does this mean that there are no openings in other Districts?"
What the city does is only list the "bid spots" that have not been filled in the districts. For the most part.. that's only going to be 1st watch spots.
The problem is that bid positions are opened for bid internally (within the district) before being opened for bid on a citywide basis. Thus, all the sergeants that were handpicked and brought to the district via management get first crack when the bids are open internally. If, and only if, these spots are not filled internally are they made available for citywide bidding.
When the new sergeants graduate from the academy, they will be placed in all the management spots that were just opened by the sergeants who filled the bid spots by either internal or citywide bidding. Thus, new sergeants will be sent to nice districts (via management) that more senior sergeants, who work in less desireable districts, will never have a chance to get to (my apologies for ending this sentence with a preposition).
This process guarantees that the vast majority of sergeants will be placed on the basis of "who you know" rather than by seniority. It's a slap in the face to our seniority based system and must be raised as an issue in our next contract negotiation.
Mon Jan 15, 06:07:00 AM
Call your guy for a management move. It's the Chicago Way. Oh...you don't have a guy, well then you get shit on. That's the Chicago Way.
Ask yourself this Why do we have to wait for the city to recognize a vacancy when we know where the vacancies are? If a sergeant retires from a district his spot is vacant but according to the contract we have to wait for a recognized vacancy to bid. Sounds like the wagon before the horse.
I know that and it's B/S. We as incumbents should be allowed to bid to any one of the Districts that these new Sgts. will be going to BEFORE they are sent to their new assignments. We should have first pick, not the new guys!
Sgt's association website is updated with a new web design and current info.
013 is not a bad place. It is extremely short handed though, especially on first watch. It is not a training district, so there are not a lot of new p.o.'s sent there.
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