We have been requested to discuss issues that pertain to sergeants and in particular issues that effect our contract. When it comes to salary increases, health care and retiree benefits we have very little input if any at all. The FOP and Fireman's local 2 are the two unions that negotiate for the rank and file of both departments and we work from those results. So what are the issues that we should put on the table? there are many but I would like to address one issue tonight.
Lets talk about bidding on recognized openings. The current system is a joke! In patrol every unit has roughly 27-30 sergeants (018/40 sergeants vs. 005/21). Each watch has 5 bid spots for a total of 15 and the remaining sergeants are management be they on the watch, gang/tact or neighborhood relations. Now you take 15 sergeants per district and multiply by 25 districts and you get 375 out 1268 sergeants (30%) that are bid. Granted there are plenty of sergeants in units that are on scholarship and have no problem with the status quo but they too are at the mercy of management.
Take a look at the last citywide openings and your choices are limited....midnights here and there (except 005). The new class of sergeants tentatively graduates on Feb 07 and some will be assigned to places that many with time on the job would love the opportunity to go to.
Prior to the graduation of a sergeants class the department should open up city wide all the units that are in need of sergeants. When that round of bidding is complete they can assign the new sergeants to fill the spots that have now become vacant. We are supervisors and that makes us part of management but having a little more say in where we work would be a breath of fresh air.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
"but they too are at the mercy of management."
A Sarge? Look @ your Shirt,
I already said this.
A Sarge? Look @ your Shirt,
Wed Jan 17, 10:47:00 PM
You should completely read something before you comment on it.
I state further on down "We are supervisors and that makes us part of management but having a little more say in where we work would be a breath of fresh air." There is a difference between us (sergeants) and them (exempts) We do not make policy they do.
Anonymous said...
I already said this.
Thu Jan 18, 05:52:00 AM
I know you did as a comment...and since it was such a good comment we looked up the numbers and presented it as a post open for discussion. I hope that was your intention.
Moot point. Our union takes a year to get a website running and can't even deliver a calander in a timely fashion. Do you really expect them to be able to effectively handle a real issue?
And NO (I'm not gonna run for office)! I pay my dues, which should be good enough to get some quality representation.
I think that our union needs to ask for more bid spots for each of the 25 districts during the upcoming contract negotiations. As it stands, nearly half of the 1300 Sgt.s (including the new class) are not by bid. The districts have only 15 bid spots for Sgt.s with the rest either exempt (caps, tact/gang) or management. Why not increase the number of bid positions per watch to 10. That would give Sgt.s more chances to move around to districts other than those that usually have openings (003,007,005). We should also be allowed to bid each period instead of quarterly. Also, the system needs to be changed so that when a bid is open in a distrct, it immediately is open citywide and not first offered within that distrct. This allows Sgt.s with less seniority the opportunity to secure a bid spot in a desirable district before those that have done their time in other places and never have the opportunity to bid elsewhere.
Let me tell you all about the PBPA and our so called "union" Ask any Sgt retired or on disability when if ever the Sgt's association sent them a sticker or book or even a newsletter. The only thing to ever come in the mail from this crew is the yearly raffle tickets they want you to sell for the golf outing. Let's not even talk about the bullshit legal representation that you don't have although I'm sure it got better after they got rid of the goof Reimer. At least the FOP looks after the disabled and retirees. PBPA is nothing but dues stealing joke.
When will the incumbent Sgt's have a chance to see where they ended up? when does this list come out on transfer list?? also when does the class of New Sgt's graduate??
We hear they graduate on 31 Jan or 1 Feb....guess they will receive their assignments a couple of days before graduation.
Why not increase the number of bid positions per watch to 10.
Thu Jan 18, 11:45:00 AM
10 bid positions per watch? You are an idiot sir......so we can have 3 or more vacant bid positions per watch? Most districts are damn lucky to have 7 sgts!!
I've heard some stupid things on the these blogs, but........
There is a difference between us (sergeants) and them (exempts) We do not make policy they do.
Right but if any exempt walked into you place of work & told you to stand on your head & spit nickels you wouldn't hesitate.
Why have Sgt.'s become so Deathly afraid of exempts? That's a question about 9,000 POs would like to know
We pay the highest dues of any rank in this Department. We have mediocre representation at best. We dare not criticize lest we sound ungrateful for the pizza dinner meeting, the golf outing, and the corned beef dinner. Of course issues such as Area 2 being stripped of sergeants no time due granted, 2-3 page logs,and the former issue mentioned of bid positions. Well........uh....you know.
There is a difference between us (sergeants) and them (exempts) We do not make policy they do.
Right but if any exempt walked into you place of work & told you to stand on your head & spit nickels you wouldn't hesitate.
Why have Sgt.'s become so Deathly afraid of exempts? That's a question about 9,000 POs would like to know
Sat Jan 20, 11:27:00 AM
The lone spokesmen for the rank and file of the Chicago Police Department wants answers.
Here's a tip and a clue...read the whole comment before you respond to it, then your comment would be relative to the subject.
The subject was that we as sergeants are managemnet and I added that the difference is we don't make policy.
Ahhh why bother with the subject when you can throw some bullshit half ass attempt at ridicule and mask it as the burning question of 9000 P.O.'s.
Why have Sgt.'s become so Deathly afraid of exempts? That's a question about 9,000 PO's would like to know
Sat Jan 20, 11:27:00 AM
What happen pal? Did you step on your dick and the sarge wasn't able to bail your idiot ass out of it? So now he's the patsy of the exempts? You are probably a regular fuck-up and now you are going to speak on behalf of hard working coppers. You can't man up and look in the mirror and assign your problems to yourself its always somebody else. Do everyone a favor and become a firemen.
Hello! My point Management skills you have none,Question, your not aware your management?
Sgt's You represent Management within the police dept.Obviously you want to have your cake and eat it to.I understand how difficult it must be with the lack of training this dept gives to White shirts. Your post is far from proper Please don't get angry. insofar as a Sgt bailing out any po thats a joke I have 25 years on and if that po did not have juice that isn't happening. The bully sgt use to be the exception, however its now the rule. new sgts do not have adequate training Policies and procedures NOT.
Why not increase the number of bid positions per watch to 10.
Thu Jan 18, 11:45:00 AM
10 bid positions per watch? You are an idiot sir......so we can have 3 or more vacant bid positions per watch? Most districts are damn lucky to have 7 sgts!!
I've heard some stupid things on the these blogs, but........
Sat Jan 20, 08:03:00 AM
So your logic is that because some districts are short sergeants, we should accept the fact that only 375 bid spots exist for sergeants assigned to the 25 districts? If you are a supervisor (which I doubt), then your complaint of not enough sergeants in your district makes me believe you are unhappy. Then why not bid to a better district? Oh yeah, that's right, you can't because the only openings are in the districts with problems (i.e. days in 005). If more bid spots were available, then sergeants could move around and work in a district other than the one the city picked for them.
You are entitled to your opinion, but if you accept everything the city says as gospel and blindly take the little things it offers at contract time without fighting for the real issues, then your sir are the one that is stupid.
This problem needs to be addressed at contract time. Why is it that when a bid spot comes becomes available in a district, it is offered first within that district prior to being offered citywide. This system allows a sergeant with very little seniority first crack at a bid spot simply because that is where he ended up going right from sergeant's training. This system does not give a sergeant with seniority the opportunity to bid to a more desirable district because there are seven to fifteen management sergeants in that district who will grab the bid spot first. What is wrong with opening the process up citywide from the start and alllowing it to be decided by seniority? I know that people will argue that the sergeants already working there earned the right to bid first, but new sergeants are placed in districts and the good districts get those with a phone call. Give the rest of us without clout the chance to use our seniority the way it was meant to be used, to better your position.
Why not make the bidding process like that of patrolman and detectives. You bid for a district, not a watch. It is up to the Commander which new bid Sgt.s are on which watch. Then when watch bids come out, the Sgt.'s with the Seniority can bid and get the watch of their coice. This no bidding crap is just that, crap. There are only Fifteen watch spots that are 5 bid positions. The Commander gets everything else as a management? WTF. If you give him the 5 Tact/Gang spots and his two inside spots (Caps/neighborhoods, etc) he shouldn't get any more for the watches statistically speaking. So as long as he has 7 Sgt's on management Tact/gangs/caps, he shouldn't get any NEW Sgt.'s until after all bid positions are filled.
How many years to update a website? A contract still not signed off on? You idiots really believe you will ever see anything in the contract that is even close to being fair when it comes to bidding? No wonder our blue shirts are so fucked up look what they have for leadership in the white shirts. Oh boy I pay all these dues and I got a new web site you fucking people are pathetic.
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