The new class of sergeants are to graduate on 31 Jan 07 (so we hear)
Anyone in the know please confirm or correct.
Winchester Releases RANGER ONE LE Ammo
5 years ago
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01 Feb 07 - 1000 - Navy Pier
February 1, 2007 is the graduation date 1100Hrs.
Might the moderator start a new thread on this?
This dosen't look right. Are there any lawyers out there that can clear up this contract question? From the FOP contract, Article 26 regarding salary "compression". The contract says "effective Jan 2006 the max rate of pay on the salary schedule is available to officers with 25 yrs of service" Now, the part in question, "THE PAY LEVEL FOR STEP 10 SHALL BE THE FORMER PAY LEVEL OF STEP 11." What does this mean? Go to the Finance web site, Position and Salary Schedule 2006. I have 27 yrs and am being paid at the step 10 rate. I will not put the numbers on the site but The officers now in Step 11 are paid about $2500 more than step 10. Step 11 has been eliminated, not compressed. This is an effective pay cut. Our max pay rate has been decreased.Those not in 11 now can never reach that salary level. This is not what the wording "the pay level for step 10 shall be the former pay level of 11" means to me.
1 Feb 07
Compare the 2005 step 11 with the 2006 step 10 it is the same. thats compression without it you would still be getting the old step 10.
Off topic- Was at the one day IST for Sgt.'s at Near North this week and Dep. Supt. Williams had a Q&A with us. Let your officers know that it is OK to wear the black vest over the sweater and that there is a BOP order stating such that Williams put out recently. He also said that if any inspectors give you or your POs a hard time to call him and let him know. Please ask him anything that you think is important so that at least we have a roomful of supervisors that hear his response to a particular question.
if they graduateon 1 feb 07, when will we get the test results from the last sgt test?
844 AM---Thanks
It's nice to have smeone give usefull advise on the site. The vest as THE outer garment has been rehassed over and over without a concluson until one comes out on paper.
Thanks for the advise,
I will be waiting for it on paper...
It was never compression however it was called that All it did was put a lower salary cap on all ranks. It was obviouse from the begining however no one bothered to go to the union meetings to learn the truth and instead relied on rumor.
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