Well over the weekend it appears most if not all the sergeants received their calenders.
We have posted the upcoming general meetings for both CPSA and FOP.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
Please keep in mind that this is an open blog
that can and is read by people other than Chicago Police Officers.
As for a 30 year old man constantly asking sergeants for these ridiculous Honorable Mentions, all I have to say is "DO YOUR JOB". What’s the problem with these goofs? Did mommy never say she loved you? The old man never patted you on the head after you struck out in little league? If you have a substantial arrest I can see, but for a 1/2 rock dope pinch?????
It’s like the fuc$king Boy Scouts all over again - - grow up. There are no merit badges in the real world. Just Merit Sgts and Lts. And many of them have to suck dick to get promoted. The next 5 foot, 6 inch P.O. that comes into my office asking for an honorable mention for a recovered auto is gonna get BITCH SLAPPED.
How come we only got 1 PBPA sticker this time?
"The next 5 foot, 6 inch P.O. that comes into my office asking for an honorable mention for a recovered auto is gonna get BITCH SLAPPED".
Because anyone taller would stomp your dick in the dirt for laffs. Typical sexist coward who wears a white shirt. Pathetic...
"The next 5 foot, 6 inch P.O. . . "
HEY! That's all their are hiring now!
He's right! Possibly the have some complex where they constantly have to be reminded their needed. Many of these dwarfs come on the job in the first place because of this.
I haven't received mine yet, this union sux.
What I love most about this place as well as SCC is just trying to decipher what you illiterate whiners are trying to say. Does anyone proofread? Ever heard of spellcheck? You come in here and complain about how stupid your troops are and that too many POs bother you for Honorable Mentions or you'll never get promoted to lieutenant because some 5-year-wonder has clout and you don't. BOO-HOO you bunch of crybabies. It took me 15yrs, but I made it on my own and I like my job.
As sergeants, we've got the best job in the department. I drive around for 5 out of 8 hours and go to other officers' jobs. I get out of my car, shoot the breeze for a while and get back on my merry way until I go to another job or assist someone with a question. I'm not hauling stinkers, climbing stairwells or writing parkers and movers. Just observing and supervising. If one of my guys wants an Honorable Mention for something, give me a packet. If I hear that they made a decent pinch, I'll ask them for a packet. It takes a whole 10 minutes to type up. I don't mind. It's part of my job. Honorables don't come out of my check. If the front office wants to deny it, let them be the one to make that decision.
If you're reading a report that makes no sense, don't sign it. Give it back to PO and tell him what's wrong with it. By you signing it, you are now as incompetent as he his because you gave it your OK.
A good sergeant doesn't have to be a condescending prick all the time, nor does he have to be a loving, hugging parental figure either. Treat your subordinates with respect and trust them to do their job without you crawling up their ass every day and they will. Answer their questions without making them feel stupid or embarrassed for asking and they will in turn trust and respect you. Good morale is key to having good officers on your watch (or in your sector). There's no blurring the line between PO and Sgt when everyone gets along. POs don't have to fear you because you're the boss. Most of you just like it that way. It's really a team concept and we are the coach or QB.
. . . Typical sexist coward .. pathetic . . .
You want to talk pathetic? Anti-Female aka"sexist" ??
Whats up with these bitches bringing their kids to the job because they can't find a baby sitter??
THE JOB IS A JOKE !!!! Bitches on the medical for 3 days every month and 5 foot 6 inch rejects from McDonalds .. Real Police my ass
Got my book and one sticker via dept. mail. The union said it's going to send another sticker in the immediate future. Some kind of screw up on somebody's part. Go figure...
Honest to GOD, I has 2 PO'sa ask me for an honorable for recovering a stolen auto.....WITHOUT A HEAD!!! I thought they were bustin' my balls, but they were SERIOUS!!!
Recognition for a job well done comes in many forms, and an honorable mention is one of them. It doesn't take long to recommend someone for one, but does a lot for morale.
Instead of threatening to BITCH SLAP someone, do YOUR job and give your people the recognition they deserve, WITHOUT HAVING TO ASK FOR IT! Jagoff!!
I'm a sergeant a long time, and I put people in for honorables or any other award as often as I can. You're a lazyass sergeant if you ask me.
And our union sucks, no handbook in my mailbox, but the FOP had it to me last month.
Well said Sarge!
Actually the well said was for the sergeants that don't feel put out by doing honorables.
Honorables should always be done to acknowledge good work, but getting one for recovering a car with no head? that's alittle overboard. People shouldn't have to ask for an honorable, we should be cognizant of what are people are doing and write it up without them requesting, IMHO
. . . Instead of threatening to BITCH SLAP someone, do YOUR job and give your people the recognition they deserve, WITHOUT HAVING TO ASK FOR IT . . .
How 'bout I bitch slap YOU if you write an Honorable for a 1 BAG pinch?? Get real! You must work in Area 6.. I mean Area 3. Some things never change with coward districts.
And another thing.. Inspectors are now checking PCAD / PDT records on the NEXT DAY to see who is taking time due “on the end” in the districts. Then, they check the A & A's to make sure slips are put in. This means the old days of "holding a slip" are over. Anyone who holds a slip now is a goof. We had 2 Sgts BOTH take a 3 day suspension for letting guys go excused, time due without turning in the slips or letting the WC know.
However if you get take a couple days suspension you can spend them writing up your glory boy kids for a department commendation for that great domestic violence pinch of the 78 year old guy from Lincoln Park or Wrigleyville.
We have a few sergeants here that allow P.O.s to write up their OWN honorable mentions. Can you believe that? Nothing more than for average retail theft arrests, Temporary Registration Plate arrests, even misdemeanor warrants.
I mean come on! Honorables are getting a little watered down to say the least.
Honorable mentoins are actually very easy to do with the new automated system. I'll do one for the one bag (felony) anytime a p.o made an arrest from self initiated police contact. Most p.o.'s are lazy so I try to reward a worker what ever way I can, even if it's only an honorable.
While visiting the 12th District I saw an Honorable on the board for 2 coppers who got a hot car with a head. Good job. As I continued reading the Honorable said "hearing the request for an assist, P.O. XXXX responded to the scene and transported the offender to the District". And yes P.O. XXXX also received an Honorable. WTF?
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